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Information about the organization



Andorra's Working Party was established on 22 October 1997. A Memorandum on the Foreign Trade Regime was submitted in February 1999 and the first meeting of the Working Party was held in October 1999. Initial bilateral contacts on market access have taken place on the basis of initial offers in goods and services.

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Status of accession working party  back to top

For an explanation, see: “How to become a member of the WTO” 

1. Application Received 4 July 1997

Working Party Established
H.E. Mr. B. Jónsson
(Iceland, Dec 1997 —)

22 October 1997
3. Memorandum 4 March 1999
4. Questions and Replies 15 September 1999
5. Meetings of the Working Party 12 October 1999
6. Recently submitted documentation
(a) Additional Questions & Replies 7 August 2000
16 September 2003
(b) Information on agriculture (WT/ACC/4) 30 August 1999
(c) Information on services (WT/ACC/5)  
(d) SPS/TBT checklists (WT/ACC/8)  
(e) TRIPS checklist (WT/ACC/9)  
(f) Legislative Action Plan  
7. Market Access Negotiations
Goods Offer

(a) initial
(b) latest

30 September 1999
Services Offer

(a) initial
(b) latest

1 September 1999
8. Factual Summary  
9. Draft Working Party Report  

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