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                            GUIDE TO
                   IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

                           Revised by
                          Mark Sweeney

            Serial & Government Publications Division
                       Library of Congress

                          February 1992

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                             p. 1

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3

LOCATION CODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4

SESSIONS OF CONGRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5

CONGRESS - GENERAL SOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6

BILLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     Obtaining copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     Status of current bills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     Obtaining votes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

CALENDARS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

DEBATES & PROCEEDINGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     Debates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     Journals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

COMMITTEE PRINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     Obtaining copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

HEARINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     Obtaining copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     Indexes and finding aids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     Witness Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

REPORTS & DOCUMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     Obtaining copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     Indexes/finding aids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
     Popular names (government reports). . . . . . . . . . . . 26

PUBLIC LAWS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
     Obtaining copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
     Collected sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
     Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
     Popular names (public laws) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
     Additional sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

LEGISLATIVE HISTORIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
     Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
     Finding aids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

EXECUTIVE BRANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
     Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
     Departments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
     President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

SUPREME COURT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                             p. 2

STATE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
     Information sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
     Handbooks/manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
     Laws/legislation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
     Law digest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

     Obtaining copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
     Additional sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

INDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                             p. 3


     This guide is a comprehensive list of sources covering the
legislative process available in the Library of Congress.  In
addition, selected sources that contribute to understanding the
legislative process have been included for other branches of the
Federal Government. 

     The emphasis is on sources that appear primarily in print. 
Microfilm and microfiche sets are included where applicable.  And
in cases where the publication is available online, these data
bases have been included.  The locations given are effective as of
January 1, 1992.

     The following selected titles are standards in the fields of
government documents and legal research.  Some include out-dated
material but are the most recent editions available.

          Boyd, Anne M.  United States Government Publications. 
             3rd rev. ed. by Rae Elizabeth Rips.  1952. 

          Morehead, Joe.  Introduction to United States Public   
             Documents. 3rd ed.  1983.           Z1223.Z7M67 1983

          Price, Miles O., and Hary Bitner.  Effective Legal     
             Research. 3rd. ed.  1969.             KF240.P7 1969 

          Ripy, Thomas B., and Mark Gurevitz.  United States Law:
             Finding Statutory Material.  CRS Report (90-110A),  

          Schmeckebier, Laurence F., and Roy B. Easton.  Government
             Publications and Their Use. 2nd rev. ed.  1969.
                                                  Z1223.Z7S3 1969

          Stiverson, Keith Ann.  Legal Research: An Introduction. 
             Law Library of Congress (LL91-1), rev. March 1990.

          Zwirn, Jerrold.  Congressional Publications and         
             Proceedings. 2nd ed.  Englewood, Colo, Libraries    
             Unlimited, 1988.                      Z1067.Z85 1988

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                             p. 4

                          LOCATION CODES

CODES            LOCATION                              TELEPHONE

Deck 7/N(orth)   Adams Building

Deck 7/S(outh)   Adams Building

LLRR             Law Library Reading Room  LM-201      707-5080

LL stacks        Law Library stacks

MicroRR          Microform Reading Room  LJ107         707-5471

MRR              Main Reading Room  LJ-100             707-4773

N&CPR            Newspaper and Current Periodical Room,
                 Serial & Government Publications
                 Division   LM-131                     707-5690

DEPOSITORY       Federal Deporitory Library Collection,
                 Serial & Government Publications
                 Division   LM-131                     707-5690

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                             p. 5

                      SESSIONS OF CONGRESS

                        1947 - 1948  80th
                        1949 - 1950  81st
                        1951 - 1952  82nd
                        1953 - 1954  83rd
                        1955 - 1956  84th
                        1957 - 1958  85th
                        1959 - 1960  86th
                        1961 - 1962  87th
                        1963 - 1964  88th
                        1965 - 1966  89th
                        1967 - 1968  90th
                        1969 - 1970  91st
                        1971 - 1972  92nd
                        1973 - 1974  93rd
                        1975 - 1976  94th
                        1977 - 1978  95th
                        1979 - 1980  96th
                        1981 - 1982  97th
                        1983 - 1984  98th
                        1985 - 1986  99th
                        1987 - 1988 100th
                        1989 - 1990 101st
                        1991 - 1992 102nd
                        1993 - 1994 103rd
                        1995 - 1996 104th
                        1997 - 1998 105th
                        1999 - 2000 106th
                        2001 - 2002 107TH

                     For dates of the 1st   
                     Congress to the present
                     see: Congressional Directory,
                     "Statistical Information."

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                             p. 6

                   CONGRESS - GENERAL SOURCES

1.   Washington Information Directory.  Congressional Quarterly.  
          First published in 1975, this annual publication provides
     access to sources of information on Congress, the executive
     branch and agencies, and various private and non-profit
     organizations. Arranged by subject with a combined
     agency/organization/subject (keyword) index.

          Location:  LLRR  current
                     MRR  current 
                     N&CPR  current  

2.   United States Government Manual.  GPO                JK421.A3
          The official handbook of the Federal Government published
     annually.  Provides information on the legislative, judicial,
     and executive branches as well as quasi-official agencies and
     organizations in which the United States participates.

          Location:  LLRR  current
                     MRR  current
                     N&CPR  current 
               Collected sets:  Deck 7/S  1943-   (loan set)
                                DEPOSITORY  1979-

3.   Congressional Directory.  GPO                        JK1011
          Traditionally published for each session of Congress, it
     is now published for the first session only.
          Provides information on Members of Congress, the
     President, the departments, the judiciary, the press, and the
     diplomatic corps.  The subject index is located in the front
     of the volume and the individual index in the rear.

          Location:  current edition available throughout the    

               Collected sets:  LLRR  current
                                MRR  1884-
                                Deck 7/S  1832-   (loan set)
                                DEPOSITORY  1979-

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                             p. 7

4.   Congressional Staff Directory. Congressional Staff Directory.
          While the emphasis of the Congressional Directory is the
     Member, this directory concentrates on their staffs.  Coverage
     includes not only the Congress but the executive branch
     (agencies and departments) as well as several independent

          Location:  current edition available throughout the    
               Collected sets:  MRR  1972-
                                Deck 7/S  1972-   (loan set)
                                DEPOSITORY  1979-
5.   CQ Weekly Report.  Congressional Quarterly.          JK1.C66
          Tracks status of pending major legislation while
     providing background and current information on a broad
     spectrum of legislative, governmental, and political topics. 
     Includes statistics on recorded votes as well as other
     specialized data.  Publishes separate cumulative index
     quarterly with an annual final edition.

          Location:  LLRR  current
                     MRR  1971-
                     Deck 7/S  1947-     (loan set)
                     LLRR  1988- 
                     N&CPR  last 2 years

          Online version:  HIS/qu98-  (1983-)
                           DATATIMES/total cqw  (1986-)
                           DIALOG/484 news  (1990-) [abstract]

6.   CQ Almanac.  Congressional Quarterly.                JK1.C66
          This is more than just an edited version of the CQ Weekly
     Report.  Each volume is a review of the legislative session. 
     Provides voting statistics on State and Federal candidates.

