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Export Import Bank of the United States




About Ex-Im

Federal Human Capital Survey: Ex-Im Bank 2006

As part of the President’s Management Agenda, Federal agencies are required to regularly conduct surveys of their workforce to determine employee attitudes toward their work and satisfaction with their jobs and compensation package. This information helps agencies learn about factors affecting the recruitment and retention in the federal service. In addition, the survey findings provide information to senior managers to meet their agency mission and address human capital management challenges.

The 2006 Federal Human Capital Survey was conducted in June 2006 and provided to Ex-Im Bank’s full-time permanent employees via the Internet. Of the 368 employees surveyed, 173 responded providing the Bank with a response rate of 47 percent. Overall, 390,657 federal employees government-wide were administered the survey with 221,479 participating resulting in a 56.7 percent response rate. 

Additionally, the Partnership for Public Service and American University's Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation use the survey results to develop an analysis and agency rankings. In their publication, "Best Places to Work in the Federal Government-2007", Ex-Im Bank was ranked among the top 10 small agencies. Ex-Im Bank ranked 7th out of 31 small agencies and was one of the top two agencies in percentage gains over the past two years. The complete 2007 rankings for Ex-Im Bank and all of the Federal government can be found at www.bestplacestowork.org.  

The Ex-Im Bank’s survey results and an analysis of the findings are provided in the links below.





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