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Proceedings of the 7th Annual
Federal Depository Library Conference

April 20 - 23, 1998

Cover/Title Page  | Table of Contents  |  Agenda

FDLP/ERIC Digital Library Pilot

John Hearty
Dublin, OH

Goals of the FDLP/ERIC Pilot

  • Offering broad access to Federal information
  • Preservation
  • Integration with secondary and ternary information
  • Reduction of costs for libraries, GPO, and Federal agencies

Obstacles to Implementation of Digital Libraries

  • Libraries concern over stability of electronic versions
  • Property rights in electronic media are ill defined
  • Costs for initial scanning required for creation of documents
  • Metadata in rough shape
  • Large document delivery issues

Dimensions of Digital Libraries

  • Security
  • Access
  • Economy
  • Openness
  • Library needs
  • Publisher needs
  • Information user needs

OCLC Strategies

  • Leverage OCLC online system
  • Leverage existing OCLC services
  • Leverage scanning activities
  • Leverage OCLC membership and cooperative tradition
  • Focus on what is practicable in the near term
  • Maintain flexibility for future

Pilot Project Business Model

  • OCLC assumes costs of loading, storing, and offering access to the data
  • NLE signs a non-exclusive license allowing OCLC to use their data through 1998 without compensation
  • Collaboration on all aspects of pilot

Pilot System Functionality

  • Comprehensive search capability
  • Displays of citation, abstract and header, and full text (image, PDF)
  • Hyperlinks to GPO's and NLE's home pages, similar documents, etc.
  • Comprehensive statistics, and reports
  • 7 day by 24 hour availability

Rollout Plan and Schedule

  • Research Design
  • Selected and Open Pilot Demonstrations
  • Schedule

Research Design Objectives

  • Test technology with several formats
  • additional pilot tests digitized manuscripts, photographs, drawings
  • Gain input from users
  • image quality; navigation of large documents; delivery options
  • Validate concept of preservation and access
  • Determine costs

Research Design Questions

  • Is it cost effective to digitize documents & add access?
  • Is the process timely?
  • How usable are the reports in an online environment?
  • Do we need other delivery options/formats?

Research Design Methodology

  • Focus group
  • Phone surveys
  • Patron questionnaire
  • Site visits


Selected and Open Pilot Demonstrations

  • FDLP Annual Conference
  • ALA Annual at OCLC booth
  • Technology and software corporate reviews
  • FDLP fall conference
  • ALA Midwinter wrap up

Pilot Rollout Schedule

  • Prototype with 80 documents – Complete
  • FDLP/ERIC Pilot Implementation – June
  • EA Special Collections Pilot implementation - Early Summer
  • ALA Demonstrations – June
  • Research Design Implementation – Ongoing
  • Pilot Conclusions – December
  • Final Report - Early 1999

Cover/Title Page  | Table of Contents  |  Agenda

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: July 26, 2000 
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/proceedings/98pro26.html
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