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Public Affairs Office
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May 12, 1995
Press Contact: Jeanne Smith (202) 707-4337
Public Contact: Margrit Krewson (202) 707-8491

Fifth Carl Schurz Lecture at Library of Congress

Professor Charles S. Maier of Harvard University will give the fifth lecture in a Library of Congress series honoring Carl Schurz (1829-1906), author, journalist and abolitionist who served as a senator, Cabinet member, Union Army general, and ambassador. Professor Maier will speak on "Fifty Years On: Defining Moments in the German-American Partnership" at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 18, in the Mumford Room on the sixth floor of the Library's James Madison Memorial Building, 101 Independence Ave. S.E.

Margrit Krewson, German/Dutch area specialist in the Library's European Division, arranged the event, which is part of the series established in 1989 in cooperation with the German-American Cultural Fund of Washington.

Dr. Maier is Krupp Foundation Professor of European Studies at Harvard and the author and editor of books on European history and economics since World War II, including The Marshall Plan and Germany, published in 1991.

As for all Library public programs, interpreting services (American Sign Language, Contact Signing, Oral and Tactile) will be provided on request if placed six business days in advance of the lecture. Call (202) 707-6362, TTY and voice, to make a specific request. For other ADA accommodations, contact the Disability Employment office at (202) 707-9948 TTY and (202) 707-7544 voice.

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PR 95-069
ISSN 0731-3527

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