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A Guide to the Microform Collections: Index by Format and Subject K-Z

Introduction | Index A-J | Index K-Z
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K-L | M | N | O | P-Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X-Z

In this index references to entries are listed by title under format and subject headings. Entries themselves are arranged alphabetically in the text.

Format (e.g. Books; Correspondence; Pamphlets) and Subject (e.g. Germany--History; Slavery and antislavery) headings have been interfiled below in one single alphabet. Format headings have been adapted from Library of Congress usage for this index, and have been interpreted broadly (e.g. "Archives" is used for records of governments, organizations, and other institutions). Subject headings follow Library usage as far as possible, but are simplified, or used broadly, for this index (e.g., the subdivision "--History" is often used without specifying a chronological period).

Every effort was made to be as accurate and inclusive as possible, but some microform collections are by their nature hard to categorize. In using the index readers should try all possible approaches in order to make the search productive.


Kennedy, John F.

John F. Kennedy national security files. Africa
John Fitzerald public press, a collection of newspaper articles, 1892-1964
President John F. Kennedy's office files, 1961-1963
Warren Commission report & hearings
Kennedy, Robert F.
Senator Robert F. Kennedy presidential campaign...
Kentucky culture series
Keynes, John Maynard
Keynes papers
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr., FBI file
Knoedler Library
Auction catalogues on microfiche
Japan, Korea, and the security of Asia, 1946-1976
Japan, Korea, and the security of Asia: special studies, 1970-1980
Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and the Far East generally: 1959-1961 supplement
Postwar Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia
U.S. military intelligence reports. Japan, 1918-1941
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Korean War, 1950-1953
Korean War studies and after-action reports
Military situation in the Far East and the relief of General MacArthur
U.S. Army senior officer oral histories
United States. Department of State. Decimal files. Korea, 1950- 1957



Copyright deposits, 1874-1940. Patent Office labels
Copyright deposits, 1925-1940, Patent Office unregistered prints and labels
Brazil's popular groups, 1966-1986 (and supplements)
Historical archives of the Brazilian Workers' Movement
Labor and laboring classes--Great Britain
Archives of the Fabian Society Archives of the Trades Union Congress
Radical periodicals of Great Britain, 1794-1950 (i.e., through 1845)
Women, industry, and trades unionism
Women and the labour movement
Women's Labour League, 1906-1918
Labor and laboring classes--U.S.
American labor union officers' report
American labor unions' constitutions and proceedings
Black workers in the era of the great migration, 1916-1929
History of the United Public Workers Union in Hawaii
Labor union periodicals
Marshall University oral history of Appalachia
Pamphlets in American history
Pamphlets on socialism, communism, bolshevism, etc.
President's Mediation Commission, 1917-1918
Records of the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor
Selected documents from records of the Committee on Fair Employment Practice...( 3 collections under this title)
Social welfare periodicals
State labor report
Twentieth century trade union woman: vehicle for social change
U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations, 1912-1915
U.S. military intelligence reports. Surveillance of radicals in the U.S., 1917-1941
Woods Highway Truck Library oral history
Labour Party (Great Britain)
Archives of the Fabian Society
Women's Labour League, 1906-1918
Landowners of Ireland
Language and languages
Linguistic atlas of the Gulf States
Yoruba collection of William & Berta Bascom

Search also under Linguistics; Oral history

Latin America
Latin American studies
Technical report and documents of the OAS
Latin America--Bibliography
Centrale catalogus Caraibiana
Latin American imprints before 1800
Spanish bibliographies of J. T. Medina

Latin America--Biography

Archivo biográfico de España, Portugal e Iberoamérica
Latin American and Iberian biographies (pamphlets)

Latin America--Catholic church

CIDOC collection: the history of religiosity in Latin America, ca. 1830-1970
Puebla 79
Serie conflicto religioso
Latin America--Economic conditions
Latin American and Iberian pamphlets II, 1802-1992
Latin American pamphlets from the Yale University Library
Latin America--Foreign relations
British parliamentary papers on Central and South America, 1800-1899
Documentos oficiales de la organización de los Estados Americanos
Latin American studies
Latin America--History
Archivo del Libertador, Casa Natal, Caracas
Biblioteca de historia nacional
British parliamentary papers on Central and South America, 1800-1899
Colección de documentos ineditos relativos al descubrimiento
Gibbs archive: papers of Antony Gibbs & Sons, 1744-1953
Latin American imprints before 1800
Latin American and Iberian pamphlets II, 1802-1992
Latin American pamphlets from the Yale University Library
Latin American studies
UNESCO mission in Panama.
Latin America--Politics and government
Cristianos por el socialismo, dossier 1
Dossiers Indal
Iglesia en America Latina, serie 1, dossiers 1-9
Latin America, 1941-1961
Latin America, 1946-1976
Latin America: special studies, 1962-1980 (and supplements)
Latin American and Iberian pamphlets II, 1802-1992
Latin American pamphlets from the Yale University Library
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Latin literature
Vergiliana collection
Latin poetry, medieval and modern
Manuscripts of Prudentius
Women and law
League of Nations
League of Nations documents and publications, 1919-1946


United States. Department of State. Decimal files

Levi Strauss & Co.--History

California Jewish community oral history collection
Liberation theology
Cristianos por el socialismo, dossier 1
Library science
ACRL microcard series
Bibliographical Society of America. Papers
Library and information science research reports
Mixed mode document research the collected reports
Lifwynn Foundation
Trigant Burrow research collection
Linguistic atlas of the Gulf states
Microfilm collection of manuscripts on cultural anthropology
Search under American (British, Latin, etc.) literature
Literature, medieval
Major treasures in the Bodleian Library
Selected volumes from the Petrarch collection at Cornell University
Manuscripts of Prudentius
Reproductions of manuscripts and rare printed books
Literature, modern
Eighteenth century
Paul Laumonier collection of Ronsard microfilms
Reproductions of manuscripts and rare printed books
Russian futurism, 1910-1916
Little presses--United States--Catalogs
Publishers' catalogs annual
Lloyd George, David
History of the Ministry of Munitions
Louis, Joe
Joe Louis scrapbooks, 1935-1944
Ludlow massacre
U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations, 1912-1915


MacArthur, Douglas

Military situation in the Far East and the relief of General MacArthur
Madero, Francisco I, 1873-1913
Archivo de Don Francisco I, Madero