          Location:  available throughout the collections
               Collected sets:  MRR  1945-
                                Deck 7/S  1945-     (loan set)
                                LLRR  1960-
                                N&CPR  1945-

7.   Congressional Monitor.  Congressional Quarterly.         CIO
          Issued weekly when Congress is in session, this
     periodical lists the week's upcoming House and Senate
     Committee meetings, status of appropriations, House and
     Senate floor actions, party organizations meetings and general
     news from the Hill.

          Location:  N&CPR  (current issues only title)

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                             p. 8

8.   Congressional Index.  Commerce Clearing House (CCH). 
          Looseleaf arranged in two volume sets for each Congress,
     one for the Senate, one for the House.  Separate sections
     track status of current bills and resolutions, voting records,
     treaties, nominations, measures vetoed, and more.  The
     specialized indexes are in the Senate volume only.

          Location:  LLRR  last six years
                     LL stacks  75th- 
                     MicroRR  96th-
                     N&CPR  96th-

9.   Major Legislation of the Congress. (MLC).  CRS      KF42.M34
          "Summaries of topical congressional issues and major
     legislation introduced in response to those issues."  Arranged
     by subject with title and legislation indexes.  Also includes
     listing of CRS Reports.  Final summary issue for each

          Location:  LLRR  current  
                     LL stacks  97th-
                     DEPOSITORY  96th- 
                     N&CPR  current 

10.  Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications.  GPO
          Lists publications  printed by the U.S. Government
     Printing Office (GPO).  These publications cover a wide
     variety of subjects.  Many of them are official government
     documents.  Indicates whether these publications are available
     for sale to the public or sent to depository libraries. 
     Arranged alphanumerically by SuDocs Classification number with
     a variety of additional indexes.
          For the most up-to-date listing of in-print publications
     available for sale consult the GPO Sales microfiche set (2nd
     Floor Copy Center).

          Location:  LLRR  1941-  (incomplete) (shelved with
                          Catalog of the Public Documents 1893-
                     MRR  (complete set) shelved with Catalog of
                          the Public Documents: 1893-1940
                     MicroRR  1985-
                     N&CPR  (complete set)
          Online version:  DIALOG/66  (7/1976-)
          CD-ROM version:  MARCIVE CD-ROM  (7/1976-)
                           available in the N&CPR

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                             p. 9

11.  Congressional Information Service (CIS).
          Since 1970, the best source for tracking down the
     multitude of legislative publications.  Abstracts and indexes:
     1) hearings (including witnesses), 2) committee prints, 3)
     House and Senate Reports, 4) House and Senate Documents, 5)
     Senate Executive Reports, 6) Senate Treaty Documents, 7)
     Public laws (legislative histories), and 8) selected special
     publications.  For additional information see: "User Guide"
     (preface each edition).
          For coverage prior to 1970 CIS has several retrospective
     sets arranged by type of publication.  These include committee
     prints, hearings, and the Serial Set.  Entries for these sets
     can be found by consulting the title index.

          a.   CIS/Index.
                    "Index" and "Abstracts" sections provide
               current information that cumulates into the
               CIS/Annual.  Issued monthly; "Index" cumulates

          b.   CIS Cumulative Index.                       KF49.C62
                    At present a sixteen volume set, 1970-1990. 
                    Revises and supersedes the CIS/Annual Index but
                    not the Abstracts.

          c.   CIS/Annual.                                 KF49.C62
                    Divided into two basic sections; abstracts and
               index (subject, title, bill#, report#, document#).
               Since 1984 divided into three volumes; abstracts,
               index and legislative histories.

          d.   CIS/Microfiche Library.
                    Provides full-text retrieval for all
               publications cited in the CIS/Index and CIS/Annual.

               Location:  LLRR  1970-(index)   fiche 1970-
                          MRR  1970-(index only)  no fiche 
                          MicroRR 1970-(index)  fiche 1970-
                          N&CPR  1970-(index only) no fiche
               Online version: DIALOG/101  (1970-)

          e.   CIS/Congressional Masterfile on CD-ROM.
                    All CIS indexes listed above on CD-ROM.

                    Location:  MRR  (alcoves)

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 10

12.  Federal Index.  National Standards Association.  Z7165.U5F42
          This index provides access to the three basic information
     sources of the Federal Government: the Congressional Record,
     the Federal Register, and The Weekly Compilation of
     Presidential Documents.  It is published monthly with an
     annual cumulative edition.  The index is organized into two
     sections: the Federal Subject Index, and the Federal Bill
     Track Index.  The Federal Subject Index section lists entries
     alphabetically by subject terms, member names, department and
     agency names, Congressional committees, and country.  The
     Federal Bill Track Index lists all bills and resolutions
     referenced in the Federal Index. 

               Location:  N&CPR  1977-

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 11



1.   Current Congress

     a.   "slip" bills

               Location:  LLRR (file copy)
                          House/Senate Document Room
                          (available on fiche to the public through
                           the depository library system)
               Online version:  HIS/tl##(e.g., tl101)  (1983-)
                                NEXIS/legis;BLTEXT (current      
                                  congress) for earlier (1989-)  
                                SENATE LEGIS  (1989-)
                                SCORPIO/CG  (1973-) summary

     b.   Congressional Bills on Microfiche.  GPO.
               Produced throughout session.  Prints bills as
          introduced on floor and all subsequent reprints.

               Location:  LLRR  (CIS fiche set) 96th-       
                          DEPOSITORY  97th-

2.   Prior Congresses

     a.   bound congressional bills        KF16(Congress & Bill #)
               The Law Library's bound set of congressional bills
          begins with the 9th Congress.  For the early years there
          are some gaps.  This collection has been microfilmed
          (1st-72nd on microfilm and the 73rd-100th on CIS fiche)
          with the microfilm collection covering those Congresses
          (1st-8th) where bound volumes are no longer available.

               Location:  LLRR (microfilm)
                          LL stacks (bound volumes)  cannot be    

     b.   Congressional bills
               The Senate Library's collection includes Senate and
          House bills from the 14th Congress to the present.

               Location:  Senate Library

     c.   House bills
               The House Library's collection includes House bills
          only from the 6th Congress to the present.

               Location:  House Library

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 12

     d.   CIS/Congressional Bills, Resolutions, and Laws on
               Produced as set months after the close of each

               Location:  LLRR  75th-97th-   (incomplete)

     e.   Congressional Bills on Microfiche.  GPO.
               For description see p. 11. 


1.   Bill Digest (data base).  ALD.
          Although available in print, the Bill Digest is most
     readily accessible online through the SCORPIO CG files. 
     Options for the CG files vary by Congress (see: SCORPIO
     Reference Manual) beginning with the 93rd Congress (1973-).

          Location:  SCORPIO CG file

2.   Digest of Public General Bills.  ALD.
          The Bill Digest (see above) in print form.  Provides
     summaries and, since 1970, legislative histories for all
     public bills and resolutions.  Private bills are listed but
     not summarized.

          Location:  LLRR  66th-  (incomplete)
                     MRR  70th-
                     DEPOSITORY  96th-  (depository collection)
3.   Congressional Record.  Index.
          Both indexes, the bound annual and the biweekly, contain
     a separate section titled "History of Bills and Resolutions".
          Location:  see p. 16.

