State of Nevada

Nevada State Office of Energy

Seal of Nevada

Emergency Information


NSOE is responsible for monitoring the reliability of Nevada’s electric, gas and fuel systems prior to the onset of an emergency. The links below provide information regarding the reliability of Nevada’s energy systems. If an emergency is declared then the Division of Emergency Management (DEM) becomes the point of contact for the most up to date emergency information. In the event of an emergency declaration, NSOE supports emergency management efforts by staffing the energy desk (ESF #12) at the Department of Emergency Management.

Nevada Emergency Information

Regional Emergency Information

What You Can Do to Help During an Energy Emergency

Inside NSOE | Emergency Info | Renewable Task Force | Conservation & Efficiency
Renewable Energy | Transportation | Energy Data Center | Funding Opportunities
Calendar of Events | Other Sites | Site Map | Home 
Nevada State Office of Energy
727 Fairview Drive, Suite F, Carson City, NV  89701
775-687-9700 fax: 775-687-9714 
This page is Bobby Approved - Federal Rehabilitation Act (Section 508)
Last Updated: 12/28/06