Rep. Martin Heinrich Co-Sponsors Paycheck Fairness Act & Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Legislation Provides Strong Support for Fairness in the Workplace
          Washington, D.C. – In his first day as a Congressman, Martin Heinrich co-sponsored two pieces of legislation to bring equity and fairness to all working women: H.R. 12, the Paycheck Fairness Act, and H.R. 11, the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009. 

          H.R. 12 will strengthen the Equal Pay Act and close the loopholes that have allowed employers to avoid responsibility for discriminatory pay.  The legislation gives women access to remedies available under other claims of discrimination, such as claims based on race discrimination, and would require an employer to show that any pay disparity is job-related and consistent with business necessity. 

          “It’s a disgrace that a woman only makes 78 cents for every dollar earned by a man.  Especially in these tough economic times, we must do all we can to ensure true economic equality,” said Heinrich.

          H.R. 11 is a direct response to the United States Supreme Court’s 2007 decision, Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., which held that Lily Ledbetter could not receive appropriate damages for years of gender based pay discrimination despite the fact that Ledbetter filed a charge with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as soon as she learned of the disparity.  The bill will restore the law as it was prior to the Supreme Court’s decision.  

          “It’s incredibly unfair that victims of gender pay discrimination should be punished for not knowing they were being discriminated against,” stated Heinrich.  “Everyone deserves fair treatment in the workplace and this bill restores that right.” 

          It is expected that a roll call vote will be held on the House floor for both bills this coming Friday.  Similar pieces of legislation received strong support during the 110th Congress and passed in the House of Representatives. 

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