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March 3, 1993
Press Contact: John Sullivan (202) 707-9216

Authors Susan Sontag and Jean McGarry To Read at the Library of Congress on April 1

Authors Susan Sontag and Jean McGarry will read from their work on Thursday, April 1, at 6:30 p.m. at the Library of Congress. The program, sponsored by the Gertrude Clarke Whittall Poetry and Literature Fund, will be in the Mumford Room, sixth floor, Madison Building. Tickets are not required.

Susan Sontag is the author of three novels, The Benefactor, Death Kit, and The Volcano Lover; a volume of short stories, I etcetera; "The Way We Live Now," a story; and six books of essays, including Illness as Metaphor, Under the Sign of Saturn, and AIDS and Its Metaphors. Her On Photography won the National Book Critics Circle Award for criticism. Ms. Sontag has directed plays both here and abroad. Among her awards are fellowships from the Guggenheim, Rockefeller, and Ingram Merrill foundations; she is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. From 1987 to 1989 she was president of the PEN American Center. In 1990 she received a five-year fellowship from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. In 1993 Farrar, Straus & Giroux will publish her recent play, Alice in Bed, which had its world premiere in Germany in 1991, and which will be co-produced by the Hebbel Theater and the Schaubuhne in Berlin with Robert Wilson directing in September.

Jean McGarry is the author of the fictional works Airs of Providence and The Very Rich Hours, story collections published by Johns Hopkins University Press; The Courage of Girls, a novel published in 1992 by Rutgers University Press, and a new novel, Gallagher's Travels. Her stories have been published widely in The New Yorker, Southern Review, and North American Review. She has received a grant from the Southern Review/LSU Short Fiction prize in 1985 for Airs of Providence. Born in Rhode Island, she now teaches writing seminars at Johns Hopkins University.

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PR 93-028
ISSN 0731-3527

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