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March 7, 1996
Contact: Helen Dalrymple (202) 707-1940

Angela Evans Named Deputy Director of Congressional Research Service

Angela Evans, Acting Associate Director for Research for the Congressional Research Service (CRS), Library of Congress, was selected as Deputy Director of CRS effective March 3. She is the first woman named to that position in the history of the Service.

As Deputy Director, she will assist the Director, Daniel P. Mulhollan, in formulating the policies, goals, and direction of the Service, ensuring effective working relationships with Congress, directing strategic planning, and managing the work of the 747 employees in the nine divisions and three offices of the Congressional Research Service.

As Acting Associate Director for Research, a newly created position she had held since October 1995, Ms. Evans was charged with evaluating the research, analysis, and information programs of CRS, especially as they support the legislative activities of Congress.

The Congressional Research Service, an administrative unit of the Library of Congress, works exclusively and directly for the members and committees of Congress in support of their legislative, oversight and representative functions. CRS maintains close ties with Congress and provides research, analysis and a wide variety of information services with the goal of contributing to an informed national legislature.

Since January 1994, Ms. Evans has been detailed to three different high-level positions in the Library to direct and coordinate various facets of the Library's congressional activities. These were Director of the Library's Congressional Relations Office, where she also served as an adviser to the Librarian of Congress; serving as Associate Director for Research Planning and Coordination in CRS, where she oversaw CRS responses to Library-wide issues as well as new initiatives aimed at better serving Congress's needs; and her most recent position in CRS as Acting Associate Director for Research.

Ms. Evans joined the Library in 1971 as an analyst in the Education and Public Welfare Division of the Congressional Research Service. She developed an expertise in federal education policies, budget and appropriations processes, health policies, international competitiveness issues, children's issues, and income maintenance, and worked directly with members and committees of Congress on these issues. Over the years Ms. Evans took on ever more responsible positions in the division. She was named head of the division's Education Section in 1987, with primary supervisory responsibility for the planning and execution of all work performed for Congress in education and training policy. Ms. Evans has a bachelor's degree, summa cum laude, from Canisius College and a master's degree in psychology from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

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PR 96-39
ISSN 0731-3527

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