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Customs duties on merchandise imports are called tariffs. Tariffs give a price advantage to locally-produced goods over similar goods which are imported, and they raise revenues for governments. One result of the Uruguay Round was countries’ commitments to cut tariffs and to “bind” their customs duty rates to levels which are difficult to raise. The current negotiations under the Doha Agenda continue efforts in that direction in agriculture and non-agricultural market access.

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 See also:
ITC Market access map

News  back to top


Introduction  back to top


The mandate  back to top


Tariff Data  back to top

Data on WTO member countries’ tariffs are of two types:

  • Bound rates (the ceiling rates committed in the WTO) as listed in members’ “schedules” or lists of commitments. The schedules bound rates can be found on each member’s page and from this table. (More on schedules)
  • Applied rates (the rates members currently charge, which can be lower than the bound rates). The applied rates can be found on each member’s page.
    NOTE ON HS DIGITS: The data on applied rates are for products identified by 6-digit codes under the “Harmonized System” (HS). This coding system defines product categories. The broadest categories are identified by two digits (e.g. 04 is dairy products, eggs and other edible animal products). These are then sub-divided — the higher the number, the more detailed the categories (e.g. 0403 is a group of products derived from milk, 0403.10 is yoghurt, 0403.10.11 could be low-fat yoghurt, etc).


Work on tariffs in the WTO  back to top


Disputes  back to top

Information on disputes and customs duties and tariffs in the WTO Analytical Index.


Publications on tariffs  back to top


Statistics on tariffs/customs duties  back to top

Statistics database — information on tariffs/customs duties by country.

Click “Trade profiles”, then “Selection” in left column. Choose the countries that interest you and click “Continue” to see details of tariff binding coverage, MFN tariffs and MFN duty free imports.


Links  back to top


World Tariff Profiles 2008

Buy paper version online

Download complete publication in pdf format

Download pdf files for individual members

News item: New edition of World Tariff Profiles issued



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