Magazines. Search under Periodicals


Harry Houdini scrapbooks: 1858-1926
Scrapbook containing pictures...Harry Houdini...
Witchcraft in Europe and America
Rhodesia and Nyasaland, political Ephemera, 1956-1963
Manchuria (China)
Japanese studies in World War II
History of women
Manuscripts, American
D.W. Griffith papers
First World War, a documentary record
History of nursing
Millerites and early Adventists
Manuscripts, American--Inventories
National inventory of documentary sources in the United States
Manuscripts, Arabic
Arabic manuscripts in the library of the S.O.A.S, University of London
Manuscripts, Aramaic
Dead Sea scrolls
Manuscripts, British
Anglo-Saxon manuscripts in microfiche facsimile
Autograph collection, Fawcett Library
British manuscripts project
First World War, a documentary record
Gibbs archive: papers of Antony Gibbs & Sons, 1744-1953
History of nursing
Josephine Butler letter collection
Ladies of Llangollen : letters and journals of Lady Eleanor Butler (1739-1829) and Sarah Ponsonby (1755-1831) from the National Library of Wales
Major Treasures of the Bodleian Library
Politics and administration of Tudor and Stuart England...
Reproductions of manuscripts and rare printed books (MLA)
Sir Isaac Newton: manuscripts and papers
Women, industry, and trades unionism
Women, suffrage, and politics: the papers of Sylvia Pankhurst
Manuscripts, British--Inventories
Guildhall Library numerical catalogue
National inventory of documentary sources in the United Kingdom
Manuscripts, East European
Historical materials on Baptists and other evangelicals in Soviet Russia and other Eastern European countries
Manuscripts, Ethiopic
Manuscripts in St. Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai
Manuscripts, European (multi-country)
History of nursing Manuscripts in St. Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai
Manuscripts in the libraries of the Greek and Armenian patriarchates in Jerusalem
Manuscripts, French
Ancien regime in turmoil?
French Revolution research collection
History of nursing
Reproductions of manuscripts and rare printed books
Paul Laumonier collection of Ronsard Microfilms
Manuscripts, German
First World War, a documentary record
Franz Brentano posthumous philosophical work originals
Private war journal of Generaloberst Franz Halder
Rothenburg Judenackten
Manuscripts, Greek
Dead Sea scrolls
Manuscripts in St. Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai
Manuscripts in the libraries of the Greek and Armenian patriarchates in Jerusalem
Selected manuscripts in the monasteries of Mount Athos
Manuscripts, Israeli
Briefe: Von der Jugendzeit bis zum Tode
Manuscripts, Italian
Pandette dei Notai Antich (Genoa)
Papers relating to World War I in the archives of Baron Sidney Sonnino
Reproductions of manuscripts and rare printed books
Manuscripts, Japanese
Saionji-Harada memoirs, 1931-1940
Manuscripts, Jewish
Dead Sea scrolls
Rothenburg Judenackten
Manuscripts, Latin
British manuscripts project
Microfilm corpus of the indexes to printed catalogues of Latin manuscripts before 1600 A.D.
Manuscripts of Prudentius
Reproductions of manuscripts and rare printed books (MLA)
Manuscripts, Latin American
Archivo de Don Francisco I, Madero Archivo de la ciudad de Veracruz
Archivo de la revolución Mexicana
Archivo de Hidalgo del Parral, 1631-1821
Archivo del Libertador, Casa Natal, Caracas
Archivo Franciscano
Archivo Gómez Farias
Archivo Maximiliano de Hapsburgo
Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al discubrimiento, conquista, y organización de las antiguas posesiones Españolas de América y Oceania
Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al discubrimiento, conquista, y organización de las antiguas posesiones Españolas de ultramar
Serie conflicto religioso
Manuscripts, Latin--Inventories
Microfilm corpus of unpublished inventories of Latin manuscripts
Manuscripts, Mexican
Archivo de Don Francisco I, Madero
Archivo de la ciudad de Veracruz
Archivo de la revolución Mexicana
Archivo Franciscano
Archivo Gómez Farias
Serie conflicto religioso
Manuscripts, Middle Eastern
Manuscripts in St. Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai
Manuscripts, Soviet
Historical materials on Baptists and other evangelicals in Soviet Russia and other Eastern European countries
Manuscripts, Spanish
Archivo Gómez Farias
Colección de documentos inéditos para la Historia de España Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al discubrimiento, conquista, y organización de las antiguas posesiones Españolas de América y Oceania
Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al discubrimiento, conquista, y organización de las antiguas posesiones Españolas de ultramar
Concordances and texts of the fourteenth-century Argonese manuscripts of Juan Fernández de Heredia
Concordances and texts of the royal scriptorium manuscripts of Alfonso X, El Sabio
Manzanar War Relocation Center (California)
Japanese-American oral history collection
Foreign gazetteers of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names
Indonesia, memories van overgave
Martel, Charles, 1860-1945--Biography
Charles Martel, librarian, 1860-1945: Biographica, letters & portraits
Bowman files
Massachusetts vital records
Massachusetts vital records
Province in rebellion
Masters theses
ACRL microcard series
Masters' theses
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 1832-1867
Archivo Maximiliano de Hapsburgo
Mayflower descendants
Bowman files
History of nursing
Primary sources for the history of pharmacy in the United States
Women and health collection
Archief Burlamacchi
Merit Report
American public opinion data
Metal trades
Labor union periodicals
Mexico--Foreign relations
Archivo de la revolución Mexicana Archivo Maximiliano de Hapsburgo
Archivo de Don Francisco I, Madero
Archivo de Hidalgo del Parral, 1631-1821
Archivo de la ciudad de Veracruz
Archivo de la revolución Mexicana
Archivo Franciscano
Archivo Gómez Farias
Archivo Maximiliano de Hapsburgo
Coleccioón de documentos inéditos relativos al discubrimiento, conquista, y organización de las antiguas posesiones Españolas de ultramar
Hemeroteca histórica Mexicana
Latin American pamphlets from the Yale University Library
Serie conflicto religioso
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Mexico--Politics and government
Archivo de Don Francisco I, Madero
Archivo de la revolución Mexicana
Archivo Particular Adalberto Tejeda
Historia de los debates legislativos en Mexico
Latin American pamphlets from the Yale University Library
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Mexico. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
Serie conflicto religioso
Middle Ages
Pandette dei Notai Antich (Genoa) Rothenburg Judenackten

Middle East Search also under individual countries.

Middle East--Antiquities

History of glass: the glass of ancient Egypt and the ancient Near East
Middle East--Architecture
Armenian architecture
Middle East--History
Arab Bureau papers (1911-1919) Historical photographs of the Middle East
Oriental question, 1840-1900
Palestine correspondence
Report of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry
Select reports of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Middle East--Photographs
Armenian architecture
Early photographs from Egypt, 1880-1910
Historical photographs of the Middle East
Middle East--Politics and government--20th century
Middle East (and supplements)
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Millerites and early Adventists
Missions, British
The Archives of the Council for World Mission, 1775-1940. Africa and Madagascar
Council for World Mission archives. Africa
Missions and missionaries
C.B.M.S. archives, London. Africa Committee: Minutes, papers
Chinese missionaries oral history project
IMC/CBMS archives
Latin American imprints before 1800
United Society for Christian Literature archives, 1799-1960
Women's work collection
Mississippi oral history collection
Missouri Opportunity 2000 Commission

Modern Language Association collection See Reproductions of manuscripts and rare printed books.

Montalvo, Juan

Miscellaneous works by and about Juan Montalvo
Southeastern Utah oral history collection
Motion pictures See also Actors and actresses.
American Film Institute, Louis B. Mayer oral history collection
American Film Institute Seminars
Alan Barbour's screen facts and screen nostalgia illustrated collection
EMI-Pathe film library catalogue
History of the cinema, 1895-1940
Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will
Little magazines series
What women wrote: scenarios, 1912-1929
British periodicals in the creative arts
Handlist of the dance collection
New Orleans jazz oral history collection of Tulane University
Philippine documentation project, University of California at Berkeley: literature on the Muslim struggle in the Philippines
Myrdal, Gunnar
Problems of the American Negro



Drugs: special studies, 1972-1986
National Parks--United States
American history and culture
National Socialist Party. Search under Nazism. National Woman's Party
Suffragists oral history collection
Europe and NATO: special studies, 1970-1980 (and supplements)
Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Navajo Indians
Southeastern Utah oral history collection
Akten der Partei-Kanzlei der NSDAP (Files of the National Socialist Party Chancellery)
German anti-semitic propaganda
Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will
Nazi movement
Right wing collection of the University of Iowa libraries
United States. Department of State. Decimal files. Germany: internal affairs, 1942-1944

