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Rediscover Northern Ireland Programme

May 2-29, 2007, Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Co-sponsored by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure/
Arts Council of Northern Ireland, & the American Folklife Center
& the Music Division, Library of Congress


About the Library of Congress Events

Image: Mourne Wall, Northern Ireland
Mourne Wall, Northern Ireland

From March through May 2007, scholars and artists gathered at the Library of Congress and other venues in and around Washington, DC, to present and promote Northern Irish arts and culture through the Rediscover Northern Ireland Programme. The May events at the Library of Congress included an exciting and thought-provoking series of concerts and lectures and a special symposium. Together, they highlighted and focused attention on the unique geographical, cultural and musical landscape of Northern Ireland.

Concerts, Lectures & Symposium (May 2007)

Image: John Moulden Wednesday, May 2 (Mumford Room)
LECTURE: John Moulden, singer/author, Ulster [read bio]
View the webcast [Running time 0:59:23]
Image: Rosie Stewart Wednesday, May 9 (Coolidge Auditorium)
CONCERT: Rosie Stewart, singer, Co. Fermanagh [read bio]
image of audio recording icon Listen - Rosie Stewart performs Adieu to Lovely Garrison [mp3 file]
View the webcast [Running time 1:03:59]
Image: Frances McPeake Wednesday, May 16 (Coolidge Auditorium)
CONCERT: Francis McPeake Family and past pupils from their renowned school in Belfast [read bio] [A webcast for this event is forthcoming]
Image: 17th century map of Uslter, Leinster and Connaught, 1665
17th century map of Ulster, Leinster, and Connaught, 1665. Nicholas Sanson
(Courtesy:Geography & Map Division, LC)

Wednesday, May 16 (Mumford Room) 2:30 -- 5:30 pm
SYMPOSIUM: "All through the North, As I Walked Forth...": Northern Ireland's Place Names, Folklife and Landscape

This half-day symposium on Irish place names, folklife and landscape featured two outstanding scholars: Dr. Kay Muhr of Queen's University, Belfast, and Dr. Henry Glassie of Indiana University, Bloomington. Both speakers addressed local history and local stories, the cultural landscape of Northern Ireland and what place means to people in changing circumstances of modernization. (View the symposium schedule.)

Image: Daithi Sproule Noon, Wednesday, May 23 (Coolidge Auditorium)
CONCERT: Dáithí Sproule, singer and guitarist [read bio]
image of audio recording icon Dáithí Sproule performs Cul Tiubh Na bPearlai [mp3 file]
Image: Robert Watt & Robert Watt, Highland bagpiper [read bio]
image of audio recording icon Robert Watt performs a Highland Pipe Medley [mp3 file]
View the webcast of the Sproule & Watt Concert [Running time 1:17:09]
Image: Gary Hastings Noon, Tuesday, May 29 (Mumford Room)
CONCERT: Gary Hastings, flute player, Belfast [read bio]
image of audio recording iconGary Hastings performs The Bugle Hornpipe -- Slan le Loch Eirne (Stories to Tell), 2002, [ram file]
Image: Brian Mullen & Brian Mullen, singer, Derry [read bio]

View the Webcast of the Hastings & Mullen presentation [Running time 1:29:01]

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