Improving Literacy Through School Libraries

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 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Home

Program Office: Academic Improvement and Teacher Quality Programs

CFDA Number: 84.364
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants

Program Description

This program helps LEAs improve reading achievement by providing students with increased access to up-to-date school library materials; well-equipped, technologically advanced school library media centers; and professionally certified school library media specialists.

Types of Projects

Districts may use funds for the following activities:

  • Purchase up-to-date school library media resources, including books;
  • Acquire and use advanced technology that is integrated into the curricula to develop and enhance the information literacy, information retrieval, and critical-thinking skills of students;
  • Facilitate Internet links and other resource-sharing networks;
  • Provide professional development for school library media specialists and provide activities that foster increased collaboration among library specialists, teachers, and administrators; and
  • Provide students with access to school libraries during nonschool hours, weekends, and summer vacations.

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Last Modified: 01/06/2009