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1.    Name: (Include any former names used.)

            Edward Jay Gleiman

2.    Position to which nominated:

            Member, Postal Rate Commission

3.    Date of nomination:

            October 2, 1998

4.    Address: (List current place of residence and office addresses.)

Residence- 14921 Wellwood Road

                     Silver Spring, MD 20905

Office- Postal Rate Commission

                          1333 H Street, NW Suite 300

                          Washington, DC 20268-0001

5.    Date and place of birth:

              March 23, 1942; Baltimore, MD

6.    Marital status: (Include maiden name of wife or husband's name.)

              Married to the former Rhona Sheer, August 17, 1965

7.     Names and ages of children:

              Seth Sheer Gleiman, age 26

              Rachel Sheer Gleiman, age 23

8.     Education: List secondary and higher education institutions, dates attended, degree received and date degree granted.

                -Baltimore Polytechnic High School, 1957-1960, College Preparatory Course

                -Loyola College of Baltimore, 1960-1965, B.S. Major in Biology, Minor in Chemistry

                -Johns Hopkins University, 1965-1967, part-time special/graduate student, No degree

                -University of Baltimore School of Law, 1967-1971, J.D.

9.     Employment record: List all jobs held since college, including the title or description of job, name of employer, location of work, and dates of employment.

               1965-1967             Research Assistant

                                             Sinai Hospital Baltimore, Maryland

                1967-1968             Environmental Sanitarian

                                              Baltimore County Health Department

                                              Towson, Maryland

                 1968-1971             Patent Examiner

                                              U.S. Patent Office

                                              Arlington, Virginia

                 1971-1971             Attorney/Advisor (Detail from Patent Office)

                                              U.S. Office of Emergency Preparedness

                                              Washington, D.C.

                 1971-1973              Coordinator of Field Operations; Deputy

                                               Director for Policy Coordination and Liaison

                                               U.S. Price Commission-Cost of Living Council

                                               Washington, D.C.

                 1973-1974              Management Analyst, Management Control Staff

                                               Department of Health, Education and Welfare

                                               Washington, D.C.

                 1974 -1977            Director, Fair Information Practices Staff

                                                Department of Health, Education and Welfare

                                               Washington, D.C.

                 1977-1987              Professional Staff Member/Counsel Subcommittee of Government Information,

                                               Justice and Agriculture, House Government

                                               Operations Committee

                                               Washington, D.C.

                 1987-1994              Staff Director

                                               Subcommittee of Federal Services, Post

                                               Office and Civil Service, Senate

                                               Governmental Affairs Committee

                                               Washington, D.C.

                 1994-present         Chairman

                                                Postal Rate Commission

                                               Washington, D.C.

10.     Government experience: List any advisory, consultative, honorary or other part-time service or positions with Federal, State, or local governments, other than those listed above.

            1988-1989 Member, Eastern Area Recreation Advisory Board, Montgomery County, Maryland

            1993 Congressional staff advisor on National Health Care Reform Task Force

11.     Business relationships: List all positions held as an officer, director, trustee, partner, proprietor, agent, representative, or consultant of any corporation, company, firm, partnership, or other business enterprise, educational or other institution.


12.     Memberships: List all memberships and offices held in professional, business, fraternal, scholarly, civic, public, charitable and other organizations.

            Stonegate Citizens' Association and the Stonegate Swim Club

13.    Political affiliations and activities:

            (a) List all offices with a political party which you have held or any public office for which you have been a candidate


            (b) List all memberships and offices held in and services rendered to all political parties or election committees during the last 10 years.

I am registered as an independent in Montgomery County, Maryland. I have held no offices in any political party. I have not provided any services to a political party or election committee.

(c) Itemize all political contributions to any individual, campaign organization, political party, political action committee, or similar entity of $50 or more for the past 5 years

                           1996- Clinton-Gore- $1 00

                           1997- DNC- S50

                           1998- Mark Pryor for Attorney General (AR)- $150

14.     Honors and awards: List all scholarships, fellowships, honorary degrees, honorary society memberships, military medals and any other special recognitions for outstanding service or achievements

                           1998- President's Award, National Newspaper Association

                           1993- Public Employees Roundtable Chairman's Award

                           1973- U.S. Price Commission Distinguished service Award

                           1970- U.S. Patent OfFice Special Achievement Award

15.     Published writings: List the titles, publishers, and dates of books, articles, reports, or other published materials which you have written. It would be helpful for the Committee to have three copies of each published writing. Please denote any of those for which you are unable to provide copies.

  Scientific Publications**

  -Modification of Erythocyte Membrane Acetylcholinesterase by Flourinated Dinitrobenzene, (with Herz and Kaplan). Fed. Proc. March-April 1967.

                            -Erythocyte Enzyme Activity in Negroes, (with Herz and Kaplan) Lancet, March 4, 1967.

16.     Speeches: Provide the Committee with three copies of any formal speeches you have delivered during the last 5 years of which you have copies and are on topics relevant to the position for which you have been nominated.

