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Haklvytvs posthumus, or, Pvrchas his Pilgrimes : contayning a history of ...
LC Control No.: 06002669
Type of Material:Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal Name: Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626. » More like this
Uniform Title: Hakluytus posthumus » More like this
Main Title: Haklvytvs posthumus, or, Pvrchas his Pilgrimes : contayning a history of the world, in sea voyages, & lande-trauells / by Englishmen and others, wherein Gods wonders in nature & prouidence, the actes, arts, varieties & vanities of men, w[i]th a world of the worlds rarities are by a world of eyewitnesse-authors related to the world, some left written by Mr. Hakluyt at his death, more since added, his also perused, & perfected, all examined, abreuiated, illustrated w[i]th notes, enlarged w[i]th discourses, adorned w[i]th pictures, and expressed in mapps, in fower parts, each containing fiue bookes ; [compiled] by Samvel Pvrchas, B.D.
Variant Title: Purchas his Pilgrimes
Portion of Title: Pvrchas his Pilgrimes
Published/Created: [London] : Imprinted at London for Henry Fetherston at y[e]e signe of the rose in Pauls Churchyard, 1625.
Related Names: Pretty, Francis. » More like this
Veer, Gerrit de. » More like this
Wingfield, Anthony, Captain. » More like this
Stansby, William, fl. 1597-1638, printer. » More like this
Featherstone, Henry, d. 1647, bookseller. » More like this
Hans and Hanni Kraus Sir Francis Drake Collection (Library of Congress) DLC » More like this
English Printing Collection (Library of Congress) DLC » More like this
Jay I. Kislak Collection (Library of Congress) DLC » More like this
Description: 4 v. : facsims., ill., maps, ports. ; 35 cm. (fol.)
Cancelled/Invalid LCCN: ca 08003487 47039645 ca 08003475 ca 08003483 ca 09000416 ca 08003476 ca 09000267 ca 08003477 ca 09000268 01009499 ca 08003488 ca 08003478 ca 09000263 ca 09000417 ca 09000413 ca 08003472 ca 08003474 ca 08003479 01007723 05039301 ca 09000264 ca 08003484 ca 09000266 ca 09000612 ca 08003480 ca 09000411 ca 08003481 ca 09000412 ca 08003473 06000422 05014084 01020211 ca 08003485 ca 08003489 ca 09000415 02014271
Partial Contents: Volume 1: The second circum-nauigation of the earth, or, the renowmed voyage of Sir Francis Drake -- The third circum-nauigation of the globe, or, The admirable and prosperous voyage of Master Thomas Candish / written by Master Francis Pretty -- The second voyage of Iohn Davis ... into the East-Indies -- Nicholas Dovnton Captaine of the Pepper-Corne ... in the sixth voyage to the East-Indies ... his iournall, or certaine extracts thereof -- A ruter, or, Briefe direction for readie sayling into the East-India / digested into a plaine method by Master Iohn Davis -- Extracts of the iournall of Captaine Nicholas Dovvnton --
Volume 2: Observations of Africa, taken out of Iohn Leo his nine bookes -- A report of the Kingdome of Congo / out of the discourses of Master Edvvard Lopes -- A rutter of Don Iohn of Castro of the voyage which the Portugals made from India to Zoez ... here abbreuiated -- A relation of a iourney begunne anno Dom. 1610 / written by Master George Sandys and heere contracted -- A briefe compendium of the historie of Sir Anthony Sherleys trauels into Persia / penned by himselfe -- The peregrination of Beniamin the sonne of Ionas, a Iew, written in Hebrew / translated into Latin by B. Arias Montanvs -- A relation of a voyage to the Eastern India / obserued by Edward Terry -- Sundrie the personall voyages performed by Iohn Sanderson -- Extracts of Master Caesar Frederike his eighteene yeeres Indian obseruations -- Gasparo Balbi his voyage to Pegu and his obseruations there, gathered out of his own Italian Relation -- The voyage of Master Ralph Fitch, merchant of London, to Ormus, and so to Goa in the East India -- Iohn Hvighen van Linschoten his voyage to Goa and obseruations of the East Indies, abbreuiated --
Volume 3: The historie of Ayton, or Anthonie the Armenian of Asia, and specially touching the Tartars -- A treatise of China and the adioyning regions / written by Gaspar da Crvz ... here abbreuiated -- The relation of Galeotto Perera, a gentleman of good credit that lay prisoner in China -- Aduertisements and reports of the sixth voyage into the parts of Persia and Media, gathered out of the sundry letters written by Christopher Bvrrovgh -- A letter of Father Diego de Pantoia ... to Father Lvys de Gvzman ... written in Paquin, which is the Court of the King of China -- A briefe discouerie of the northerne discoueries of seas, coasts, and conntries, deliuered in order as they were hopefully begunne ... by the singular industrie and charge of the worshipfull Society of Muscouia, Merchants of London, with the ten seuerall voyages of Captaine Thomas Edge the authour -- The first nauigation of William Barents, alias Bernards, into the North Seas / written by Gerat de Veer -- Extracts of Arngrim Ionas, an Islander, his Chrymogaea, or, Historie of Island -- The voyage of Captaine George Weymovth, intended for the discouerie of the North-West Passage toward China with two slye boates --
Volume 4: The voyage to Saint Iohn de Porto Rico, by the Right Honorable, George, Earle of Cumberland / written by himselfe -- Obseruations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knight, in his voyage into the South Sea, once before published, now reuiewed and corrected by a written copie ... and in diuers places abbreuiated -- The historie of Lopez Vaz a Portugall ... touching American places, discoueries and occurents, abridged -- Voyages to and land-travels in Florida, Virginia, and other parts of the Northerne America ... A relation of Alvaro Nunez called Capo di Vaua, concerning that which happened to the fleet in India ... who returned vnto Siuill with three of this companions only, translated out of Ramusio, and abbreuiated -- Ferdinando de Soto his voyage to Florida and discouerie of the regions in that continent / written by a Portugall of the company and here contracted -- A briefe narration of the destruction of the Indies by the Spaniards / written by a Frier Bart. de las Casas -- The voyage of Samvel Champlaine of Brouage, made vnto Canada in the yeere 1603 -- The voyage of Monsieur de Monts into New France / written by Marke Lescarbot -- A short relation made by the Lord De-La-Warre, to the lords and others of the counsell of Virginia, touching his vnexpected returne home -- A discourse of the Portugall voyage a. 1589, Sir Iohn Norris and Sir Francis Drake, generalls / written (as is thought) by colonell Antonie Wingfield ... and here abbreuiated.