          Online version:  HIS/rc##  (1985-)
                           NEXIS/legis;record  (1985-)
                           DIALOG/135  (1981-) [abstract]
                           SCORPIO/cr## - r###  (1977-) [abstract]

4.   Congressional Record.  Daily Digest.
          Beginning with the 80th Congress, this supplement to the
     Congressional Record provides information on bills introduced,
     reported, and passed the preceding day and a summary of
     chamber and committee action.  The Daily Digest cumulates at
     the end of the session to become a separate volume of the
     bound Congressional Record.  The bound edition also includes
     "History of Bills Enacted into Public Law."
                    Location:  see p. 15.

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 13

5.   Calendar of the House of Representatives and History of
          For the description and location see p. 14.

6.   Congressional Index.  CCH.
          For description and location see p. 16.

7.   Major Legislation of the Congress (MLC).
          For description and location see p. 8.

8.   Federal Index.  National Standards Association.
          For description and location see p. 10.


1.   Congressional Record.
          Both indexes, the bound annual and the biweekly, cite
     where votes are recorded in the Congessional Record.
          Location:  see p. 16
          online version:  SCORPIO/cr

2.   CQ Weekly Report.
          For description see p. 7.

3.   CQ Almanac.
          For description see p. 8.

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 14


1.   Calendar of the United States House of Representatives and
     History of Legislation.  GPO.                       J47.A3
          Official source of business reported from committees. 
     Published daily when House is in session.  Reports on pending
     legislation in both Senate and House. Monday issues include
     subject index to all legislation.  Final issue provides
     summary of action, list of public law numbers, and list of
     bills that did not become law.

          Location:  Deck 7/N 1901-  (loan set)
                     LLRR  74th/2nd-  (final edition & current)
                     DEPOSITORY  99th- 
2.   Senate Calendar of Business.  GPO.
          Because the House calendar provides information on
     legislation for both the Senate and the House, this is not a
     frequently used publication.  It is further hindered by having
     no index and is not cumulative.  Published daily when Senate
     is in session.

          Location:  Deck 7/N  1945-
                     DEPOSITORY  99th- 

3.   Committee calendars.  House & Senate.  GPO.
          In general these calendars are a record of all committee
     business.  Information recorded usually includes: members of
     the committee and subcommittees, legislation referred,
     legislative action taken, hearings held (and printed), and
     publications issued.  Because each calendar is controlled by
     its respective committee, they vary as to content arrangement
     and frequency of publication.  Issues cumulate with the
     final issue covering an entire Congress.

          Location:  Adams Building Deck 7:  (incomplete)
                              JK1430 (House committee calendars)
                              JK1240 (Senate committee calendars) 
                     LLRR  90th-  (incomplete)

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 15

                     DEBATES & PROCEEDINGS


     Congressional Record.  GPO.
          The Record is the fourth in a series of publications
     reporting congressional debates.  They are as follows:
          a.  Annals of Congress        1789-1824
          b.  Register of Debates       1824-1837
          c.  Congressional Globe       1833-1873
          d.  Congressional Record      1873-
     Since its inauguration the Record has gone through several
     revisions of content and arrangement. It now consists of four
     sections: the proceedings of the House; the proceedings of the
     Senate; the Extension of Remarks; and the Daily Digest, each
     paged and numbered separately.  Since March, 1978 inserted
     items (those not "spoken" on the floor) are designated by a
          Current coverage of Congress is provided by the daily
     Congressional Record.  The daily Record is superseded by the
     bound Congressional Record.  However, because the bound set
     is an edited version of the daily, one index does not serve
     both.  The index for the bound set is a separate volume while
     the Congressional Record Index is published biweekly as an
     index to the daily Congressional Record.

     a.   Congressional Record.  (online)

               Online version:  SCORPIO/cr## - r##  (1977-)
                                DIALOG/135  (11/1981-)
                                NEXIS/record  (1985-)
                                WESTLAW/cr  (1985-)
                                HIS/rc##  (1985-)

     b.   Congressional Record.  (daily)                 J11.R7
               Replaced by bound volumes as issued.

                    Location:  LLRR  (until bound index for that
                                      session is received)
                               MRR  (until replaced by bound     
                               N&CPR  last 2 congresses
                         Collected set:  LL stacks  1884-
                                         DEPOSITORY  1977-

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 16

     c.   Congressional Record.  (bound annual)            J11.R5

                    Location:  LLRR  1951-
                               LL stacks  Annals-     (loan set)
                               MRR  1920-
                               DEPOSITORY  1977-
     d.   Congressional Record.  (microfilm)
               This microfilm set includes its own separate
          hardcover index.  Begins with Annals and runs through the
          91st Congress.

               Location:  LLRR  Annals-
                          MicroRR  Annals-
                          DEPOSITORY 95th-

     e.   Congressional Record.  Appendix.
               Underwent a variety of changes through the years to
          be replaced by the current "Extension of Remarks."

               1937-1968  published in daily Congressional Record
                         and published as a separate volume of the
                         bound set

               1941-1968  published with separate pagination

               1954-1968  not published with bound set but cited
                         by its index. The Law Library bound the
                         appendix with the annuals independent of

               Location:  1954-1968 special bound issues: LL stacks
                          MRR Deck 46.

     f.   Congressional Record.  Daily Digest.
               For description and locations see p. 15.

     g.   Congressional Record.  Index.
               The Law Library keeps a collected set of
          Congressional Record indexes at its Reading Room
          reference desk.  Other collections shelve their indexes
          with the regular bound volumes.

               Location:  LLRR  1873-  (paper & film)
                          MRR  1920-
                          MicroRR  1873-  (fiche)
                          N&CPR  1977-

               Online version:  SCORPIO/cr  (95th- )

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 17

     h.   Federal Index.
               For description and location see p. 10.


1.   Senate Journal.  GPO.                               KF45.G58
          The official record of the proceedings of the Senate
     required by the Constitution.  Although adopted by the Senate
     as part of its daily business, the Journal is not published
     until after the session ends.  Due to publication delays it
     does not appear until almost a year later.  Distributed to all
     Senate members and depository libraries.  For many years
     (1815-1952) the Journal was part of the US Serial Set. 
     Although it remains an official document it is no longer part
     of the set.

               Location:  LL stacks 1789-   (loan set)
                          Senate Document Room
                          DEPOSITORY 1977- 
2.   House Journal.  GPO.                                KF46.G58
          The House version of the Senate Journal (see above).

               Location:  LL stacks 1789-   (loan set)
                          House Document Room
                          DEPSOITORY  1977- 
3.   Additional journals;

     a.   Executive Journal of the Senate.  GPO.        JK1251.A3
               Records motions and actions of executive sessions
          only.  Requires special authorization for printings 
          (seven to date).

               Location:  MRR 1789- 
                          Deck 7/S 1789-   (loan set)
     b.   Journals of Congress.

               Location:  MRR  1774-1789

     c.   Secret Journals of Congress.

               Location:  MRR  1775-1786

     d.   Journals of the Continental Congress.

               Location:  MRR  1774-1789
                          LL stacks  1775-1789

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 18

                        COMMITTEE PRINTS


1.   Current Congress (hardcopy)
               Location: From the respective committee/subcommittee

2.   CIS online version indexes and abstracts Congressional
          publications including reports, documents, hearings,
          prints and special publications.

               Online version:  DIALOG/101  (1970-)

3.   CIS/Microfiche Library.  1970-
          For description and location see p. 9.

4.   US Congressional Committee Prints on Microfiche.  CIS.
          Provides full text retrieval of prints cited in:

          CIS US Congressional Committee Prints Index. Z1223.Z7C66
               Indexes committee prints from the mid-1800s through
          1969.  Expands and supersedes earlier Greenwood Press
          edition of this index.

