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09 January 2009 

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 Justice and Saddam Hussein


Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was executed 30 December 2006, in Baghdad, after a last minute appeal failed to halt the hanging. A special Iraqi Tribunal handed down his death sentence November 5 for the murders of 148 Shi'ite men in Dujail in 1982. 

Saddam had been on trial separately since August for crimes against the Kurds of northern Iraq and faced charges of genocide for the so-called Anfal campaign in which some 180,000 Kurds were killed, some by chemical weapons.  He was also due to stand trial for the 1988 gassing of 5,000 Kurds in the eastern Iraqi city of Halabja. Those trials were continuing posthumously.

(Page last updated 11 January 2007)

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 VOA Coverage

Ali Hassan al-Majid, listens to prosecution evidence during the 'Anfal' genocide trial in Baghdad, 08 Jan 2007
Al-Majid, sitting in the front row in Saddam's seat, said he was responsible for the displacement of Kurds
Nouri al-Maliki
Video still from al-Iraqiya television shows ousted Iraq president Saddam Hussein moments before being hanged in Baghdad, 30 Dec 2006


 The Dujail Charges - Crimes Against Shi'ites

 The Anfal Charges - Crimes Against Kurds