Near East. Search under Middle East


Archief Burlamacchi
Biografische archief van de Benelux
Indexen openbaar verbaal, periode 1814-1921
Indonesia, memories van overgave
Reformed Protestantism
Neue Freie Presse
Berichte aus Paris an die "Neue Freie Presse" in Wien, 1891-1895
Nevada Territory manuscript census, 1861-1864 and Nevada state manuscript census for Washoe County, 1875
New Deal, 1933-1939
Columbia University oral history collection
New Deal agencies and black America in the 1930's
Reminiscences of Henry Agard Wallace
New England--Genealogy
Banks Genealogical collection
Barbour collection of Connecticut vital records
New Guinea--History
Indonesia, memories van overgave
New Jersey
Red Bank Public Library historical photographs collection
New Mexico
Cobb memorial photography collection
Henry A. Schmidt photography collection
New South (periodical)
Southern regional Council. Papers, 1944-1968
New Zealand
New Zealand cemetery records
News, foreign
Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily report
Joint Publications Research Service report
Summary of world broadcasts
Survey of People's Republic of China press
Collection d'archives du C. E. P. Kinshasa
German P.O.W. camp papers
Hemeroteca histórica Mexicana
Miscellaneous collection of radical newspapers and periodicals, 1917-1921
Records of the states of the United States of America
Reformed Protestantism
Underground newspapers microfilm collection
Underground press collection. Alternative Press Center supplement
EMI-Pathe film library catalogue
Newton, Sir Issac
Sir Isaac Newton: manuscripts and papers
Nicaragua: the making of U.S. policy, 1978-1990
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Nigeria--Politics and government
Ehrensatt collection of Nigeriana
Nixon, Richard
Earl Warren oral history collection
Richard M. Nixon oral history collection
Watergate in court

North Atlantic Treaty Organization. See NATO.

Northern Ireland--Politics and government

Northern Ireland parliamentary papers, 1921-1972
Northern Ireland political literature, 1968-1972
Nuclear disarmament
Committee on Disarmament, 1962-1984
Nuclear non-proliferation, 1945-1991
Nuclear energy--U.S
Hearings of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Nuclear energy
Nuclear proliferation
Nuclear energy
Nuclear non-proliferation, 1945-1991
Nuclear weapons
Manhattan Project official history and documents
Nuclear non-proliferation, 1945-1991
Nuclear weapons, arms control,... + supplements
History of nursing


Occupational diseases

Pollution: major sources for research, 1800-1950
Oil and petroleum
Oil and the energy crisis (and supplements)
Papers concerning Oklahoma State University and vicinity
Oneida community
Oneida community: books, pamphlets, and serials, 1834-1972
Multinational corporations, OPEC, cartels, foreign investment, and technology transfer, 1971-1981 (and supplements)
Catalogo colletivo di opere italiane, 1958-1973
German and Austrian drama
Oral history
American Film Institute, Louis B. Mayer oral history collection
American Film Institute seminars
American Indian oral history research project: part II
Appalachian oral history project of Alice Lloyd College
Bay Area Foundation oral history collection
California Jewish community oral history collection
California State University, Fullerton, community history project, Anaheim
California State University, Fullerton, community history project, Fullerton
California State University, Fullerton, community history project, San Juan Capistrano
China missionaries oral history project
Chinese oral history project
Civil rights during the Johnson administration
Columbia University oral history collection
Contemporary history project: oral history collection
Earl Warren oral history collection
Former members of Congress oral history collection
History of nursing
History of the United Public Workers Union in Hawaii
Italians in Chicago oral history project
Japanese-American oral history collection
Korean War studies and after-action reports
Marshall University oral history of Appalachia
Mississippi oral history collection
New Orleans jazz oral history collection of Tulane University
Newport and Huntington Beach
Oral histories of the Johnson administration, 1963-1969
Outstanding women of California oral history collection
Project South oral history collection
Reminiscences of Henry Agard Wallace
Richard M. Nixon oral history collection
Sangamon State University oral history collection
Slave narratives
Stanford University Project South oral history collection
Southeastern Utah oral history collection
Suffragists oral history collection
Tennessee regional oral history collection of the Memphis Public Library
Twentieth century trade union woman: vehicle for social change
U.S. Army senior officer oral histories
University of California, Berkeley, agriculture, water resources, and land use oral history collection
University of California, Berkeley, books and printing in the San Francisco Bay area oral history collection
University of California, Berkeley, California wine industry oral history collection
University of California, Berkeley, forestry, parks, and conservation oral history collection
University of California, Berkeley, Russian emigres oral history collection
University of California, Santa Cruz, regional oral history project
University of Wisconsin oral history collection
Voices from Ellis Island
Woods Highway Truck Library
William E. Wiener oral history library of the American Jewish Committee
World War II combat interviews

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. See OPEC..

Oswald, Lee Harvey

Warren Commission report & hearings
Ottoman empire
A microfilm projekt [sic] of Austrian material, 1848-1918
Outer space
Aeronautics and space reports to the Congress, 1958-1984



Indian biographical archive
Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence. Palestine, 1947-1948
Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence. Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946
Palestine correspondence
Reports of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
American architectural books
American culture series
Anglo-Judaic pamphlets from the Jewish Theological Seminary
Anti-slavery collection, 18th-19th centuries
Archives of the Trades Union Congress
Blodgett collection of Spanish civil war pamphlets
Britain and Europe Since 1945
British pamphlets relating to the American Revolution
Bulletins and other ephemera relating to the Fourth International
Civil War: 1861-1865
Collección de documentos para la historia de la oposición política al estado autoritario en Chile, 1973-1981
Collection Mangones
Cornell University collection of women's rights pamphlets
Daniel Murray pamphlet collection
Dossiers Indal
Early American imprints, 1639-1800
Early American imprints, 2nd series. . . 1801-1819
Early Quaker Writings from the Library of the Society of Friends, 1650-1750
Flugschriftensammlung Gustav Freitag
French Revolution research collection
Gitelson collection
Gerritsen collection of women's history
History of photography
History of the cinema, 1895-1940
History of women
Jews and gentiles, a collection of pamphlets
Latin American pamphlets from the Yale University Library
Millerites and early Adventists
Miscellaneous works by and about Juan Montalvo
Northern Ireland political literature, 1968-1972
De ondergrondse pers, 1940-1945 = Dutch underground press
Oneida community: books, pamphlets, and serials, 1834-1972
Pamphlets (German Communist Party)
Pamphlets in American history
Pamphlets on the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
Portuguese pamphlets, 1610-1921
Pre-1900 Canadiana
Publications of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Rhodesia and Nyasaland, political ephemera, 1956- 1963
Right wing collection of the University of Iowa libraries
Russian revolutionary literature at Houghton Library of Harvard University
Sexual politics in Britain
Slavery Tracts & Pamphlets from the West India Committee collection
Thomason tracts
Tracts de mai 1968
Vergiliana collection
Western Americana, 1550-1900
Western Reserve Historical Society Shaker collection
Women at work collection, from the Imperial War Museum
Women, industry, and trades unionism
World Peace Foundation pamphlets
Crises in Panama and the Dominican Republic
UNESCO mission in Panama
Pankhurst, Sylvia
Suffragette fellowship collection, from the Museum of London
Women, suffrage, and politics: the papers of Sylvia Pankhurst
Papal visits--Latin America (1979-80)
Puebla 79
Edgar Cayce readings
Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920)
Hungarian peace negotiations
Parish registers. Search under Vital records. Patents
Official gazette of the United States Patent Office
Paul, Alice
Suffragists oral history collection

