Internship Application Form

Biographical Information


Name __________________________________________________  Date of Birth ____/____/_____
                       Last                            First                             Middle

Current Address _______________________________________________________________
                                               Street                         City/State                              Zip

Current Phone ____________________             Effective Until:__________________

Perm. Address________________________________________________________________
                                               Street                         City/State                              Zip

Perm. Phone ____________________             Effective Until:__________________


Academic Information


Academic Institution _______________________

Current Class in Program ___________________    Expected Graduation: _______________

Major(s) ___________________    Current G.P.A. _______________

Do you plan to apply for academic credit? ______   If so what term: ______________

Indicate any experience you have with computers and/or specific software (e.g. Windows 2000, Word Perfect, Excel, etc)


General Information


Will you require housing? __________________   Available dates to intern :________________________

Do you plan to work outside of the internship? ________

Have you previously worked in a political office? ______

How did you find out about Congressman Boyd's Internship Program? _______________

Additional Relevant Information/Skills: _______________________________________________________


Be sure to include a copy of your resume and a cover letter, and mail the completed form to:

Legislative Correspondent
Office of Congressman Allen Boyd
107 Cannon HOB
Washington DC 20515

Note: Due to recent security changes involving Congressional mail delivery, it may be more expedient to fax your
application to our office. Our fax number is (202) 225-5615.