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I've no interest in getting my daughters to be In Tech. But I'm quick to offer ways tech can help them with [whatever it is they're into]
My 20-year old daughters have no idea what "girl geek" even means. Tech is just a tool to them, not Big Cool Concept the way it was for me.
@GregOstravich Interesting! I do think the issue of "bringing up girl geeks" makes less & less sense today, in context of digital natives.
@rotkapchen agree--a link to "discussion" makes no sense if there's already a nav link for "blog" and "wiki"... what does "discussion" mean?
"It can be too easy to forget the difference between critical thinking and being critical. Thinking++" -Marc Hedlund @precipice
@robknight horse trainer's advice: "take the time it takes so it takes less time" (slow down to speed up, etc.) Applies nearly everywhere!
@rotkapchen not sure I understand why seeing "blog" in a navigation UI is FAIL. Why can't a blog be both a tool AND a nav destination?
"leaving IM running is like sitting down to work after hanging a giant "DISTRACT ME" sign over your desk" Cory Doctorow (via @hrheingold )
@plasticbagUK 'instrumenting your life' thing you did at Foo was a perfect storm: cringe-worthy, useful, mind-opening, creepy, fascinating
If you write tech books, courseware, or ANYTHING to help someone learn, please, please read this @johnwlewis post
@alexdc w/film & video, audio is a superpower... good audio makes us think the images are better too (reverse not true), & creates feeling
@Spatacoli Renamed "school" to "place of learning"? [shakes head] Love that the main guy accidentally calls it "school" while discussing :)
@alexdc your tweets on video (from the course you're auditing) are amazing...I'm actually learning something. Thanks so much.
"If your offering is earth-shaking, show your product shaking the earth." (Calling it “state of the art” is unconvincing.) --@copyblogger...
@Spatacoli disagree re: "only 2 groups refer to 'users'". That WAS true, but has changed. Even Copper Mtn ski resort signs refer to "users"
@thillerson agree, but doesn't mean the words should just roll over & give up. Words can be rehabbed/restored to glory. Teacher, user, etc.
Draumur update: removed his shoes; he won't need them for a long time : ( But today--2 wks into treatment--I swear he was walking better
@daveferrick The problem is how to describe the person (like me) who helps design/create/cause "learning". The word teach used to MEAN that.
Product Dev mistake #343: assuming "upgrade" means "add features"
Why not use another word to describe BAD teaching, or things-that-look-like-teaching but aren't? Poor examples shouldn't ruin a good word.


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