Abolitionist periodicals
Africana serials in microform in the Library of Congress
Alan Barbour's screen facts and screen nostalgia illustrated collection
Alternative press collection
American Indian periodicals from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1884-1981
American Indian periodicals in the Princeton University Library
American periodical series
American theatre periodicals of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Anti-slavery collection, 18th-19th Centuries
Black journals
Brazil's popular groups, 1966-1986 (and supplements)
British periodicals in the creative arts
Early British periodicals
English literary periodicals
French Revolution research collection
From the archives of Hildifons Took, formerly of Tuckborough
German books and periodicals from the Wilhelm Scherer collection
German-Jewish periodicals from the Leo Baeck Institute
Gerritsen collection of women's history
Goldsmiths'-Kress library of economic literature
Hemeroteca histórica Mexicana
Historical archives of the Brazilian Workers' Movement
Historical materials on Baptists and other evangelicals in Soviet Russia and other Eastern European countries
History of nursing
History of photography
History of women
Hoover Institution supplement to Underground press collection
Human rights documents
IIS microfiche Library
Labor union periodicals
Library of church unity periodicals
Little magazine series: selected short-run cinema periodicals
Millerites and early Adventists
Miscellaneous collection of Radical newspapers and periodicals
Moody's manuals on microfiche, 1909 to the present
National Art Library: the art periodicals collection at the V & A Museum, 1750-1920
Nineteenth century American literature
Northern Ireland political literature, 1968-1972
Oneida community: books, pamphlets, and serials, 1834-1972
Oregon regional union list of serials...
Periodicals by and about North American Indians, 1923-1981
Periodicals by and about the North American Indian
Polish independent publications, 1976+
Pulitzer prizes in journalism, 1917-1985
Radical periodicals in the United States
Reformed Protestantism: sources of the 16th and 17th centuries on microfiche
Right wing collection of the University of Iowa libraries
Russian revolutionary literature at Houghton Library of Harvard University
Seventh-Day Adventist retrospective periodical index
Sexual politics in Britain
Social and political status of women in Britain
Social welfare periodicals
SRI microfiche Library
Survey of People's Republic of China press
Tracts de mai 1968
U.S. military camp papers and U.S. military camp press releases
Underground newspapers microfilm collection
Underground press collection. Alternative Press Center supplement
Western Reserve Historical Society Shaker collection
Women and health collection
Women and law
Women and the labour movement

Persian Gulf States
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Latin American pamphlets from the Yale University Library
Petroleum industry--U.S
Oil and the energy crisis (and supplements)
Records of the Federal Trade Commission
Primary sources for the history of pharmacy in the United States
Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al discubrimiento, conquista, y organización de las antiguas posesiones Españolas de ultramar
Philippine documentation project, University of California at Berkeley: literature on the Muslim struggle in the Philippines
Philippines: U.S. policy during the Marcos years, 1965-1986
Spanish bibliographies of J. T. Medina
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Philosophy--Library catalogs
Catalog of the Hoose Library of Philosophy
Ancient Roman architecture : photographic index on microfiche
Armenian architecture
Carnegie survey of the architecture of the South, 1927-1943
Cobb memorial photography collection
Early photographs from Egypt, 1880-1910
Hearst collection photographs & acquisition records
Henry A. Schmidt photography collection
Historical photographs of the Middle East
History of nursing
History of women
Index der antiken Kunst und Architektur
Index iconologicus
Index photographique de l'art en France
Johnston, Frances Benjamin, 1864-1952
Marburger index: Bilddokumentation zur Kunst in Deutschland
North American Indians
Northwest Coast collection of American Indian art from the Museum of Mankind
Peabody Museum: a visual record of artifacts
Pulitzer prizes in journalism, 1917-1985
Red Bank Public Library historical photographs collection
History of photography
An inventory of published letters to and from physicists, 1900-1950
Einstein's collected writings
Black death, sources concerning the European plague
Playbills--England--19th c.
Playbills from the Harvard Theatre collection

Plays. See Theater.


Corefiche. Poetry in Granger
Early American periodicals index to 1850
Manuscripts of Prudentius
Prados manuscripts
Russian futurism, 1910-1916
Vergiliana collection
Polish independent publications, 1976+
Polskie archiwum biograficzne = Polnisches biographisches Archiv
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Political parties--Chile--20th century.
Collección de documentos para la historia de la oposición political al estado autoritario en Chile, 1973-1981
MAPU, Movimiento Acción Popular Unitaria, Chile, dossier 3
Partido comunista de Chile, dossier 1
Political parties--France
Mouvement Republicain Populaire
Parti Republicain, Radical & Radical-Socialiste
Political parties--Ireland
Northern Ireland political literature, 1968-1972
Political parties--U.S.
Democratic Party national conventions proceedings
Reminiscences of Henry Agard Wallace
Republican Party national conventions proceedings
Pollution: major sources for research, 1800-1950
Popular culture--U.S.
Alan Barbour's screen facts and screen nostalgia illustrated collection
Archivo biográfico de España, Portugal e Iberoamérica
Latin American and Iberian biographies (pamphlets)
Portuguese pamphlets, 1610-1921
Fürsten-Postkarten: Sammlung Frühsorge
British posters in the Victoria and Albert Museum
Plakatsammlung Institut für Zeitungsforschung der Stadt Dortmund
Tracts de mai 1968
Fürsten-Postkarten Sammlung Frühsorge
Potsdam Conference (1945)
Documents on British policy overseas
Prados, Emilio
Prados manuscripts
Archivo de Don Francisco I, Madero
Archivo Gómez Farias
Democratic Party national conventions proceedings
Jimmy Carter: path to the presidency, 1962-1976
John Fitzerald public press, a collection of newspaper articles, 1892-1964
Microfilm edition of presidential election campaign documents for the years 1868-1900
National economy under President Johnson
Oral histories of the Johnson administration, 1963-1969
Papers of Thomas Jefferson: control cards used in the editorial office at Princeton University
Presidential directives on national security from Truman to Clinton
Republican Party national conventions proceedings
Richard M. Nixon oral history collection
Senator Robert F. Kennedy presidential campaign
Bowyer ledgers: the printing accounts of William Bowyer
Copyright deposits, 1925-1940, Patent Office unregistered prints and labels
Print file
Prisoners of war
German P.O.W. camp papers

Documents on the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
German anti-semitic propaganda
Plakatsammlung Institut für Zeitungsforschung der Stadt Dortmund
Right Wing collection of the University of Iowa libraries
Prostitution--Great Britain--History
Josephine Butler letter collection
Protestant churches
Microfilm corpus of American Lutheranism
Reformed Protestantism
State of the churches
Edgar Cayce readings
Franz Brentano posthumous philosophical work originals
JSAS: catalog of selected documents in psychology
Tests in microfiche
Trigant Burrow research collection
Public health--History
History of nursing
Public health--U.S.--20th century
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1963-1969)
Public opinion--Great Britain--World War II
Tom Harrison Mass-Observation archive
Public opinion--U.S.
American public opinion data
Public policy--U.S.
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1963-1969)
Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service
Papers of the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy
Survey Associates records
Publishers and publishing--England
Bowyer ledgers the printing accounts of William Bowyer
Microfiche editions of book prospectuses in the Bodleian Library
Nineteenth century
Records of the Worshipful Company of Stationers, 1554-1920
Publishers and publishing--U.S.
Publishers' catalogs annual
Publishers' trade list annual
University of California, Berkeley, books and printing in the San Francisco Bay area, oral history collection
Pulitzer prize
Pulitzer prizes in journalism, 1917-1985



Anti-slavery collection, 18th-19th Centuries
Early Quaker writings
Friends House Library digest registers of births, marriages, and burials for England and Wales, 17th c.-1837