               Location:  LLRR  (both editions) & fiche
                          MRR  (index only)
                          MicroRR (both editions) & fiche
                          N&CPR  (index only)
5.   Many committee prints are treated as individual titles and
     shelved throughout the general collection.  Consult card
     catalog, LCCC, and MUMS.  Some prints may also be reissued as
     congressional reports or documents.  As such they become part
     of the Serial Set (see p.24).


1.   A Bibliography and Indexes of the United States Congressional
     Committee Prints:
     ----From the 61st Congress, 1911, through the 91st Congress,
     First Session, 1969, in the United States Senate Library.    
                                                 Z7165.U5B52 1976
     ----From the 65th Congress, 1917, through the 91st Congress,
     First Session, 1969, not in the United States Senate Library.
                                                  Z7165.U5B5 1977
          Location: MRR 

2.   Committee calendars.  House & Senate.  GPO.
          Serves as an index of sorts.  For additional information
          and location see p. 14.

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 19



1.   Individual hearings

     a.   As with committee prints, many hearings through the 90th
          Congress were treated as individual titles and are found
          throughout the general collections.  Beginning with the
          91st Congress, hearings are classed by committee in the
          KF schedule as follows:
                    KF 27   House committees
                    KF 26   Senate committees
                    KF 25   Joint committees
               Prior to April 1965 main entry in the card catalog
          is by main committee.  After April 1965 entry is by
          subcommittee when appropriate.  In addition to the card
          catalogs (main and law), entries are found on LCCC and

     b.   From the appropriate committee/subcommittee.

     c.   Unofficial transcripts of selected Congressional hearings
               (spoken portions only) appear on the following:

                    Online version:  NEXIS/fednew  (8/1988-)
                                     HIS/reut  (past 7 days only)

     d.   CIS online version indexes and abstracts Congressional
               publications including hearings, reports, documents,
               prints and special publications.

                    Online version:  DIALOG/101  (1970-)

     e.   CIS/Microfiche Library.  1970-
               For description and location see p. 9.

     f.   US Congressional Committee Hearings on Microfiche.  CIS.
               Provides full text retrieval of hearings indexed in:

               CIS US Congressional Committee Hearings Index.
                                                    KF40.C56 1981
                    Indexes published congressional hearings from
               1833 through 1969.

                    Location:  LLRR  (index & fiche)
                               MRR  (index only)
                               N&CPR  (index only)

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 20

     g.   CIS Unpublished US House of Representatives Committee
          Hearings.                                 KF40.C54 1990
               Indexes unpublished House of Representatives
          hearings from 1833-1946.The microfiche set contains a  
          copy of each publication identified in the index.  CIS
          is planning to produce an index and fiche set for the
          1947-1968 period.

                    Location:  LLRR  (index & fiche)
                               MRR  (index only)
                               N&CPR  (index only)

     h.   CIS Unpublished US Senate Committee Hearings.
                                                    KF40.C55 1986
               Indexes unpublished Senate hearings from 1823
          through 1968. The microfiche set contains a copy of each
          publication identified in the index.

                    Location:  LLRR  (index & fiche)
                               N&CPR  (index only)

     i.   SERIALS DIV (depository library collection) 96th-
               (Although hearings are part of the depository
          collection, not all depository libraries include them in
          their permanent collections.)

2.   Collected (bound) sets

               Location: MRR 78th Congress-   1943-
                         LL stacks  1970-  (each hearing bound
                                    separately, see "c": above)


     1.   The index of congressional committee hearings (not
          confidential in character) prior to January 3, 1935 in
          the United States Senate Library.              KF40.H8
          ----Supplements, 1935- 

               The House Library publishes a similar index.  Titles
          do not always match those used in Library of Congress

               Location:  LLRR

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 21

     2.   Supplement to the Index of Congressional Committee
          Hearings...  Harold O. Thomen, ed.  1973.               
               Index of "all known nonconfidential" hearings in the
          Library of Congress collection but not in the Senate
          Library.  Not to be confused with the supplements to the

               Location:  LLRR

     3.   Committee calendars.  House & Senate.  GPO.

               Indicates which hearings produce printed
          transcripts.  For additional information and location see
          p. 13.


     1.   1837-1966 Witness Index to US Congressional Hearings.
                         Microfiche set arranged alphabetically by
                    witness.  Gives dates and the committees before
                    which they appeared.

                         Location:  LLRR  (25th-89th)
                                    MicroRR  (complete)
     2.   1967      Senate Library witness card file

                         Location:  Senate Library

     3.   1967-1969 CIS US Congressional Committee Hearings Index.
                         Not the best of indexes for information
                    on witnesses, as it is not all-inclusive, but
                    the only index available for these years.
                    (Indexes  actually cover dates: 1833-1969.) 
                    See p. 14.

     4.   1970-     CIS/Index.
                         For description and location see p. 9.

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 22

                       REPORTS & DOCUMENTS


1.   Individual copies
          Most congressional reports and documents are first
     printed and distributed under separate title.  They are later
     reprinted and redistributed in bound sets, known as the Serial

     a.   DEPOSITORY  96th-

     b.   Senate & House Document Rooms (will reprint current
          Congress only, others as available).

               House Document Room  100th to 102nd
               Senate Document Room  93rd to 102nd

     c.   CIS/Microfiche Library.  1970-
               For description and location see p. 9.

     d.   Some reports and documents are treated as separate titles
          and found throughout the general collection.  Consult the
          card catalog, LCCC, or MUMS.

     e.   Some reports and documents are better known by their
          separate titles.  These include:

          1.   Constitution, Jefferson's Manual, and Rules of the
               House of Representatives.               KF4992.U54
                    Commonly known as the "House Manual" or
               "Jefferson's Manual" it is the source of the
               Houses's parliamentary procedure.

                    Location:  LLRR

          2.   Deschler's Precedents of the United States House of
               Representatives.                       KF4992.D486
                    Analyzes House parliamentary precedents. 
               Supplements the earlier works of Hinds and Cannon.
                         Deschler  1936-1974
                         Cannon    1908-1936
                         Hinds     1789-1907

                    Location:  LLRR

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 23

          3.   Senate Manual.                    KF4982.U48  1988
                    Senate equivalent of the "House Manual."

                    Location:  LLRR  current

          4.   Senate Procedure.                   KF4982.R5 1974
                    Compilation of Senate rules, arranged
               alphabetically by subject or procedure.

                    Location:  LLRR

          5.   Constitution Annotated.  CRS.

                    Location:  LLRR

          6.   Clerk of the House of Representatives Report.

                         Location:  LLRR  1970-
                                    LL stacks  (Serial Set copy)
                                    MicRR  (Serial Set copy)
                                    DEPOSITORY  1980-
          7.   Report of the Secretary of the Senate.

                         Location:  LLRR  1974-
                                    LL stacks  (Serial Set copy)
                                    MicRR  (Serial Set copy)
                                    DEPOSITORY  1980-
     f.   USCCAN reprints (full text) House/Senate/conference
          reports on bills that become laws.  For additional
          information and location see p. 28.

     g.   Senate Executive Documents.  GPO.              JX170.U35
               Although official documents and depository items,
          they are not part of the Serial Set.  Subject content
          deals primarily with treaties and other executive
          agreements.  Lettered series.

