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@timoreilly so excited BrianGannon is working w the parser/scraper for I will announce it here when it is done!
yea for new friends! @gerardramos @matthewlevine i mean we are all part of the @microformats family :-)
@quepol well I am hoping you can be a presenter when i do "best practices in open govt"! what topic would you do?
Awesome panel idea for "best practice in open govt". "How to handle trolls!" from @arielwaldman and @t
Discussing cupcakecamp2 w/ @arielwaldman @t and @kevinmarks
Nice afternoon w @t now walking to #microformats dinner at Indian oven fillmore and haight come on by!
How we should respond to the bailout :-) ok not totally but you get my pt!
@designgeekgirl here in SF til the 15th hey can you send me examples of design work you have done?
i guess one good thing about stuck on phone conf all day is I can catchup on twitter and LJ and RSS feeds
RT disrupsean auto bailout: Why not a newspaper bailout? Which is a more absurd waste of tax $$: poorly-built SUV's or a free indp't press?
@designgeekgirl hey was good to see you in RL again at cupcakecamp2
@rafaelmarquez I work in grid and clustering computing. adobe connect handles everything beautifully. video, phone, voip, prezos etc
ugh I am being spammed by commenters... poo
since the meeting started at 7am I am glad they aren't using video... but i would like to at least hear. I wouldn't let clients do this.
frustrated that work insists on using crapping phone conferencing software so I can't freaking hear! why not just use skype? hello 21st?
recoveries from sugar OD at cupcakecamp followed by WAY too many french fries at 21st amendment w @ericaogrady @alaw @jenmyronuk
At cupcake camp after doing the J winery - yeah I have a hard life ;-)
Tis a good evening when I get to have dinner btn @ericaogrady and @alaw
@lotay ! Black card and open standards can we get it any sexier!


Jerry Michalski danah boyd Brian Walsh seanbonner Ross Dave McClure peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Paul Terry Walhus J Chris Anderson Jared Hanson Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal WDavidStephenson Ted Ernst Brittany Bohnet Jason Calacanis GregElin Cameron Walters lane Tim Bonnemann Nancy Scola Steven Clift Susan Scrupski Sooz Thor Muller brady forrest Zack Rosen Neil Drumm   christine Simone Brunozzi Mark Frauenfelder Chris Brogan
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