Rep. Martin Heinrich to be Sworn into 111th Congress on January 6th

Heinrich Hosting Open House in Washington, DC Office for Constituents
          Washington, D.C. – Representative Martin Heinrich will be sworn into the 111th Congress on Tuesday afternoon, January 6 by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  Speaker Pelosi will conduct an individual ceremonial swearing-in ceremony for Rep. Heinrich following the en masse oath of office on the floor of the House of Representatives.

          Rep. Heinrich will also be hosting an open house in his Washington, DC office on Tuesday, January 6 from 12:00 – 3:00 pm (EST) in 1505 Longworth House Office Building.  Constituents from the First Congressional District, other New Mexicans, colleagues, members of the media and interested guests are welcome to come by and celebrate.  
          A photo opportunity will be available with Speaker Pelosi, Rep. Heinrich and his family members to mark this historic occasion.  A live satellite feed will also be available for local television stations.  

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