               Location:  LL stacks  (loan set)
                          DEPOSITORY  96th-

          1.   Senate Treaty Documents.  GPO.
                    Formerly part of the Senate Executive
               Documents, this separate publication begins with the
               97th Congress and is part of the Serial Set.      
*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 24
     h.   Senate Executive Reports.  GPO.                 J74.A36
               These, too, are official documents and depository
          items but are not part of the Serial Set before the 96th
          Congress. Numbered series.

               Location:  Deck 7/N  (loan set)
                          DEPSOITORY  96th- 

2.   Collected set

     a.   US Serial Set.  GPO.  (hardcopy)                    LAW
                                                       Serial Set
               Location: LL stacks 1817-  (loan set)
                         DEPOSITORY  1979-
     b.   CIS US Serial Set on Microfiche.
               Provides full text retrieval of reports and
          documents cited in:

               CIS US Serial Set Index.          Z1223.79C65 1975
                    Twelve part index covering reports and
               documents from 1789-1969.  Far easier to use than
               the various traditional compiled sets of finding
               aids/indexes (see below).

                    Location:  LLRR  (index & fiche)
                               MRR  (index only)
                               MicroRR  (index & fiche)
                               N&CPR  (index only)
     c.   CIS US Senate Executive Documents & Reports Index.
               Indexes comprehensively all documents and reports
          from the earliest items through 1969.  The microfiche
          collection contains a copy of each publication identified
          in the index.

                    Location:  LLRR  (index & fiche)

     d.   SERIALS DIV. (depository collection, 1979-)

     e.   House and Senate Reports  (bound set)

                    Location:  LLRR  95th- (not part of Serial Set)

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 25


1.   Numerical Lists and Schedule of Volumes.  GPO.  1933-1980.
          Provides serial number for reports or documents        
     contained in the Serial Set.  For 1981 to the present use the
     Monthly Catalog Serial Set Supplement. See p. 8.

          Location:  LLRR  1933-
                     MRR 1933-
                     N&CPR  1933-
2.   To obtain serial numbers prior to 1933, consult:

          1789-1817 American State Papers                   J33
                         Special 38 volume set that was later
                    incorporated into the Serial Set.

                         Location:  LLRR  (fiche)
                                    Deck 7/N  (loan set)
          1817-1909 Checklist of U.S. Public Documents
                         A separate index was intended but never

                         Location:  LLRR
          1895-1940 Catalog of the Public Documents     Z1223.A13
                         Volumes 1-4 give serial numbers in a
                    separate table, volumes 5-25 give the numbers
                    with the main entry.

                         Location:  LLRR
3.   Monthly Catalog of Government Publications.
          For description and location see p. 8.

4.   CIS/Index.  1970-
          For description and location see p. 9.

5.   CIS US Serial Set Index.
          See p. 24.

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 26

POPULAR NAMES (government reports)

1.   Popular Names of US Government Reports.  4th ed., 1984      
          Arranged alphabetically by popular title.  Gives
     institutional title (the one they're cataloged under) for
     popular or short titles.

               Location:  LLRR

2.   See also:  Popular names (public laws), p. 29.

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 27

                           PUBLIC LAWS


1.   "slip" laws
          First published form of laws after passage by congress. 
     Arranged by public law number for each Congress.

               Location: (current 2 Congresses)
                         LLRR  (file copy) 
                         House & Senate Document Rooms (several  
                         recent Congresses; gaps for the earlier
                         time period)
               Online version:  HIS/tl##  (1983-)
                                LEXIS/genfed;publaw  (1989-)
                                SCORPIO/cg  (1983-)
                                WESTLAW/us-pl  (1989-)

2.   CIS/Congressional Bills, Resolutions, and Laws on Microfiche.
          For description and location see p. 12.


1.   United States Statutes at Large.  GPO.               KF50.U5
          The "slip" laws in bound form published by congressional
     session.  Lists all public and private laws as well as some
     Presidential material.  Since 1975, legislative histories for
     public laws are included.

               Location:  LLRR 1789-   (loan set LL stacks)
                          DEPOSITORY  1977- 
2.   United States Code.  GPO.                       KF62.1988.A2 
          Official source for all general and permanent laws in  
     force.  Revised every six years, updated by supplements. 

               Location:  LLRR  current
                          MRR  current
                          DEPOSITORY  1979- (incomplete)
                                      1982 edition-
                          LL stacks  1940-   (loan set)

               Online version:  HIS/usco  (current)
                                LEXIS/genfed;uscs  (current)
                                WESTLAW/usc  (current)

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 28

3.   United States Code Annotated.  West Publishing Co.
          "Official restatement in convenient form of the general
     and permanent laws of the United States."  What makes this
     publication far more useful than the official US Code is its
     many indexes and tables.  Constant revision by pocket parts
     keeps it current.

               Locations:  LLRR  (loan set LL stacks)

               Online version:  WESTLAW/usc  (current)

4.   USCCAN.  West publishing Co.                     KF48.W45
          Includes full text of public laws as part of its
     legislative histories.  For additional description and
     location see p. 30.


1.   Current Law Index. Information Access Corp.          K33.C87
          Similar to the Index of Legal Periodicals, this
     publication currently indexes over 700 titles.  Issued monthly
     and cumulated annually since 1980.  

               Location:  LLRR  1980-

2.   Index to Legal Periodicals.  H.W. Wilson Co.        K9.N32
          The Reader's Guide of legal literature.

               Location:  LLRR  1926-
                          MRR  1926-

               Online version:  WESTLAW/ilp  (1981-)
                                LEXIS/lawrev;ilp  (10/1981-)

3.   Legal Trac. Information Access Corp.
          CD-ROM version of the Current Law Index.

               Location:  LLRR  1980- (more up-to-date then the
                                       paper version) 

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 29

POPULAR NAMES (public laws)

1.   Shepard's Acts and Cases by Popular Name.  Shepard's, Inc.
          Current edition (1986) is updated by cumulative
     supplements.  Arranged alphabetically by popular name giving
     citations to US Code, Statutes at Large, or State code/session

               Location:  LLRR

               Online version:  WESTLAW/sh  (current)

ADDITIONAL SOURCES that include popular names:

     2.   US Code, popular name table.  See p. 27.
     3.   US Code Annotated, popular name table.  See p. 28.
     4.   USCCAN, popular name table.  See p. 28.
     5.   Congressional Index, official short title index.
               See p.16.
     6.   SCORPIO, CR and CG files
     7.   Legislative Histories Indexed Guide, popular name index. 
          See p. 30.

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 30

                      LEGISLATIVE HISTORIES


1.   United States Code Congressional and Administrative News
     (USCCAN).  West Publishing Co.                       KF48.W45
          Major source for legislative histories since 1941. 
     Legislative histories include full text of many of the cites
     congressional reports or documents, as well as citations to
     statute law.

               Location:  LLRR 1941-   (loan set LL stacks)
               Online version:  WESTLAW/lh  (1986-)

2.   Bill Digest (data base).  ALD.
          Provides legislative histories of public bills that
     become laws.  For additional information see p. 12.

               Location:  SCORPIO CG files

3.   CIS/Microfiche Library.
               For location see p. 9.

4.   Legislative Histories Indexed Guide.  Legislative Histories
     Service.  1977.                                 KF42.2 1977
          Legislative histories of selected public laws from the
     82nd-93rd Congresses.  Includes popular name, public law
     number, and statute law indexes.  Full text retrieval
     available with companion microfiche set.

               Location:  LLRR and fiche

5.   CIS/Annual.  1970-                                  KF49.C62
          Abstracts and indexes public laws. Since 1984 it has
     included a separate legislative histories volume. Gives
     citations for  full text retrieval of documents comprising the
     legislative histories from:

          CIS/Microfiche Library.
               For location see p. 9.

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 31

6.   Other publications include legislative histories as part of
     their publication rather than as the primary focus.  These  
     vary in completeness.

          a.   Congressional Record.  Index.  See p. 16.
          b.   Digest of Public General Bills.  See p. 12.
          c.   Calendar of the House.  See p. 14.
          d.   Congressional Index.  See p. 16.
          e.   Statutes at Large.  See p. 27.
          f.   "Slip" law.


1.   Sources of Compiled Legislative Histories.  Nancy P. Johnson,
     ed. AALL, 1979.  (looseleaf)                     KF42.2 1979
          Bibliography of government documents, periodical
     articles, and books cited in legislative histories for
     selected public laws from the 1st-94th Congresses.  Arranged
     by public law number for each Congress with specialized

               Location:  LLRR

2.   Union List of Legislative Histories.  Law Librarian's Society
     of Washington, D.C. 6th ed., 1985.                   KF4.U55
          Lists holdings of the Society's members legislative
     histories collections.  Arranged by public law number with
     corresponding bill numbers and citations to Statutes at Large.

               Location:  LLRR

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 32

                        EXECUTIVE BRANCH

REGULATIONS and regulatory agencies

1.   Federal Regulatory Directory.  Congressional Quarterly.
          This annual publication started in 1979.  The only
     directory that provides information, and sources to
     information, concerning government regulations and the various
     regulatory agencies under one cover.  Arranged by subject and
     agency with personnel and subject/agency indexes.

               Location:  LLRR  current
                          LL stacks  1979-
                          MRR  (current)
2.   Federal Register.  GPO.  (daily)                       J1.A2
          Established by an act of Congress in 1935, this is the
     official source of all Federal rules and regulations of the
     executive departments and agencies.  Separate section included
     for Presidential documents.  Index is printed separately:
     monthly with cumulated editions.  For information on how to
     use this publication see Federal Regulatory Directory, p. 872-
     873 of the 1990 edition.

               Location:  LLRR  4 years hard copy
                          LLRR  1935-  (fiche or film)
                          LL stacks  1936-  (loan set)
                          N&CPR  current year
               Online version:  DIALOG/136 [abstract only] (1977-
                                DIALOG/669  (1988-)
                                NEXIS/exec;fedreg  (7/1980-)
                                WESTLAW/fr  (1980-)

3.   Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).  GPO.            KF240.F5
          The official code for administrative law.  The CFR is
     organized under 50 titles.  Since 1977, the index (which    
     includes the former "finding aids") is published in a separate
     volume.  The CFR is updated by the LSA:List of Sections
     Affected and the Federal Register.      Therefore, to
     determine current regulations both publications   must be

               Location:  LLRR  current  (microfilm 1939-1976)
                          LL stacks  1939-  (loan set)
                          DEPOSITORY  current

               Online version:  NEXIS/exec;cfr  (1981)
                                WESTLAW/cfr  (1984)

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 33


     The departments of the executive branch issue many
publications.  Some of these are required by, and submitted to,
Congress (eg. annual reports).  Once submitted they become
congressional documents.  As such they follow the same process of
other congressional reports and documents that eventually become
part of the Serial Set.  For further description of the Serial Set
and its location see p. 24. 


1.   White House Press Releases.
          Often the most current information but difficult to
     access as the only arrangement is chronological and the index
     comes out much later.  The releases are checklisted in the
     Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents.

               Online version:  DIALOG/145  (1981-8/15/1989)
                                NEXIS/fednew  (8/1988-) unofficial
                                HIS/reut  (Reuters wire) unofficial

2.   Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents.  GPO.  J80.A284
          An offshoot of the Federal Register that started
     publication in 1965.  By far the most useful set of
     Presidential documents.  Includes full texts of speeches,
     addresses, press conferences, etc.  A good source for
     biographical information on nominations.  Cumulative index
     with each edition plus separately published indexes. These
     documents are later bound together to form the Public Papers
     of the President series.

               Location:  LLRR  1965-
                          Deck 7/N  1965-  (loan set)
                          MRR  current
                          N&CPR  current
               Online version:  NEXIS/exec;presdc  (1981-)

3.   Public Papers of the Presidents.  GPO.              J80.A283
          This series began as an annual in 1957 and is very
     limited in its retrospective coverage.  At present the
     complete set includes the papers of Hoover and Truman through
     Carter.  Presidential papers (that exist) prior to Hoover and
     those of Franklin D. Roosevelt were issued by private
     publishers.  The Public Papers are basically an edited version
     of the Weekly compilation of Presidential Documents. 
     Beginning with Carter, all information published in the Weekly
     Compilation will now be reprinted in the Public Papers.

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 34

3.   Public Papers of the President. (continued)

               Location:  MRR  (plus private sets)
                          Deck 7/N (loan set)
4.   Codification of Presidential Proclamations and Executive
     Orders.  GPO.
          "It is published to provide in one convenient reference
     source proclamations and Executive orders with general
     applicability and continuing effect."  Arranged under the 50
     titles of the CFR.  Includes not only the original
     proclamation or order but any changes or amendments added
     later.  Current edition supersedes prior ones.

               Location:  LLRR 
                          LL stacks
5.   Proclamations & Executive Orders
          It is not always easy to distinguish between the use of
     these two.  Customarily, proclamations are used for action
     that has no legal effect; yet some have the force of law, some
     do not.  Executive orders are used to direct and govern
     government officials and agencies.  Proclamations and
     Executive orders, however, are treated as distinct items with
     each issued in separate numerical order.

               Sources:  Statutes at Large.  See p. 27.
                         Federal Register.  See p. 32.
                         Weekly Compilation.  See p. 33.
                         CFR Title 3, (after June 1938). See p.32. 
                         USCCAN.  See p. 28.
                         US Code.  See p. 27.

     a.   CIS Index to Presidential Executive Orders &
          Proclamations.  CIS.
               The most comprehensive index of Executive Orders and
          Proclamations for the period 1789-1983. The microfiche
          set contains a copy of each publication identified in the

                    Location:  LLRR  (index & fiche)

     b.   Presidential Executive Orders.  WPA Historical Records
          Survey.                                         J80.A72
               Index to some Executive Orders for the period 1862-
          1938, indicating the location of the text in collected

                    Location:  LLRR

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 35

6.   Reorganization Plans
          Have the effect of law unless disapproved by Congress
     within 60 days of issue.  Appear in a variety of sources
     depending on their progress through the legislative process:

          as offered by the President:
               1.  House/Senate documents
               2.  Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
               3.  USCCAN
          as adopted:
               Title 5 of the US Code
          as of effective date:
               Federal Register (printed day after)
          as a Presidential document:
               CFR Title 3

7.   Budget of the United States Government.  GPO      HJ2051.A59
          Contains the budget message of the President and presents
     an overview of the budget proposals.

               Location:  LLRR  1984-
                          MRR  current  (stacks 1923-)
                          DEPOSITORY  1981-
                          N&CPR  current

               Online version:  HIS/budget (current)

8.   Statistical Abstracts of the United States.  GPO    HA202.S8
          A one volume summary of social, political, and economic
     statistics for the United States.  It also serves as a
     reference guide to more comprehensive statistical publications
     and sources available from the government.

               Location:  LLRR  (current)
                          MRR  (current)  (stacks 1878-)
                          DEPOSITORY  1979-
                          N&CPR  (current)
9.   CIS Index to U.S. Executive Branch Documents, 1789-1909.  CIS.
          A guide to documents listed in the Checklist of U.S.
     Public Documents, 1789-1909, not printed in the U.S. Serial
     Set. This set will eventually consist of six parts, published
     over the next five years.  Currently only Part I, covering
     Treasury, Commerce and Labor is published. 

               Location:  LLRR  (index & fiche)
                          N&CPR  (index only)

10.  Federal Index.  National Standards Association.
          For description and location see p. 10.

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 36

                          SUPREME COURT

     The following is a list of basic sources from which copies of
Supreme Court opinions can be obtained.  Publications used for
legal research of these opinions are not included here.

1.   "bench" opinions

               Location:  LLRR current two terms (daily receipt)

2.   The United States Law Week.  Supreme Court.  BNA.  (looseleaf)
          Weekly publication.  Reprints "bench" opinions full text
     with digest headnotes.  Divided into two main sections,
     proceedings and opinions.  The index is cumulative and there
     is a list giving current status of cases before the Court.

               Location:  LLRR  most recent 2 sessions
                          LL stacks  1953-

               Online version:  LEXIS/genfed;uslw  (7/1982-)
                                WESTLAW/bna-uslw  (1986-)

3.   United States Reports.  GPO.                      KF101.A212
          Supreme Court decisions appear first as "bench" opinions
     which are similar to legislative "slip" bills.  With the
     addition of the Reporter of the Decisions of the Supreme
     Court's summary of facts, syllabi, and index these "bench"
     opinions become preliminary prints (also known as advance
     sheets).  At the end of the October Term these are
     consolidated into bound volumes known as the United States
     Reports.  This is the official record of Supreme Court
     decisions.  For an explanation of the chronology and
     organization of the early volumes of this series see: Price &
     Bitner, p. 130.

               Location:  LLRR  1789-
                          LL stacks  1789-  (loan set)   
                          DEPOSITORY  1979-
               Online version:  LEXIS/genfed;us  (1790-)
                                SCORPIO/pplt  (10/1989-) abstracts
                                WESTLAW/sct-old  (1790-1944)
                                WESTLAW/sct  (1945-)

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 37



1.   State Information Book.  Potomac Books, Inc.      JK2443.L84
          Provides directory of State offices, departments and
     agencies.  Includes names and telephone numbers for each as
     well as each State's local (D.C.) information office. 
     Published yearly.

               Location:  LLRR  

2.   The Book of the States.  The Council of State Governments.
          Biennial publication providing a broad spectrum of
     information and statistics on a variety of subjects. 
     Organized by subject categories with a general index.

               Location:  LLRR  

3.   State Legislative Sourcebook.  Government Research Service.
          This publication provides in one loose-leaf volume a
     guide to legislative information resources in each of the
     fifty states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. 
     Contains biographical profiles, personal financial holdings,
     and campaign contributions of legislators, as well as names,
     telephone numbers, committee rosters, rules, etc.

               Location:  LLRR  

4.   State Administrative Officials Classified by Function. 
     Council of State Governments.                     JK2403.B6
          This is the third volume in a series of supplements to
     The Book of the States.  It provides a list of officials, both
     elected and appointed, responsible for key functions.

               Location:  LLRR  

5.   State Elective Officials and the Legislatures.  Council of
     State Governments.                                JK2403.S69
          This is the first volume in a series of supplements to
     The Book of the States.  This volume contains the names of
     elected state executive branch officials, the state court of 

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 38

5.   State Elective Officials and the Legislatures. (continued)

     last resort judges, and the state legislators serving as of
     January 1989.

               Location: LLRR 

6.   State Legislative Leadership, Committees & Staff.  Council of
     State Governments.                                JK2495.S688
          This is the second volume in a series of supplements to
     The Book of the States. It is intended as a tool for accessing
     information on legislative organization, staffing and
     committee structure in the states.

               Location: LLRR 

7.   The National Directory of State Agencies.  Cambridge
     Information Group Directories, Inc.  (annual)      JK2443.N37
          This publication identifies primary policy makers in
     state government, listing both elected officials, and       
     administrative officers by 105 functional, or policy areas.

               Location:  N&CPR 


     These are commonly referred to as "blue books."  Their content
and organization (as well as title) differ from State to State. 
They are usually updated yearly.

               Location:  MRR
                          Deck 7 


     Organization, type, and publication vary by State.  The Law
Library has a complete set of State session law and codes.  The
general collection has a bound set of State journals.  For
information on how these are organized by the individual States
(and their titles) see:

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 39

          Guide to State Legislative Materials.  Mary Fisher, ed. 
          AALL. 1979.                                     KF1.G8
               Arranged alphabetically by State, within each State
          listing by category (eg. digest, statute).  Gives a
          comprehensive list of each State's legislative and legal
          publications as well as how to obtain them and who to
                         Location:  LLRR

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 40


1.   Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory.  Martindale-Hubbell Inc.
          The final volume of each set is a collection of law
     digests alphabetically by State.  These digests are compiled
     by the leading law firms in each State and are arranged by
     subject topics.

               Location:  LLRR 1982-  (last ten years)
                              (Hubbell Directory                  
                          LL stacks  (earlier editions)
                          MRR  (current edition)
               Online version:  NEXIS/marhub;usa  (1991 edition)

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 41



1.   Treaties and Other International Acts Series (TIAS).  GPO.
          The official "slip" set for these documents.  Provides
     full text.  Indexed in the Monthly Catalog of Government
     Publications, and cited until 1990 in the Department of State
     Bulletin as well as Treaties in Force.  Citations continued in
     Dispatch since 1990.

               Location:  LLRR  (until UST)
                          DEPOSITORY  (until UST)
2.   United States Treaties and Other International Agreements
     (UST).  GPO.  1950-                               JX231.A34
          TIAS in bound form.  TIAS and UST were authorized by an
     Act of Congress in 1950 in order to consolidate the printing
     of texts for treaties and other international agreements. 
     Arranged chronologically with subject and country indexes.

               Location:  LLRR  1950-   (loan set LL stacks)
                          MRR  1950-
                          N&CPR  1950-
3.   US Statutes at Large.  GPO.
          A formal treaty has the force of a Federal statute and
     until 1950 they were included with the published Statutes at
     Large.  After 1950 these documents were compiled in their own
     separate series (see above).  For location see p. 27.

4.   Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United
     States of America.  Charles I Bevans, comp. 1968-1976.       
          Retrospective set that includes all treaties and other
     international agreements from 1776-1949.

               Location:  LLRR
                          LL stacks  (loan set)
5.   Copies of treaties and international agreements are available
     in "slip" form through GPO.  Copies of treaties that require
     congressional implementation (in full or in part) are
     available from the Senate Executive Clerk (tel: 224-4341) and
     the Senate Document Room.

6.   Department of State Treaty Office.  Often there is
     considerable lag time between Senate advice and consent to
     ratification and printing of the treaty.  This office can
     supply pre-publication copies. (647-1345)  Robert Schaaf, 

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 42

     Senior Specialist in United Nations and International
     Documnents, is also a source of information on treaties. 

7.   Hein's U.S. Treaties and Other International Agreements
     Current Service.  Hein.                          LL 91/10000
          Because of the time lag in the printing of treaties in
     slip form, William S. Hein has begun publishing all approved
     treaties on microfiche, beginning in 1990.  A temporary
     control number is assigned to each treaty.  A subject index
     exists on microfiche as well.

               Location:  LLRR


1.   Treaties in Force (TIF).  GPO.  (annual)         JX236.1929c
          Listing of all treaties and agreements still in force as
     of date of publication.  Gives cites for any modifying
     legislation.  Current edition supersedes prior ones.

               Location: LLRR  current
                         MRR  current
                         DEPOSITORY  1979- 

2.   Department of State Bulletin.  GPO.  (1939-1989)     JX232.A33
          Reprints press releases announcing treaties and
     agreements.  Also includes major foreign policy speeches
     and statements.  Sometimes includes full text of treaties or
     agreements.  Ceased December 1989, replaced in 1990 by

               Location:  LLRR  1970-1989
                          DEPSOITORY  1979-1989
               Online version:  NEXIS/exec;dsptch  (1984-1989)
                                DIALOG/211,47 Mag Ind-IAC  (1977-
                                       1989) [index only]
                                DIALOG/647 Mag Asap-IAC (1983-
                                SCORPIO/mags;magsb (1980-89) index

3.   U.S. Department of State Dispatch.  GPO  (weekly)
          Contains major speeches and congressional testimony by
     senior U.S. officials, foreign policy summaries, fact sheets,
     current U.S. treaty actions, feature articles, and updates on
     events around the world.

               Location:  LLRR  1990-
                          DEPOSITORY 1990-
               Online version:  NEXIS/exec;dsptch  (1990-)

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 43


American State Papers                                          25
Annals of Congress                                             15

Bibliography and Indexes of the United States
  Congressional Committees                                     18
Bill Digest                                                12, 30
Blue books                                                     38
Book of the States                                             37
Budget of the United States Government                         35

Calendar of the House of Representatives
  and History of Legislation                           13, 14, 31
Catalog of the Public Documents                             8, 25
Checklist of U.S. Public Documents                         25, 35
CIS Cumulative Index                                            9
CIS Index to Presidential Executive Orders & Proclamations     34
CIS Index to U.S. Executive Branch Documents, 1789-1909        35
CIS Unpublished US House of Representatives
  Committee Hearings                                           20
CIS Unpublished US Senate Committee Hearings                   20
CIS US Congressional Committee Hearings Index              19, 21
CIS US Congressional Committee Prints Index                    18
CIS US Senate Executive Documents & Reports Index              24
CIS US Serial Set Index                                    24, 25
CIS US Serial Set on Microfiche                                24
CIS/Annual                                                  9, 30
CIS/Congressional Bills, Resolutions,
  and Laws on Microfiche                                   12, 27
CIS/Congressional Masterfile on CD-ROM                          9
CIS/Index                                               9, 21, 25
CIS/Microfiche Library                          9, 18, 19, 22, 30
Clerk of the House of Representatives Report                   23
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)                              32
Codification of Presidential Proclamations
  and Executive Orders                                         34
Committee calendars                                        14, 21
Congressional bills                                            11
Congressional Bills on Microfiche                          11, 12
Congressional Directory                                         6
Congressional Globe                                            15
Congressional Index                                 8, 13, 29, 31
Congressional Monitor                                           7
Congressional Record                                   10, 15, 16
Congressional Record Index                             12, 15, 31
Congressional Record.  Appendix                                16
Congressional Record.  Daily Digest                        12, 16
Congressional Record.  Index                               12, 16
Congressional Staff Directory                                   7

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 44

Constitution Annotated                                         23
Constitution, Jefferson's Manual, and Rules
  of the House of Representatives                              22
CQ Almanac                                                      7
CQ Weekly Report                                                7
Current Law Index                                              28

Department of State Bulletin                               40, 41
Department of State Dispatch                               40, 41
Deschler's Precedents of the United States
  House of Representatives                                     22
Digest of Public General Bills                             12, 31

Executive Journal of the Senate                                17

Federal Index                                      10, 13, 16, 35
Federal Register                                        10, 32-35
Federal Regulatory Directory                                   32

Guide to State Legislative Materials                           38

Hein's U.S. Treaties and Other International Agreements        41
House Journal                                                  17

Index of Congressional Committee Hearings                      20
Index to Legal Periodicals                                     28

Journals of Congress                                           17
Journals of the Continental Congress                           17

Legal Trac                                                     28
Legislative Histories Indexed Guide                        29, 30
LSA:List of Sections Affected                                  32

Major Legislation of the Congress                           8, 13
Marcive CD-ROM                                                  8
Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory                               39
Monthly Catalog of Government Publications                     25
Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications    8, 25
Monthly Catalog Serial Set Supplement                          25

National Directory of State Agencies                           38
Numerical Lists and Schedule of Volumes                        25

Popular Names of US Government Reports                         26
Presidential Executive Orders                                  34
Public Papers of the Presidents                                33

Register of Debates                                            15
Report of the Secretary of the Senate                          23

Secret Journals of Congress                                    17

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
                                                            p. 45

Senate Calendar of Business                                    14
Senate Executive Documents                                     23
Senate Executive Reports                                       24
Senate Journal                                                 17
Senate Manual                                                  23
Senate Procedure                                               23
Senate Treaty Documents                                        23
Serial Set                              9, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 33
Shepard's Acts and Cases by Popular Name                       29
Sources of Compiled Legislative Histories                      31
State Administrative Officials Classified by Function          37
State Elective Officials and the Legislatures              37, 38
State Information Book                                         37
State Legislative Leadership, Committees & Staff               38
State Legislative Sourcebook                                   37
Statistical Abstracts of the United States                     35
Statutes at Large                                      27, 31, 34
Supplement to the Index of Congressional Committee
          Hearings...                                          21

Treaties and Other International Acts Series (TIAS)            40
Treaties and Other International Agreements
   of the United States                                        40
Treaties in Force                                              41

Union List of Legislative Histories                            31
United States Code                                 27, 29, 34, 35
United States Code Annotated                               28, 29
United States Code Congressional and
  Administrative New     sUSCCAN                23, 28-30, 34, 35
United States Government Manual                                 6
United States Law Week                                         36
United States Reports                                          36
United States Statutes at Large                    27, 31, 34, 40
United States Treaties and Other
  International Agreements    (UST)                            40
US Congressional Committee Hearings on Microfiche              19
US Congressional Committee Prints on Microfiche                18
US Serial Set                              17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 33

Washington Information Directory                                6
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents           10, 33, 35
White House Press Releases                                     33
Witness Index to US Congressional Hearings                     21

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****


Note:  This file has been edited for use on computer networks. 
This editing required the removal of diacritics, underlining, and
fonts such as italics and bold.  

kde (10/92), C.Bean (2/95)


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