NSTA Professional Development Opportunity 

Don’t Forget the Toyota TAPESTRY Grants Deadline

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The deadline to apply for Toyota TAPESTRY grants is days away. Proposals, submitted online, must be received by 11:59 p.m. ET, Wednesday, January 21. Toyota is offering a total of $550,000 in grants to 75–80 K–12 teachers of science. Fifty large grants (up to $10,000 for each) will be awarded in addition to 25–30 mini grants (up to $2,500.) All awardees will receive a $500 stipend to use for travel expenses or registration to attend the NSTA National Conference in New Orleans. Don't wait! Visit the TAPESTRY website today for complete details!

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  • Literacy Study: 1 in 7 U.S. Adults Is Unable to Read This Story
    USA Today
    A long-awaited federal study finds that an estimated 32 million adults in the USA—about one in seven—are saddled with such low literacy skills that it would be tough for them to read anything more challenging than a children's picture book...  [view full summary]
    A long-awaited federal study finds that an estimated 32 million adults in the USA—about one in seven—are saddled with such low literacy skills that it would be tough for them to read anything more challenging than a children's picture book or to understand a medication's side effects listed on a pill bottle.
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  • A Wolfe in Regulator's Clothing: Drug Industry Critic Joins the FDA
    The Wall Street Journal
    To the consternation of the drug industry, drug-safety crusader Sidney Wolfe has been appointed to a key FDA committee. The outsider is going inside, mirroring a larger shift in the Washington pendulum toward tougher company regulation.
    To the consternation of the drug industry, drug-safety crusader Sidney Wolfe has been appointed to a key FDA committee. The outsider is going inside, mirroring a larger shift in the Washington pendulum toward tougher company regulation.
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  • Body Repair Could Be Ramped Up
    BBC News
    A combination of drugs could trick the body into sending its repair mechanisms into overdrive, say scientists. The technique could be used to speed the healing of heart or bone damage, they claim.
    A combination of drugs could trick the body into sending its repair mechanisms into overdrive, say scientists. The technique could be used to speed the healing of heart or bone damage, they claim.
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  • Autism Cases on the Rise
    A new study by researchers at the University of California, Davis shows that the continuous increase in autism cases over the last decade—particularly the huge increase seen in California—is real, not just due to changes in diagnosis criteria...  [view full summary]
    A new study by researchers at the University of California, Davis shows that the continuous increase in autism cases over the last decade—particularly the huge increase seen in California—is real, not just due to changes in diagnosis criteria or other "artifacts."
    [hide full summary]

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Climate Change from Pole to Pole
Six painstakingly researched and field-tested activities give students the opportunity to solve real-life scientific problems.  More »

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The Story of Science Classroom Companion
This e-book (free to members) includes editions for both teachers and students and provides teaching tips, vocabulary lists, activities, writing prompts, and more.  More »

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Today in Science History

On January 12 in 1580, Jan Baptist van Helmont, the father of biochemistry and originator of the term "gas," is born into a noble family in Brussels. Although he was an alchemist and his explanations often involved mysticism, he made an everlasting contribution to science by being the first to conduct biological experiments in which the conditions and results were numerically measured. He performed one of the most famous experiments in biology by growing a willow tree in a precise quantity of soil, to which only water was added; after five years the tree had gained 164 pounds, but the soil had lost only 2 ounces. He erroneously concluded that the water was the major source of the tree's nourishment. Ironically, air's carbon dioxide (which Helmont also discovered) contributes most to the tree's growth. [ from The Illustrated Almanac of Science, Technology, and Invention ]

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    NASA Global Cloud Observation Day  More »
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    Noyce Scholarship Program Outreach Workshop: DC  More »
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