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Export Import Bank of the United States




News | News Releases | 2006

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MARCH 27, 2006
Contact: Marianna Ohe (202) 565-3206


Risk Protection International (RPI), Stratford, Conn., will receive the 2006 Small Business Broker of the Year Award from the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) at Ex-Im Bank's annual conference in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, April 6.

An active promoter of Ex-Im Bank insurance products since 1987, RPI in five years has tripled the number of Ex-Im Bank small business multibuyer policy-holders it serves to more than 100 policy-holders today. The eight-employee firm also supports exports covered by 67 Ex-Im Bank medium-term insurance policies, most of which involve small businesses.

"We have a great passion for supporting American businesses, particularly small businesses," said RPI Managing Partner Thomas J. Malloy. "Ex-Im Bank allows us to offer solutions for growth and trade in the American small business export sector. This translates into economic growth and high-quality jobs for the American economy."

RPI co-founding partner Bohdan M. Sosiak said RPI's current Ex-Im Bank business "doesn¿t even take into account the companies that we've helped in the past to grow and achieve a level of self sufficiency through Ex-Im Bank programs, so that they can migrate into other programs. They wouldn¿t have gotten there without Ex-Im Bank."

"Risk Protection International is a highly skilled partner in reaching out to small businesses that need financing to export and grow," said Ex-Im Bank Chairman and President (Acting) James H. Lambright. "By introducing our insurance services to these companies, RPI multiplies Ex-Im Bank's effectiveness in supporting U.S. exports and jobs. We are delighted to present this outstanding company with our Small Business Insurance Broker of the Year award."

Ex-Im Bank's 31st annual conference on April 6 and 7 will be held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. The award ceremony will take place during the April 6 luncheon program which begins at 12:30 p.m.

Ex-Im Bank this year marks its 72nd year of helping finance the sale of U.S. exports, primarily to emerging markets throughout the world, by providing loan guarantees, export credit insurance, and direct loans. In fiscal year 2005 Ex-Im Bank authorized nearly $14 billion in transactions supporting almost $17.9 billion in U.S. exports. More than $2.6 billion of the authorizations, or 2,617 transactions, directly supported U.S. small businesses as primary exporters.





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