The Library of Congress >> Virtual Programs and Services
Library of Congress LIVE!
Home About Zora! Leonardo Celtic Roots Spaelimenninir Hidden Washington Additional Programs

Library of Congress Live was a series of free programs, combining the vast historical treasures from the Library's collections with music, dance and dialogue. These programs provided an immediate, stimulating, first-hand view into history and cultures from around the world. Inspiring curiosity through the dynamic interplay of artistic performance and primary resource materials, audiences were introduced to the Library of Congress and its knowledgeable curators. Curriculum-guided and topically relevant, these performances and workshops sought to:

Child asking question present historical and cultural information in an engaging, thought-provoking format

facilitate interraction between the audience and artistic presenters or library specialists

connect directly to the classroom experience through targeted resources for teachers

introduce students and teachers to the Library of Congress and its collections

appeal to a variety of learning styles and interests

promote literacy and lifelong learning by demonstrating to children that libraries can make a difference in the quality their lives, relationships, values and career choices

These programs were created and presented in collaboration with local, national and international artists who take part in the creation, direction and performance of the presentations. Partners include:

The Washington Revels, who are dedicated, through performanced, community involvement and education to reviving, nourishing and promoting celebrations of the cyclical renewal of life that have drawn and bound people together through the ages and across cultures.

The Discovery Theater, Smithsonian Associates dedicated to offering the best in live performing arts for young people, featuring puppets, storytellers, dancers, actors, musicians, and mimes to present classic stories for children and folk tales from all over the world.

Literature to Life at the American Place Theater is a performance-based literacy program that presents professionally staged verbatim adaptations of significant American literary works.

A question and answer period closed out each program during which the audience had an opportunity to ask questions of the Library's specialists about the collections and the Library of Congress itself.


Library of Congress Live worked with an invited group of dynamic, involved and creative educators to participate in evaluation and enhancement of the educational component of our programs including our popular Learning Guides. This committee also helped shape how curriculum standards were implemented in companion materials and shared with the education community. As ambassadors from their own institutions, members also acted as conduits for information about our programs to other educators.


The following schools and groups participated in Library of Congress LIVE! programs:

Image of Celtic Revels with audienceCapitol Hill Day School
Brightwood Elementary
HD Cooke Elementary
Janney Elementary
Johnson Junior High
Lafayette Elementary
The Lowell School
One World Public Charter
Potomac School
Shepherd Elementary
Stuart-Hobson Middle School
Truesdell Elementary
Watkins Elementary
JO Wilson Elementary
As well as many home school eduction groups

Home About Zora! Leonardo Celtic Roots Spaelimenninir Hidden Washington Additional Programs
  The Library of Congress >> Virtual Programs and Services
  September 18, 2006
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