Race relations--South Africa

Black Sash (Society). Papers
Debates and proceedings of the Coloured Persons Representative Council
Race relations--U.S.
Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching. Papers, 1930-1942
Atlanta University publications, 1896-1947
Civil rights during the Johnson administration
Commission on Interracial Cooperation. Papers, 1919-1944
East St. Louis race riot of 1917
Mississippi oral history collection
Southern regional Council. Papers, 1944-1968
Stanford University. Project South oral history collection
German anti-semitic propaganda
Nazi movement
Racism--United States
Facts on film
Problems of the American Negro
Right wing collection of the University of Iowa libraries
Slave narratives
Alternative press collection
Contemporary history project: oral history collection
Hoover Institution supplement to Underground press collection
Miscellaneous collection of radical newspapers and periodicals, 1917-1921
Pamphlets, in American history
Pamphlets on socialism, communism' bolshevism, etc.
Radical periodicals in the U.S.: 1890-1960 (Forerunner)
Radical periodicals of Great Britain, 1794-1950
Records of the Subversive Activities Control Board, 1950-1972
Russian revolutinary literature at Houghton Library of Harvard University
Sexual politics in Britain
Social and political status of women in Britain
Tracts de mai 1968
Underground newspapers microfilm collection
Underground press collection. Alternative Press Center supplement
U.S. military intelligenece reports. Surveillance of radicals in the U.S., 1917-1941
Search also under Communism; Socialism
Radio broadcasts
Columbia Broadcasting System. Monitoring reports, 1939-1945.
Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily report
Home service nine o'clock news, 1939-1945
Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty publications on microfiche
Summary of world broadcasts
Voice of America (transcripts)
Radio Free Europe
Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty publications on microfiche
Radio Liberty
Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty publications on microfiche
Rankin, Jeannette
Suffragists oral history collection
Rare books--Bibliography
Bibliographical Society of America. Papers
Real property tax
Lusk's Arlington County assessment service
Lusk's District of Columbia assessment service
Lusk's Fairfax County, Va. assessment service
Lusk's Montgomery County, Md. assessment service
Lusk's Prince George's County assessment service
Flugschriften des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts
Flugschriften des späteren 16. Jahrhunderts
Reformed Protestantism
Papers of the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy
Registers of birth, etc. Search under Vital records

Religion See also Missions and Missionaries and Christianity.

Gitelson collection
Holdings of Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Historical Museum in Manuscript and Print
Pamphlets in American history
State of the churches
Social problems and the churches
Western Reserve Historical Society Shaker collection
Relocation camps--U.S.--World War II
Papers of the U.S. Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
Paul Laumonier collection of Ronsard microfilms
Selected Volumes from the Petrarch collection at Cornell University
Masters abstracts
Research abstracts
Reunion (documents)
Dossiers Indal
French Revolution research collection
Rhodesia and Nyasaland, political ephemera, 1956-1963
Riefenstahl, Leni
Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will
Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie
De ondergrondse pers, 1940-1945 = Dutch underground press
Ancient Roman architecture
Index der antiken Kunst und Architektur
Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Franklin D. Roosevelt and foreign affairs
Map room files of President Roosevelt, 1939-1945. Map room Army and Navy messages, December 1941-May 1942
Map room files of President Roosevelt, 1939-1945. Map room conference and special files, 1942-1945
Map room files of President Roosevelt, 1939-1945. Map room military subject files, 1941-1945
Map room files of President Roosevelt, 1939-1945. Map room naval operations files, 1941-1945
Reminiscences of Henry Agard Wallace
Search also under New Deal; Presidents--United States

Roper Report
American public opinion data
Rosenberg, Julius
United States. Department of State. Decimal files. Soviet Union: foreign affairs and internal affairs, 1950-1954
Reproductions of manuscripts and rare printed books (MLA)
Royal houses--Portraits
Fürsten-Postkarten Sammlung Frühsorge
Russell Sage Foundation
Russell Sage Foundation
Russia. Search also under Soviet Union.
Diplomatic correspondence of British ministers to the Russian court at St. Petersburg, 1704-1776
Russian empire
Russian futurism, 1910-1916
Russian historical sources
Russian history and culture
Russian imperial government publications
Russian revolutinary literature at Houghton Library of Harvard University
University of California, Berkeley, Russian emigres oral history collection
Zernova collection
Russisches biographisches Archiv
Russian Americans
University of California, Berkeley, Russian emigres oral history collection
Russian literature
Card catalogs old and new...
Russian futurism, 1910-1916
Russian history and culture
Russian revolutinary literature at Houghton Library
Zernova collection


