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June 7, 1995
Contact: Craig D'Ooge (202) 707-9189

Library of Congress Publishes New Guide to Prints and Photographs Collections

The Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress has announced publication of Library of Congress Prints and Photographs: An Illustrated Guide to provide scholars and researchers with an overview of these holdings. This is the fifth in a series of guides to Library collections published with the support of the James Madison Council, the Library's national, private-sector advisory body dedicated to helping the Library share its resources with the nation and the world.

Guides published earlier describe the Library's music, theater, and dance holdings; its manuscript collections; materials in the Rare Book and Special Collections Division; and the European collections.

The Library's collection of prints and photographs numbers more than 14 million works. These range from watercolor views, portraits, and master prints and photographs to architectural renderings and working drawings, mass-produced propaganda posters, news photographs, and printed ephemera. The guide, which opens with a double-page reproduction of a panoramic photograph of San Francisco taken from an airship after the 1906 earthquake, is divided into six "portfolio" sections: "An American Gallery"; "Pictorial Journalism; Politics and Propaganda"; "The World at Large"; "Architecture, Design and Engineering"; and "The American Landscape and Cityscape."

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs: An Illustrated Guide is an 80-page paperback publication containing 66 color and 19 black-and-white illustrations. It was written by Bernard F. Reilly Jr. of the Prints and Photographs Division with contributions and research by the division's curatorial staff.

The guide is available for $7.50 from the Superintendent of Documents, PO Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. Cite stock number 030-001-00157-5.

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PR 95-087
ISSN 0731-3527

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