Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
from Small Gasoline-Powered
Engines and Tools


Indoor use of gasoline-powered engines and tools is risky business.

Many people using gasoline-powered tools such as high-pressure washers, concrete cutting saws (walk-behind/hand-held), power trowels, floor buffers, welders, pumps, compressors, and generators in buildings or semienclosed spaces have been poisoned by carbon monoxide (CO). CO can rapidly accumulate (even in areas that appear to be well ventilated) and build up to dangerous or fatal concentrations within minutes. Examples of such poisonings include the following:

These examples show a range of effects caused by CO poisoning in a variety of work settings with exposures that occurred over different time periods and with different types of ventilation. Workers in areas with closed doors and windows were incapacitated within minutes. Opening doors and windows or operating fans does NOT guarantee safety. CO is a dangerous poison. Operating gasoline-powered engines and tools indoors is RISKY BUSINESS.


It is not widely known that small gasoline-powered engines and tools present a serious health hazard. They produce high concentrations of CO--a poisonous gas that can cause illness, permanent neurological damage, and death. Because it is colorless, odorless, and nonirritating, CO can overcome exposed persons without warning. Often there is little time before they experience symptoms that inhibit their ability to seek safety. Prior use of equipment without incident has sometimes given users a false sense of safety; such users have been poisoned on subsequent occasions. Recommendations for preventing CO poisoning are provided below for employers, equipment users, tool rental agencies, and tool manufacturers.

All Employers and Equipment Users Should:

Employers Should Also:

Equipment Users Should Also:

Tool Rental Agencies Should:

Tool Manufacturers Should:


For additional information, see the complete publication entitled ALERT: Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from Small Gasoline-Powered Engines and Tools [DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 96-118]. Single copies of the Alert are available free from the following:

Publications Dissemination, EID
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
4676 Columbia Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45226

Fax number: (513) 533-8573
Phone number: 1-800-35-NIOSH (1-800-356-4674)
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 96-118a

This Alert is the joint product of a combined effort among the following agencies:

This page was last updated : 12/19/96
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