Sacco-Vanzetti Trial

Sacco-Vanzetti case papers
San Francisco--History
California Jewish community oral history collection
Scandinavian biographical archive
Scherer, Wilhelm
German books and periodicals from the Wilhelm Scherer collection
School integration--U.S.
Facts on film
Science fiction
Early science fiction novels
Science--Great Britain--History
Early letters and classified papers, 1660-1740 from the Archives of the Royal Society
Letters and papers of Robert Boyle from the archives of the Royal Society
Royal Society (Great Britain). Council minutes, 1660-1800
Royal Society (Great Britain). Journal books of scientific meetings, 1660-1800
Royal Society (Great Britain). Miscellaneous manuscripts
Catalogs of the library of the Deutsches Museum, Munich
Scientific expeditions--U.S.
Reports of explorations printed in the documents of the United States government
Scots' Charitable Society
Scots' Charitable Society. Papers
Biographical scrapbooks
Boston Transcript genealogy newspaper columns
Contemporary estimates of the life and character of...Gladstone
Facts on film
Harry Houdini scrapbooks: 1858-1926
History of nursing
Joe Louis scrapbooks, 1935-1944
Mayerling collection
Scrap books (Orville Wright)
Scrapbook containing pictures...Harry Houdini...
Scrapbooks (Susan B. Anthony)
Selections from the works of Jacques Barzun
Seventh-Day Adventists
Seventh-Day Adventist retrospective periodical index
Women and health collection
Semiconductor industry
Documentary case studies in international trade
Shakespeare, William
Shaw, George Bernard
Archives of the Fabian Society
Bernard Shaw diaries, 1885-1897
Short stories
Corefiche. Short stories
Slavery and anti-slavery--Great Britain
Anti-slavery collection, 18th-19th centuries
Black journals
Slave trade Africa
Slavery and anti-slavery--Mexico
Archivo de Hidalgo del Parral, 1631-1821
Slavery and anti-slavery--U.S.
Abolitionist periodicals
Scrapbooks. (Susan B. Anthony)
Slave narratives
Slavery source materials
Slavery tracts and pamphlets from the West India Committee collection
Slavic literature--Bibliography
Card catalogs old and new...
Small press--United States--Catalogs
Publishers' catalogs annual
Social movements--Great Britain--20th century
Sexual politics in Britain
Social and political status of women in Britain
Social policy
Russell Sage Foundation
Social and economic development plans
Social welfare periodicals
State labor report
Social reform--Great Britain
Archives of the Fabian Society
Social reform--U.S.
Survey Associates records
Social surveys--Great Britain--World War II
Tom Harrison Mass-Observation archive
Social welfare
History of nursing
Survey Associates records
Pamphlets on socialism, communism, bolshevism, etc.
Search also under Communism; Radicalism
Socialism and Catholic Church--Latin America
Cristianos por el socialismo, dossier 1
Cristianos por el socialismo, dossier 1
Parti Republicain, Radical & Radical-Socialiste
Socialism--Great Britain
Archives of the Fabian Society
Socialism--Latin America
Dossiers Indal
Pamphlets in American history
U.S. military intelligence reports. Surveillance of radicals in the U.S., 1917-1941
Solidarnosc (Labor organization)
Polish independent publications, 1976+
Ethiopica on microfiche
Sonnino, Sidney
Papers relating to World War I in the archives of Baron Sidney Sonnino
Sonora (Mexico-State)--History
Archivo de la revolución Mexicana
South Africa
Black Sash (Society). Papers
Debatte en verrigtinge van die Verteenwoordigende Kleurlingraad
South Africa: the making of U.S. policy, 1962-1989
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
South Carolina
Memorials of seventeenth and eighteenth-century South Carolina land titles
South Dakota--History
American Indian oral history research project: part II
Southeast Asia--Politics and government
Postwar Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Vietnam and Southeast Asia, 1946-1976
Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Supplement
Vietnam and Southeast Asia: special studies, 1960-1980
Southern states--Architecture
Carnegie survey of the architecture of the South, 1927-1943
Southern states--History
Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching. Papers, 1930-1942
Mississippi oral history collection
Project South oral history collection
Southern regional Council. Papers, 1944-1968
Southwestern states
Archivo Franciscano
Documentary relations of the Southwest
Soviet Union
Archives of the Soviet Communist Party and Soviet State
Berlin crisis, 1958-1962
British Foreign Office Russian correspondence
Card catalogs old and new...
Historical materials on Baptists and other evangelicals in Soviet Russia and other Eastern European countries
Soviet biographic archives, 1954-1985
Soviet Union
Soviet Union, 1946-1976 (and supplements)
Soviet Union: 1950-1961 supplement
U.S. military intelligence reports. Soviet Union, 1919-1941
U.S. military intelligence reports. Soviet Union, 1941-1944
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Archivo biográfico de España, Portugal e Iberoamérica
Latin American and Iberian biographies (pamphlets)
Spain--Foreign relations
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Archivo de Hidalgo del Parral, 1631-1821
Biblioteca de historia nacional (Colombia)
Blodgett collection of Spanish civil war pamphlets
Colección de documentos inéditos para la historia de España
Colección de documentos inéditos relativos ... antiguas posesiones Españolas de América y Oceania
Colección de documentos inéditos relativos ... antiguas posesiones Españolas de ultramar
Concordances and texts of the fourteenth-century Aragonese manuscripts of Juan Fernández de Heredia
Concordances and texts of the royal scriptorium manuscripts of Alfonso X, El Sabio
Pamphlets on the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
Spain: foreign affairs, 1930-1939
Spain: internal affairs, 1930-1939
Spanish civil war
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Spanish drama
Collection of Spanish Plays
Spanish Drama of the Golden Age
Spanish language--History
Concordances and texts of the royal scriptorium manuscripts of Alfonso X, El Sabio
Léxico hispanoamericano del siglo...
Spanish literature
Miscellaneous works by and about Juan Montalvo
Spanish bibliographies of J. T. Medina
Stanford University
Stanford University. Project South oral history collection
ASI Census 1981. Economic activity [county]. [Great Britain]
IIS microfiche library
International population census publications
Mortality statistics: review of the Register General on deaths by area of usual residence in England and Wales, 1983
SRI microfiche Library
State labor report
Translations of statistical and census reports of Texas, 1782-1836, and sources documenting the black in Texas, 1603-1803
World Almanac and Book of Facts
Moody's manuals on microfiche, 1909 to the present
Student movement--U.S.
Contemporary history project: oral history collection
U.S. military intelligence reports. Surveillance of radicals in the U.S., 1917-1941
University of Wisconsin oral history collection
Suffrage--Great Britain
Suffragette fellowship collection, from the Museum of London
Women, suffrage, and politics: the papers of Sylvia Pankhurst
Scrapbooks (Susan B. Anthony)
Suffragists oral history collection
Survey (periodical)
Survey Associates records
Scandinavian biographical archive
United States. Department of State. Decimal files



Chinese biographical archive
Technical reports
Joint Publications Research Service report
JSAS: catalog of selected documents in psychology
Sahel collection
Technical report and documents of the OAS
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
Catálogo coletivo de conferências em ciência e tecnologia
Catalogs of the Library of the Deutsches Museum, Munich
Multinational corporations, OPEC, cartels, foreign investment, and technology transfer, 1971-1981 (and supplements)
Telephone books. Search under Directories--Telephone. Television broadcasts--Transcripts
CBS News transcripts from 1975 to the present
Firing line
Issues and answers
MacNeil/Lehrer report
Search also under Radio broadcasts
Television industry
American Film Institute Seminars
TV Guide
Scrapbooks (Susan B. Anthony)
Davidson Co., Tenn., will book
Tennessee regional oral history collection of the Memphis Public Library
Terrorism, special studies, 1975-1985 (and supplements)
Tests in microfiche
Ten years of Family tree, 1979-1989 Texas as province and republic, 1795-1845
Translations of statistical and census reports of Texas, 1782-1836, and sources documenting the black in Texas, 1603-1803
Corefiche. World's best drama
Corefiche. World's best drama
German and Austrian drama
Adelphi theatre calendar
Bernard Shaw diaries, 1885-1897
British periodicals in the creative arts
Corefiche. World's best drama
Costume and set designs in the Mander & Mitchenson Theatre Collection
English literary periodicals
Francis Longe (Play) collection
Playbills from the Harvard Theatre collection
Three Centuries of drama: American and English, 1500-1800
Corefiche. World's best drama
German and Austrian drama
Corefiche. World's best drama
Collection of Spanish Plays
Spanish Drama of the Golden Age
Theater--United States
American theatre periodicals of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Corefiche. World's best drama
New York and Hollywood fashion and costume design from the Brooklyn Museum collection
Nineteenth century American drama
Three Centuries of Drama: American and English, 1500-1800
Theses. Search under Dissertations; Masters' theses. Tolkien, J.R.R.
From the archives of Hildifons Took, formerly of Tuckborough
Three Mile Island (nuclear power plant)
Hearings of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Tracts. Search under Pamphlets. Trade regulation--U.S.
History of the Federal Trade Commission, 1963-1969
Trade unions--Great Britain
Archives of the Trades Union Congress
Women, industry, and trades unionism
Trade unions--Poland--Solidarity movement
Polish independent publications, 1976+
Trade unions--United States
American labor union officers' report American labor unions' constitutions and proceedings
History of the United Public Workers Union in Hawaii
Pamphlets in American history
Twentieth century trade union woman: vehicle for social change
Woods Highway Truck Library
Documents on contemporary China, 1949-1975
Documents on the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
Foreign Broadcast Information Service daily report
Joint Publications Research Service report
Microfilm collection of manuscripts on cultural anthropology
Summary of world broadcasts
Survey of People's Republic of China press
Transportation industry
Trade catalogs from the Hagley Museum and Library: transportation
Baedeker's handbook(s) for travellers
Hein's United States treaties and other international agreements
Sacco-Vanzetti case papers
Watergate in court
Woods Highway Truck Library (oral history)
Truman, Harry
Reminiscences of Henry Agard Wallace
Tuckwell, Gertrude
Women, industry, and trades unionism
Tule Lake Relocation Center (California)
Japanese-American oral history collection
Republic of Turkey


Unidentified Flying Objects

Unidentified flying objects (UFO) bibliography
Union Catalogs. Search under Catalogs--Books; Catalogs--Library

