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Indian Progress in Business Awards Banquet (INPRO) Sponsorship

Each of our signature events has Sponsorship Opportunities available at two levels, either as a Presenting Sponsor or as a Primary Sponsor. Please contact our Events Manager for more information at or (480) 545-1298 Ext. 228.

Presenting Sponsor

For an investment of $15,000, the Presenting Sponsor of this event receives the following:

  • Corporate Dinner Chair recognition in all promotional materials (emails, fliers, invitations, website, event program, event signage, press releases, other)
  • One Platinum table of ten
  • Full Page color ad in event program
  • Corporate Dinner Chair speaking opportunity at podium
  • Opportunity to present Jay Silverheels Award to awardee
  • Dinner Chair Welcome message, picture, and bio in event program
  • Opportunity to provide branded table gift for each attendee

Primary Sponsor

The following opportunities are available for primary sponsorship of a specific activity within the event at the value listed. Primary sponsors will have their sponsorships recognized at the event and in event marketing materials where applicable.

Platinum Table $7,500
Gold Table $5,000
Silver Table $4,000
Awards $1,000
Audio Visual $3,000
Centerpieces $2,000
Entertainment $2,000
M/C Honorarium $2,000
Travel/Lodging $2,500
Table Gifts Pottery $2,000
Program Layout $1,000
Program Printing $3,000
Invitation Printing $4,000
Table Gifts Branded $1,500
Mail outs/Postage $3,500
Photographer $1,000
Flyer, Invitation, Program Artwork $1,500
Flyer Printing $2,000
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