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Session Information

Bullet  2009 Session
The 75th Session of the Nevada Legislature will begin on February 2, 2009.
     Bill Information 75th Session Bills and Bill Information
BDR List Bill Draft Requests
BDR Forms Bill Draft Request Forms for Association of Counties, Constitutional Officer, Executive Branch, Judicial Branch and Local Government
     Legislator Information Legislators of the75th Session
     Committee Information Committee Information and Minutes for the 75th Session
     Histories Record of Daily Actions on Bills
120-Day Calendar This calendar is unofficial until the adoption of the Joint Rules on the first day of session
  Events (Social) Calendar Events Calendar for the 75th Session
  Lobbyist Information Lobbyist Lists and Reports
  Press Information Information for the Media
     Wireless Information Wireless Instruction Packet
Bullet  25th Special Session (2008)
The 25th Special Session of the Nevada Legislature began on December 8, 2008, at 9:00 AM and adjourned sine die on December 8, 2008, at 5:54 PM.
     Bill Information 25th Special Session Bills and Bill Information
     Journals Record of Daily Floor Actions
  Histories Record of Daily Actions on Bills
     Search Search 25th Special Session Information and Documents
     Proclamation Governor Gibbons' Proclamation calling the Legislature into the 25th Special Session.
     Legislator Information Legislators of the 25th Special Session
     Committee Information Committee Information for the 25th Special Session
  Press Information Information for the Media
  Wireless Information Wireless Instruction Packet
Bullet  24th Special Session (2008)
The 24th Special Session of the Nevada Legislature began on June 27, 2008, at 10:00 AM and adjourned sine die on June 27, 2008, at 10:22 PM.
     Bill Information 24th Special Session Bills and Bill Information
     Journals Record of Daily Floor Actions
  Histories Record of Daily Actions on Bills
     Search Search 24th Special Session Information and Documents
     Proclamation Governor Gibbons' Proclamation calling the Legislature into the 24th Special Session.
     Legislator Information Legislators of the 24th Special Session
  Wireless Information Wireless Instruction Packet
Bullet  23rd Special Session (2007)
The 23rd Special Session of the Nevada Legislature began on June 5, 2007, at 5:00 PM and adjourned sine die on June 5, 2007, at 8:49 PM .
     Bill Information 23rd Special Session Bills and Bill Information
     Journals Record of Daily Floor Actions
  Histories Record of Daily Actions on Bills
     Search Search 23rd Special Session Information and Documents
     Proclamation Governor Gibbons' Proclamation calling the Legislature into the 23rd Special Session.
Bullet  2007 Session
The 74th Session of the Nevada Legislature began on February 5, 2007 and adjourned sine die at 2:40 A.M. on Tuesday, June 5th, 2007.
     Bill Information 74th Session Bills and Bill Information
BDR List Bill Draft Requests
     Legislator Information Legislators of the74th Session
     Committee Information Committee Information and Minutes for the 74th Session
     Journals Record of Daily Floor Actions
     Histories Record of Daily Actions on Bills
120-Day Calendar 120-Day Calendar
Governor Gibbons' State of the State Address January 22, 2007
Governor Gibbons' Veto Messages Messages from Governor Gibbons regarding 74th Session vetoed bills
2007-2009 Proposed Executive Budget Governor Gibbons' Proposed Budget as submitted to the Legislature
Standing Rules of the Senate and Assembly Standing Rules of the Senate and Assembly as revised in the 74th Session
  Social Calendar Social Calendar of events for the 74th Session
     Wireless Information Wireless Instruction Packet
     Search Search 74th Session Information and Documents
  Lobbyist Information Lobbyist Lists and Reports
Bullet  22nd Special Session (2005)
The 22nd Special Session of the Nevada Legislature began on June 7, 2005 at 4:13 AM and adjourned sine die on June 7, 2005 at 12:44 PM.
     Bill Information 22nd Special Session Bills and Bill Information
     Journals Record of Daily Floor Actions
  Histories Record of Daily Actions on Bills
     Search Search 22nd Special Session Information and Documents
Bullet  2005 Session
The 73rd Session of the Nevada Legislature began on February 7, 2005 and adjourned sine die at 2:29 A.M. on Tuesday, June 7th, 2005.
     Bill Information 73rd Session Bills and Bill Information
BDR List Bill Draft Requests
     Legislator Information Legislators of the73rd Session
     Committee Information Committee Information and Minutes for the 73rd Session
     Journals Record of Daily Floor Actions
     Histories Record of Daily Actions on Bills
Lobbyist Information Registered Lobbyists of the 2005 Session
120-Day Calendar Deadlines for the 120-day Session
Governor Guinn's State of the State Address January 24, 2005
2005-2007 Proposed Executive Budget in full Governor Guinn's Proposed Budget as submitted to the Legislature
2005-2007 Proposed Executive Budget in brief An Overview of Governor Guinn's Proposed Budget
Senate Standing Rules Senate Standing Rules as revised in the 73rd Session
Assembly Standing Rules Assembly Standing Rules as revised in the 73rd Session
Joint Standing Rules Joint Standing Rules as revised in the 73rd Session
  Social Calendar Social Calendar of events for the 73rd Session
     Search Search 73rd Session Information and Documents

Bullet  21st Special (2004)
Bullet  20th Special (2003)
Bullet  19th Special (2003)
Bullet  2003 Session
Bullet  18th Special (2002)
Bullet  17th Special (2001)
Bullet  2001 Session
Bullet  1999 Session
Bullet  1997 Session
Bullet  1995 Session
Bullet  1993 Session
Bullet  1991 Session
Bullet  1989 Session
Bullet  1987 Session
Bullet  1985 Session

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