United Nations

Committee on Disarmament, 1962-1984: meetings and documents
Conference on Disarmament, 1985-1989: meetings and documents
World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women
United States. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Documents on disarmament, 1945-1982
United States. Congress
CIS microfiche library
CIS U.S. serial set
Former members of Congress oral history collection
U.S. Congress. Committee prints
Top-secret hearings of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Witness index to U.S. congressional hearings, 25th-89th Congress
United States. Department of Defense
Public statements by the Secretaries of Defense
United States. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1963-1969): official history and documents
United States. Department of Justice
History of the Department of Justice (1963-1969)
United States. Department of Labor
Records of the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor, 1918-1965
United States. Department of State
American foreign policy, foreign affairs press briefings. Supplement
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI files on the American Indian Movement and Wounded Knee
Federal Bureau of Investigation confidential files. Communist activity in the entertainment industry
Federal Bureau of Investigation confidential files. McCarthy era blacklisting of school teachers, college professors...
Martin Luther King, Jr., FBI file
Records of the Subversive Activities Control Board, 1950-1972
United States. Federal Trade Commission
History of the Federal Trade Commission, 1963-1969
Records of the Federal Trade Commission
United States. Indian Claims Commission
Indian Claims Commission
United States. Joint Chiefs of Staff
Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
United States. Library of Congress
Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service
Shelflist of the Library of Congress
Subject headings in microform
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Aeronautics and space reports to the Congress, 1958-1984
United States. National Security Council
Minutes of meetings of the National Security Council..
United States. Navy Department
Annual reports of the Secretary of the Navy, 1821-1901
Hearings before the General Board of the Navy, 1917-1950
United States. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Hearings of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
United States. Office of Strategic Services
China and India
China and India: 1950-1961 supplement
United States. Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy (1979-1981)
Papers of the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy
United States. Supreme Court
Earl Warren oral history collection
United States. Women's Bureau
Records of the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor, 1918-1965
United States--Armed forces
Annual reports of the Secretary of the Navy, 1821-1901
Hearings before the General Board of the Navy, 1917-1950
History of the Vietnam War
Reports of the General Board, United States Forces, European Theater
U.S. armed forces in Vietnam, 1954-1975
U.S. military camp papers and U.S. military camp press releases
Vietnam and Southeast Asia: special studies, 1960-1980
United States--Biography
American biographical archive
American immigrant autobiographies
Black biographical dictionaries, 1790-1950
Documentary relations of the Southwest
United States--Civilization
American culture series
American periodical series
Early American imprints, 1639-1800
Early American imprints, second series, 1801-1819
Library of American civilization
Nineteenth century American literature
Pamphlets in American history
Western Americana, 1550-1900
United States--Declaration of Independence--Signers
A Genealogy of the signers of the Declaration of Independence
United States--Discovery and exploration--19th century
Reports of explorations printed in the documents of the United States government
United States--Economic policy
National economy under President Johnson
Recessions, depressions, and economic panics in American history
United States--Emigration and immigration. See also Immigrants.
Italians in Chicago oral history project
Materials for an American-Hungarian lexicon
United States--Foreign relations. For relations with individual countries, search under the country or area name.
American foreign policy, foreign affairs press briefings. Supplement
Declassified documents reference system
Franklin D. Roosevelt and foreign affairs
Hein's United States treaties and other international agreements
Nuclear non-proliferation, 1945-1991
Pamphlets in American history
Post WW II foreign policy planning State Department records of Harley A. Notter, 1939-1945
Republic of Turkey
South Africa: the making of U.S. policy, 1962-1989
Top-secret hearings of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, first installment, 1959-1966
United States. Department of State. Decimal files
United States--Foreign trade
International trade, 1971-1981
International trade: special studies, 1982-1985
United States--Genealogy
Banks Genealogical collection
Barbour collection of Connecticut vital records
Boston Transcript genealogy newspaper columns
County and regional histories and atlases
Davidson Co., Tenn., will book
Family history library
Genealogical reference collection
Genealogy and Local history
A Genealogy of the signers of the Declaration of Independence
Indiana Historical Society 1860 Indiana census
Leon S. Hollingsworth genealogical card file
New York City telephone directories
Roster of California pioneers [genealogy list]
United States--History
American history and culture
British manuscripts project
British pamphlets relating to the American Revolution
Civil War, 1861-1865
Civil War unit histories regimental histories and personal narratives
Columbia University oral history collection
Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
Jeffersonian Americana
Manhattan Project official history and documents
Pamphlets in American history
Records of the states of the United States of America
Western Americana, 1550-1900
United States--Imprints--Catalogs
Early American imprints, 1639-1800
Early American imprints, 2nd series, 1801-1819
Publishers' catalogs annual
Publishers' trade list annual
Western Americana, 1550-1900
United States--Industrial relations--World War I
President's Mediation Commission, 1917-1918
United States--Industries--Directories
Colt microfiche library of state [industrial] directories
United States--Military policy
Military uses of space, 1946 [i.e. 1945]-1991
Public statements by the Secretaries of Defense
Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
United States--National security
Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
Declassified documents reference system
Israel, national security files, 1963-1969
Manhattan Project official history and documents
Minutes of meetings of the National Security Council.. Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
United States--Politics and government
CIS microfiche Library
CIS U.S. serial set
Civil rights during the Johnson administration
Columbia University oral history collection
Communist Party, USA, and radical organizations, 1953-1960: FBI reports from the Eisenhower Library
Democratic Party national conventions proceedings
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1963-1969)
Former members of Congress oral history collection
History of the Department of Justice (1963-1969)
History of the Federal Trade Commission, 1963-1969
MacNeil/Lehrer report
Microfilm edition of presidential election campaign documents for the years 1868-1900
Major studies and issue briefs of the Congressional Research Service
National economy under President Johnson
New Deal agencies and black America in the 1930's
Oral histories of the Johnson administration, 1963-1969
Pamphlets in American history
President John F. Kennedy's office files, 1961-1963
Reminiscences of Henry Agard Wallace
Republican Party national conventions proceedings
U.S. Congress. Committee prints
Witness index to U.S. congressional hearings, 25th-89th Congress
United States--Popular culture
American periodical series
Dime novels, escape fiction of the nineteenth century
Dime novels, from the rare book collections of the Library of Congress
Early American periodicals index to 1850
Harry Houdini scrapbooks: 1858-1926
Hoover Institution supplement to Underground press collection
Nineteenth century American drama
Scrapbook containing pictures...Harry Houdini...
Underground newspaper microfilm collection
Underground press collection. Alternative Press Center supplement
United States--Race relations
Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching. Papers, 1930-1942
Atlanta University publications, 1896-1947
Facts on film
Pamphlets in American history
Slave narratives
Search also under Civil rights; Race relations
United States--Social conditions--History
History of women
Kentucky culture series
Pamphlets in American history
Slave narratives
Social welfare periodicals
State labor report
Survey Associates records
Search also under Oral history
University catalogs. Search under Catalogs--College.
University of Wisconsin--History
University of Wisconsin oral history collection
Oneida community: books, pamphlets, and serials, 1834-1972



Archivo del Libertador, Casa Natal, Caracas (Bolivar)
Biblioteca de historia nacional
Veracruz, Mexico (City)--History
Archivo de la ciudad de Veracruz
Vergiliana collection
Versailles Peace Conference (1919)
Select reports of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace
World Peace Foundation pamphlets
Viet Cong
Documents on the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
Documents on the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
Vietnam and Southeast Asia, 1946-1976
Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Supplement
Vietnam and Southeast Asia: special studies, 1960-1980
Search also under Indochina
Vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975
Declassified documents reference system
Documents on the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
History of the Vietnam War
Transcripts and files of the Paris peace talks on Vietnam
U.S. armed forces in Vietnam, 1954-1975
Vietnam and Southeast Asia: special studies, 1960-1980
Early American history research reports
Vital records
Banks genealogical collection
Barbour collection of Connecticut vital records
Boston Transcript genealogy newspaper columns
County and regional histories and atlases
Friends House Library digest registers of births, marriages, and burials for England and Wales, 17th c.-1837
Genealogy and local history
Irish genealogy collection
Joseph Gavit's American deaths and marriages, 1784-1829
Nevada Territory manuscript census, 1861-1864 and Nevada state manuscript census for Washoe County, 1875
Parish Register typescripts prepared by W. H. Challen from Parishes in London, Midlands, & Southern Counties
Search also under Genealogy.
Vital statistics--Great Britain
Mortality statistics: review of the Register General on deaths by area of usual residence in England and Wales, 1983
Voting registers--France
French national elections, 1830-48



