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heading down to @shesgeeky to talk about fundraising (or whatever else geeky gals are interested in today) #shesgeeky
@joeywan thanks for the SF dine about town reminder! how convenient that the last night to take advantage of this (Saturday) is date night.
@neilsf @mdufort no screenshots. hm, does google archive streetview images? (e.g. are they subpoenable, can they be used to catch bad guys?)
RT @mathewi @mjkeliher: Google hit a deer?!? Forward 2 clicks, then 2 clicks left. [What horrid person took this?]
@RickCoplin that is exactly why I turn on a giant 7-gallon humidifier every night...Florida girls can't take the dry. cat appears comfy too.
@davidhornik I once saw an interview in which Cartwright noted that using Bart's voice outside of official Fox activity was NOT allowed
Girls Gone Geeky - and Getting Funded: I'm glad to be supporting TWO upcoming events designed for women entrepre..
@mashusha (aka @balletsuperstar) congratulations on winning the gold medal tonight! dance superstar!
#creativecommons is looking for folks to discuss what 'noncommercial' actually means - meetings live in SF/NY, apply here:
@jpramey @wendels @peymojo that's the whole point...identify what those things are, and then do them. don't let the fear get in the way. ;)
#courage what would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
#myfirstjob day-temp file clerk at Dade County Criminal Court when I was 7. (really!) perfect summer job for a little OCDer.
@amylola did you remember to bring wax paper? :)
4 days in. hillary as secretary of state? guantanamo bay closing? torture declared illegal? an end to the gag rule? pinch me.
@Mashusha your dancing was a delicate treat last night - so enjoyed your work. we looked for you also at City Hall, belated congratulations! - More dancing with @Barneyp at SF city hall
The SF Ballet Gala has the best-dressed line for the ladies' room in town! Not sure how to handle my train.
@CathyBrooks thought of you as we ate the last of the pecan pie last night. heh.
also enjoying the nommy @openkitchen mashed potato collaboration by @marytrigiani, @ccarfi, @salimismail, @susanmernit, and martin gedalin.
enjoying @cskott's delicious cream gravy with the devil fried chicken from @openkitchen night. mmmm.


Rael Dornfest Josh Kopelman Chris Fralic Chris Sacca Mary Hodder Ross Nitin Borwankar Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Karl Jacob adam rifkin Jeff Bonforte Scott Beale David Crow Rob Hayes Oren Michels Di-Ann Eisnor Sanford lane becker Joanne Wan Thor Muller brady forrest Amy Muller Scott Rafer Megan McCarthy Stowe Boyd Brian Solis Mark Bao debs Leslie Chicoine Pamela Laird  Chris Heuer Bradley Horowitz Micki Krimmel
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