Dodd Announces Health Care Listening Tour
"Connecticut Prescriptions for Change" Discussions Will Be Held Across the State
January 7, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a senior member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) who has been asked by Chairman Kennedy to serve as his chief deputy for health reform, announced today that he will be kicking off his Connecticut Prescriptions for Change listening tour later this month with a town hall meeting in East Hartford.  The listening tour will take him throughout Connecticut where he will host a series of town hall meetings to hear first hand from the people of Connecticut about their views and ideas for reforming our nation’s health care system.


“As we begin work on the critically important issue of health care reform I want to hear directly from the people of Connecticut -- their thoughts, concerns and experiences – about how we can reform and improve our nation’s health care system,” said Dodd. “I’m looking forward to taking their ideas back to Washington and working with President-elect Obama, his team and my colleagues to create a world class health care system in America that is accessible and affordable to all.”


On January 23rd, Dodd will hold the first Connecticut Prescriptions for Change discussion at Goodwin College in East Hartford. The first event will focus on health care coverage and access. Dodd will be joined by Kevin Lembo, Connecticut’s Healthcare Advocate, Judith Stein, the Executive Director of the Center for Medicare Advocacy, and other Connecticut health care experts. Additional details will be announced in the coming days.


Connecticut residents who are interested in joining a Connecticut Prescriptions for Change discussion should call Senator Dodd’s office at 202-224-2823 or email


Visit Dodd.Senate.Gov for regular updates on the Connecticut Prescriptions for Change tour, details on future events, and more information about Dodd’s work in the Senate to reform our nation’s health care system.