Friends House Library digest registers of births, marriages, and burials for England and Wales, 17th c.-1837
War art--Great Britain
British war art of the 20th century
Warfare. Search also under Nuclear weapons. Warfare--Chemical and biological
Committee on Disarmament, 1962-1984: meetings and documents
Warren, Earl--Biography
Earl Warren oral history collection
Pollution: major sources for research, 1800-1950
Watergate Trial, Washington, D.C., 1973
Watergate in court
Webb, Beatrice
Archives of the Fabian Society
Webb, Sidney
Archives of the Fabian Society
Welfare--Great Britain
State provision for social need: the Beveridge Committee report West (U.S.)
Reports of explorations printed in the documents of the United States government
Southeastern Utah oral history collection
Western Americana, 1550-1900
West Indies
Collection Mangones
Williamsburg, Va
Early American history research reports
Witchcraft in Europe and America Witchcraft in New England
Stoner collection on Cuban feminism
Women--Great Britain--History
Autograph collection, Fawcett Library
Ladies of Llangollen : letters and journals of Lady Eleanor Butler (1739-1829) and Sarah Ponsonby (1755-1831) from the National Library of Wales
Suffragette fellowship collection, from the Museum of London
Women advising Women
Women and the labour movement
Women and Victorian values, 1837-1910: advice books, manuals, and journals for women
Women, industry, and trades unionism
Women, suffrage, and politics: the papers of Sylvia Pankhurst
Women's Labour League, 1906-1918
Outstanding women of California oral history collection
Schlesinger Library vertical file for women's studies
Suffragists oral history collection
Women and health collection
Women and law
Women--Health and hygiene
Women and health collection
History of women
Women--Legal status
Women and law
Women--Medical care
Women and health collection
Women and development
World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women
Women authors
Stoner collection on Cuban feminism
What women wrote: scenarios, 1912-1929
Women authors--U.S.--Bibliography
Bibliography of American women
Women workers--Great Britain
Women at work collection, from the Imperial War Museum
Women and the labour movement
Women, industry, and trades unionism
Women's Labour League, 1906-1918
Women workers--U.S.
Records of the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor, 1918-1965
Women's History Research Center
Women and health collection Women and law
Women's Labour League
Women and the labour movement
Women's Labour League, 1906-1918
Women's organizations--South Africa
Black Sash (Society). Papers
Women's periodicals, English
Women advising women
Women's rights
Cornell University collection of women's rights pamphlets, 1814-1912
Gerritsen collection of women's history
Scrapbook (Susan B. Anthony)
World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women
Women's rights--Cuba
Stoner collection on Cuban feminism
Women's rights--Great Britain
Autograph collection, Fawcett Library
Sexual politics in Britain
Social and political status of women in Britain
Women, suffrage, and politics: the papers of Sylvia Pankhurst
Women's rights--U.S.
Scrapbooks (Susan B. Anthony) Suffragists oral history collection
Women's studies
Scrapbook (Susan B. Anthony)
Cornell University collection of Women's Rights Pamphlets
Gerritsen collection of women's history
History of women
Pamphlets in American history
Schlesinger Library vertical file for women's studies
Twentieth century trade union woman: vehicle for social change
Witchcraft in Europe and America
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom papers, 1915-1978
World Conference of the International Women's Year 1975
World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women
Search also under Oral history
Women's studies--Great Britain
Autograph collection, Fawcett Library
Josephine Butler letter collection
Sexual politics in Britain
Social and political status of women in Britain
Women and the labour movement
Women at work collection, from the Imperial War Museum
Women, industry, and trades unionism
Women's Labour League, 1906-1918
Women's work collection
Women's studies--U.S.
Bibliography of American women
History of nursing
Outstanding women of California oral history collection
Records of the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor, 1918-1965
Suffragists oral history collection
Women and health collection
Women and law
Works Progress Administration
New Deal agencies and black America in the 1930's
World Bank
Reports and summary proceedings of the International Monetary Fund, 1946-1974
Reports and summary proceedings of the World Bank, 1946-1974
World Council of Churches
World Council of Churches. Commission on Faith and Order. Official, numbered publications
World Peace Foundation
World Peace Foundation pamphlets
World War, 1914-1918
Allied Powers Reparation Commission
British war art of the 20th century: the official war artists record of the two world wars
First World War, a documentary record
Hungarian peace negotiations
History of the Ministry of Munitions
Inventaire des archives de l'Office des régions dévastées
Papers relating to World War I in the archives of Baron Sidney Sonnino
Select reports of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace
Women at work collection, from the Imperial War Museum
Women, industry, and trades unionism
U.S. military camp papers and U.S. military camp press releases
U.S. military intelligence reports. Combat estimates, Europe, 1920-1943
U.S. military intelligence reports. Combat estimates, Western Hemisphere 1920-1943
United States. Department of State. Decimal files. Russia and the Soviet Union
World Peace Foundation pamphlets
World War, 1939-1945
Belgian underground press in World War II
British war art of the 20th century
Columbia Broadcasting System. Monitoring reports, 1939-1945..
Earl Warren oral history collection
Europaische Beitrage zur Geschichte des Weltkrieges II, 1939-1945
German POW camp papers
German army high command, 1938-1945
Germany and its occupied territories during World War II
Germany, 1919-1941
History of the Office of Censorship
Home service nine o'clock news, 1939-1945
Information control and propaganda
Japanese-American oral history collection
Japanese studies in World War II
Japan and its occupied territories during World War II
Magic documents
Manhattan Project official history and documents
Map room files of President Roosevelt, 1939-1945. Map room Army and Navy messages, December 1941-May 1942
Map room files of President Roosevelt, 1939-1945. Map room conference and special files, 1942-1945
Map room files of President Roosevelt, 1939-1945. Map room military subject files, 1941-1945
Map room files of President Roosevelt, 1939-1945. Map room naval operations files, 1941-1945
Occupation of Japan
De ondergrondse pers, 1940-1945 = Dutch underground press
O.S.S. London, Special Operations Branch and Secret Intelligence Branch, war diaries
Papers of the U.S. Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
Private war journal of Generaloberst Franz Halder
Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Reports of the General Board, United States Forces, European Theater
Selected Japanese army and navy archives
Tom Harrison Mass-Observation archive
U.S. military camp papers and U.S. military camp press releases
U.S. military intelligence reports. Combat estimates, Europe, 1920-1943
U.S. military intelligence reports. Combat estimates, Western Hemisphere 1920-1943
U.S. military intelligence reports. Germany, 1919-1941
U.S. military intelligence reports. Germany, 1941-1944
United States. Department of State. Decimal files. Within these files, search under the individual countries involved, then the relevant years
War Cabinet minutes, 1939-45
Wartime translations of seized Japanese documents
William E. Wiener oral history library of the American Jewish Committee
World War II combat interviews
World's fairs--Catalogs
Major national and international expositions and world's fairs
Wounded Knee (S.D.)--Indian occupation, 1973
FBI files on the American Indian Movement and Wounded Knee
Wright, Orville
Scrap books (Orville Wright)



United States. Department of State. Decimal files
Yoruba language
Yoruba collection of William & Berta Bascom
United States. Department of State. Decimal files



Africa, 1946-1976
Collection d'archives du C. E. P. Kinshasa
Rhodesia and Nyasaland, political ephemera, 1956-1963
Berichte aus Paris an die "Neue Freie Presse" in Wien, 1891-1895
Briefe: Von der Jungendzeit bis zum Tode
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