[Press Release Banner]
January 05, 2009
CONTACT:  David Simon
(202) 225-0123
Congresswoman Corrine Brown Comments on Gas Taxes
(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Corrine Brown made the following statement:

As a supporter of the federal gas tax, I believe that this tax is one of the fairest ways in which our nation funds our transportation infrastructure.  Because this is a user tax, it is equitable:  simply put, the more one uses the roads, the more one pays. However, because motorists are driving less and buying less gasoline, these fuel taxes are failing to keep pace with the funding necessary to build and maintain our roads, bridges and important transit programs.   For that reason, when Congress convenes this month, the Transportation committee will be holding hearings on ways to make up the growing revenue shortfall. 

We will begin by holding hearings on the reauthorization of the six-year Surface Transportation Act (Transportation Equity Act or TEA-LU), which includes the gas fund. During the reauthorization and the discussion surrounding it, Transportation committee members will be searching for the best ways to fund our transportation infrastructure in the future.   

Although the gas tax is an important source of funding, I believe we need a more comprehensive plan to fund our infrastructure needs.  Along with funds collected through the gas tax, the committee will explore other funding options, such as:  private-public partnerships, tolling and other user fees, container fees and customs duties, local taxing options, vehicle registration fees and other dedicated tax revenues.  I look forward to working with my colleagues in Congress, as well as stakeholders in the transportation sector to tackle this and the many transportation issues confronting our nation.”  
