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Chairperson’s texts

Updated: 6 December 2008

On 6 December 2008, Ambassador Luzius Wasescha, chairperson of the non-agricultural market access (NAMA) negotiating group, circulated a revised draft “modalities” text building on the versions of 10 July, 19 May and 8 February 2008.

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See also:
Negotiations gateway
2004 agreed framework
2005 Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration
> More on the modalities phase
Agriculture draft modalities

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Latest text

6 December 2008
Download, 115 pages: Word 1690KB; pdf 616KB
> Explanation: The December 2008 NAMA modalities text made simple

Report on recent developments

12 August 2008
Download, 15 pages: Word 219KB; pdf 68KB

Earlier texts

10 July 2008
Download, 110 pages: Word 1449KB; pdf 546KB
Listen to the press conference following the release of this text    > help
Explanation: The July 2008 NAMA modalities text made simple

19 May 2008
Download, 65 pages: Word 700KB; pdf 393KB
Listen to the press conference following the release of this text    > help
Explanation: The May 2008 NAMA modalities text made simple

8 February 2008.
> Download, 61 pages: Word 684KB; pdf 282KB
Listen to the press conference following the release of this text    > help
Explanation: The February 2008 NAMA modalities text made simple


> July 2007 revised draft modalities,
19 pages: Word 206KB; pdf 82KB     
Listen to the press conference following the release of this text    > help

June 2006 “Towards NAMA modalities”

December 2005 Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration

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