Notes: Engraved t.p. Also issued with engr. t.p. dated 1624; cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to the discovery and early history of North and South America, 401A.
Each of the 4 pts. has special t.p. with title: Pvrchas his Pilgrimes; and with imprint: London, Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone ... 1625.
Pagination (parts 1-2 and 3-4 paged continuously, except book 1 of pt. 1, which is paged separately). Vol. 1: [36], 186, [8], 468, 479-642, 645-748, [24] p., [1] folded leaf of plates; Vol. 2: [4], 749-857, 860-1270, 1269-1860, [40]; Vol. 3: [26], 668, 699-1006, 1009-1140, [68] p., [3] folded leaves of plates; Vol. 4: [6], 1141-1234, 1237-1973, [41] p., [2] folded leaves of plates. Many errors in pagination, text is continuous; for fuller details in collation and signatures, with errors indicated, see Church.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
For complete contents, see Church.
LC copy of the four vols. of Haklvtvs posthumus and the single vol. of the author's Pvrchas his Pilgrimage, or, Relations of the world and the religions obserued in all ages and places discouered (London : Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, and are to sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the rose, 1626) are bound in the same manner subsequent to publication. The spines of all five vols. are lettered, "Purchas's Pilgrims," and are numbered I, II, III, IV, V (i.e., the author's single vol. of Pvrchas his Pilgrimage is numbered "VOL. V"). DLC
LC copy has bookplate of Edward Craven. DLC
References: STC 20509
Sabin 66683-66686
Church, E.D. Discovery, 401A
Kraus, H.P. Sir Francis Drake, no. 40
Additional Formats: Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
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LC Classification: G159 .P98
LC Copy: G159 .P98 Copy 2 Imperfect: engr. t.p., index at end of v. 1 (leaves a1-c4), and 2 fold. maps in v. 4 wanting; 19th cent. reprint of index at end of v. 4 (leaves 4a1-4e4) bound in after original index.
G159 .P98 Copy 3 The four vols. of this copy of Haklvtvs posthumus and the single vol. of the author's Pvrchas his Pilgrimage, or, Relations of the world and the religions obserued in all ages and places discouered (London : Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, and are to sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the rose, 1626) are bound in the same manner subsequent to publication. The spines of all five vols. are lettered, "Purchas's Pilgrims," and are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 (i.e., the spine of the author's single vol. of Pvrchas his Pilgrimage is incorrectly numbered [vol.] "6"). Has bookplate: Hugh Cecil Earl of Lonsdale. Imperfect: engr. t.p. and 1 fold. map (China) in v. 4 wanting. This copy is available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Gift of Hans P. and Hanni Kraus.
G159 .P98 Copy 4 The four vols. of this copy of Haklvtvs posthumus and the single vol. of the author's Pvrchas his Pilgrimage, or, Relations of the world and the religions obserued in all ages and places discouered (London : Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, and are to sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the rose, 1626) are bound in the same manner subsequent to publication. The spines of all five vols. are lettered, "PVRCHAS PILGRIMS," and are numbered "VOLVM 1," "2 VOLVM," "3 VOLVM," "4 VOLVM," and "5 VOLVM" (i.e., the spine of the author's single vol. of Pvrchas his Pilgrimage is numbered "5 VOLVM"). Provenance: Gift of Jay I. Kislak Foundation. Has additional leaf (blank) following second sequence of pages (i.e. following p. 136) of vol. 1; has marginal manuscript annotations; has armorial bookplate of "Sir Mountague Cholmeley Bart."; has inscription "Ex. Bib. Petr. de Cardonnel 1645."
G159 .P98 Copy 5 Fragment only, from vol. 4 (p. 1499-1528), "A relation of Alvaro Nunez called Capo di Vaua, concerning that which happened to the fleet in India ... who returned vnto Siuill with three of his companions only." Provenance: Gift of Jay I. Kislak Foundation.
Dewey Class No.: 910.4 19
Geographic Area Code: e-uk--- e-sp--- e-po--- e-fr--- e-ne--- n------ s------ f------ a------
Links: Volume 1:
Volume 2:
Volume 3:
Volume 4: