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By Eye On the U.N.

December 11, 2006

On November 29, 2006 the United Nations held its annual Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Last year the event sported a map without the state of Israel on it and a moment of silence honoring the self-sacrifice of suicide bombers. This year, after EYEontheUN exposed the scandal, the map did not appear and the moment of silence was cancelled. Instead, the UN hosted an event which included the following speeches and activities at UN Headquarters:
  • A movie was screened encouraging children to glorify death and murder. Open to all members of the public and entitled "The Color of Olives", it told a story of Palestinians said to suffer because of the security fence. The suffering was not connected to the terrorists who make the fence necessary. The Israeli victims of terrorism in the absence of the fence were not mentioned. In one scene, small children are depicted repeating the following words in their classroom: "Jerusalem, I sacrifice myself to you, land of my grandfather, we will return."
  • An exhibit in the UN public headquarters was opened by Farouk Kaddoumi, Head of the Political Department, of the Palestine Liberation Organization. He encouraged terrorism or "resistance", claimed anti-semitism was about Arabs, and rejected the very idea of Jewish self-determination or Zionism. He said:
The Palestinian people are not defined only by their resistance, they also speak the language of peace and love. ... Incredibly, Palestinians, a semitic people, are now accused of anti-semitism. This is a myth propagated by Zionists, not by Jews. Jews have always lived among us. Since the time of the Caananites, the land has been ours. We defend the religious heritage of all the three great religions, thus I am asking you to stand with us. Security yes, but not surrender. The land is ours and we shall not cede it.

Click here for the full story.

December 2006 News

Senator Tom Coburn

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