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Top Headlines From Around the World

World Press Wire is an automated headline service, updated every 15 minutes, drawn from a sampling of newspapers and magazines worldwide. For a global directory of newspapers and magazines, please click here. To add headlines from this service to your Web site, please click here.

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Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai Set to Enter Unity Government
allAfrica, Online news aggregator, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Zimbabwe rival to enter coalition
BBC News, Centrist newscaster, London, England.

DRC Army Integrates Over 6,000 Rebels, Independent online news aggregator.

President dismisses Cocobod board
GhanaWeb, Online news portal, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

MDC agrees to unity govt
iafrica, Online news portal, Cape Town, South Africa.

'Mugabe once the darling of the West'
Independent Online, News portal, Cape Town, South Africa.

SA win fifth Test by 39 runs
Mail & Guardian Online, Liberal, Johannesburg, South Africa.

'A dark day for SA', Online news portal, Cape Town, South Africa.



Russia, Cuba sign host of deals to boost ties
Brazil Sun, Independent online news aggregator.

US President Obama for Summit Of Americas in Trinidad
Caribbean News Portal, Online news aggregator.

WORLD SOCIAL FORUM: Presidents for Feminist Socialism
IPS Latin America, International cooperative of journalists, Rome, Italy.

'Save our jobs' - Berger workers take 20% pay cut
Jamaica Gleaner, Independent daily, Kingston, Jamaica.

Wal-Mart and Chile's D&S to open stores in Peru
Living in Peru, News portal, Lima, Peru.

Leafs set for Killer night
The Globe and Mail, Centrist daily, Toronto, Canada.

Tamils protest genocide
Toronto Star, Liberal daily, Toronto, Canada.



Obsever: Megawati pins hope on Kalla as running mate
Antara News, News agency, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Film Superstar Kevin Costner Now Dances with Music Fans
Chosun Ilbo, Conservative daily, Seoul, South Korea.

Pak set to indict arrested terrorists for 26/11: Report
India Express, News portal, Mumbai, India.

Delhi: No escape from killer trucks
India Times, Conservative daily, New Delhi, India.

Milking bovine tourism in '09
Japan Times, Independent centrist, Tokyo, Japan.

CNY Traffic Update: Jan 31 (8:00am)
Malaysian Star, Online news portal, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

500,000 without power in Victoria amid heatwave
New Zealand Herald, Conservative daily, Auckland, New Zealand.

New York firm takes control of historic ocean liner Queen Mary
People's Daily Online, English-language, Beijing, China.

Gunpowder rapist jailed
Sydney Morning Herald, Centrist daily, Sydney, Australia.

Chief Election Commissioner Gopalaswami ‘recommends’ removal of Navin Chawla
The Hindu, Left-leaning daily, Chennai, India.



Refinery strikes spread across UK
BBC News, Centrist newscaster, London, England.

Faubert loan to Madrid in the offing, Online news portal, Cork, Ireland.

Father stabbed to death on way to see newborn son
Daily Express, Conservative tabloid, London, England.

'British jobs for British workers': Wildcat strikes spread over foreign workers shipped into the UK
Daily Mail, Conservative daily, London, England.

Man jailed after he drove away from court following driving ban
icLiverpool, Online news portal, Liverpool, England.

Hundreds of thousands protest in France
International Herald Tribune, Independent daily, Paris, France.

Mystery over low-flying plane
Isle of Wight County Press, Independent daily, Isle of Wight, England.

Woman jailed over glass attack
Manchester Online, Independent daily, Manchester, England.

Business News 1.30.2009
Radio Prague, Online news portal, Prague, Czech Republic.

Man Knifed In Front Of Daughter
Sky News, Independent newscaster, Middlesex, England.

A Turkey-Israel Clash at Davos: Erdogan's Feeling for Rage
Spiegel International, Liberal newsmagazine, Hamburg, Germany.

US economy slows at fastest pace in 26 years
The Guardian, Liberal daily, London, England.

Iraqis to vote in first election since 2005
The Irish Times, Centrist daily, Dublin, Ireland.

Refinery strike: Nuclear power workers threaten to join protest
The Telegraph, Conservative daily, London, England.

New power-sharing deal will not end the agony in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Times Online, Conservative daily, London, England.


Middle East

Shabat Shalom!
Arutz Sheva, Online, right-wing, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Guantanamo: Judge Refuses to Suspend Trial of USS Cole Suicide Bomber
Asharq Al-Awsat, Pan-Arab daily, London, England.

Lanka urges Tigers to let civilians flee
Gulf News, Independent daily, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

POLITICS-US: Obama Taking Hands-On Approach to Mideast
IPS Middle East, International cooperative of journalists, Rome, Italy.

Fair energy pricing - need of the hour
Middle East North African Network, Online financial portal, Amman, Jordan.

Turkish PM, Armenian President Hold Landmark Meeting
Nahamet, Online news portal, Beirut, Lebanon.

UN body rips Israeli forces for trampling rights of children
The Daily Star, Independent daily, Beirut, Lebanon.

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