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Money House Welcome to the online home of the Oregon Department of Education's Office of School Finance.

The purpose of this page is to provide Superintendents, Business Managers and the general public with a central location to find information relating to the calculation of the State School Fund and its component pieces.

This site also includes links to a wide variety of reports with information on all aspects of Oregon education. Here you will find access to school-level information on spending, staffing, school processes, student performance, and demographics. Statewide information in these areas is available from the 1999-2000 school year to the present. Earlier years have some limited additional data.

Reference and School Finance History Reference and School Finance History

Reference and School Finance History Financial Budgeting and Accounting

District Estimates and Warrants District Estimates and Warrants
Documents that show the updated State School Fund Grant estimates for each district.
ODE Reports ODE Reports - Table of Contents

ESD Estimates and Warrants ESD Estimates and Warrants
Contains financial reports on the Educational Service Districts.
Student Accounting (ADM) Student Accounting (ADM)
Provides counts of student average daily membership as reported by school districts.
Finalized Year's Estimates and Warrants Finalized Year's Estimates and Warrants
Consists of State State Fund Grant and ESD Revenue reports in that have reached their final stage.
Audit Information Independent Auditor Information

Reserved State School and School Improvement Fund disbursement information

Audit Information School Improvement Fund Application Information

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