What follows is a list of my relevant speeches during the last five years for those which I spoke from a prepared text. Many of these speeches, as well as my testimony before the Congress, can be found on the Commission's WEB site at www.prc.gov. Pursuant to a discuss with Committee staff, I am providing one set. Additional copies will be made available upon request.

-Direct marketing Association (DMA), Gov't Conference                                                                     May 14, 1994

-Testimony, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee                                                                May 24, 1994

-National Association of Postmasters of the United States (NAPUS)                                                 August 23, 1994

-Statement on Issuance of R94-1 Recommended Decision                                                                     Nov 30, 1994

-Testimony, House Committee on Gov't Oversight & Reform (Subcommittee)                                   Mar 2, 1995

-Midwest DMA Conference                                                                                                                        May 16, 1995

-Mailers' Council, Summit on Privatization                                                                                                 May 25, 1995

-Statement on Issuance of MC95-1 Recommended Decision                                                                 Jan 26, 1996

-Graphic Communication Society, Print Media Exec. Conference                                                           Feb 17, 1996

-American Business Press Meeting                                                                                                            Feb 27, 1996

-Testimony, House Subcommittee on the Postal Service                                                                        Mar 13, 1996

-National Newspaper Assoc., Gov't Affairs Conference                                                                          Mar 22, 1996

-DMA Gov't Affairs Conference                                                                                                                  May 15, 1996

-4th Bi-Annual Conference on Postal Delivery & Economics                                                               May 23, 1996

-Testimony, Subcommittee on the Postal Service                                                                                      July 10, 1996

-NAPUS                                                                                                                                                            Aug 27, 1996

-National Postal Policy Council                                                                                                                     Dec 4, 1996

-DMA Gov't Affairs Conference                                                                                                                   May 14, 1997

-Central Arkansas Postal Customer Council                                                                                               Oct 29, 1997

-Statement on Issuance of R97-1 Recommended Decision                                                                       May 11, 1998

-DMA Gov't Affairs Conference                                                                                                                    May 13, 1998

-Advertising Mail Marketing Association                                                                                                   June 3, 1998

17. Selection:

(a) Do you know why you were chosen for this nomination by the President?

I believe that this nomination for reappointment reflects the confidence of the President and the postal community in my ability to continue to provide thoughtful and fair-minded leadership in the rate making arena and, more generally, on issues of importance to the Postal Service and the mailing public.

(b) What do you believe in your background or employment experience affirmatively qualifies you for this particular appointment?

I have serviced as Chairman of the Postal Rate Commission for the past four and one half years. During this time, the busiest in the twenty seven years of the Commission's existence, we have been able to issue timely and generally well received decisions on a wide variety of complex postal initiatives. At the same time, we have improved internal management, modernized systems and revitalized our small workforce. These achievements were made possible by several key additions to our management team and the fourteen years of experience in legislative and investigative matters pertaining to both the U.S. Postal Service and the Postal Rate Commission gained while I was a congressional staffer; experience I brought to job. My years at the Commission have enabled me to gain an even more in-depth understanding of the complexity of postal finances and rate-making, and the relative importance of our postal system to the overall

-Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Erythocytes of Fetal, Newborn and Adult Sheep, (with Herz and Kaplan). Proc. Soc. 1967, vol. 124.

Congressional Reports, Legislative and Investigative:*

-Presidential Records Act of 1978, House Report 95-1487, Part I.

-Acceptance and Use of Records by the General Services Administration, House Report 95-1522.

-National Historical and Records Commission, House Report 96-141.

-National Archives Film-Vault Fire, Suitland, Maryland, December7, 1978, House Report 96-547.

-Continued Need for the Veterans Administration's Records Processing Center in St. Louis, House Report 96-1449.

-U.S Postal Service Plan for the Nine-Digit ZIP Code, House Report 96-153 1

-Extending the Authorization for the NHPRC, House Report 97-39.

-Privacy Act Amendments, House Report 97-147, Part I -The Nine-Digit ZIP code Investment: More Digits, Less Savings, House Report 97-397.

-Presidential Libraries: Unexplored Funding Alternatives, House Report 97-732.

-Postal Service Electronic Mail: The Price Isn't Right, House Report 97-919.

-Postal Service Electronic Mail: The Price Still Isn't Right, House Report 98-552.

-Intelpost: A Postal Service Failure in International Electronic Mail, House Report 98-675.

-National Archives and Records Administration Act of 1984, House Report 98-707.

-Preservation and Management of Presidential Records, House Report 98-856.

-Buying Blind and Flying Empty: The Postal Service Executive Jet, House Report 99-915.

-Access to the Nixon Presidential Materials Should Be Governed by NARA Regulations, Not OMB or DOJ Actions, House Report 99-96 1.

-Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1988-H.R. 3400, Senate Report 100-417.

-Forest Wildfire Pay Emergency Act Senate Report 100-546 -Federal Employees Leave Sharing Act of 1988, Senate Report 100-437.

-Whistleblower Protection Act of 1988-5. 508, Senate Report 100422.

-Postal Service Budgetary Treatment Act of 1988, Senate Report 100427.

-Deceptive Mailings Prevention Act of 1990, Senate Report 101464.

Postal Rate Commission Decisions:**

R90-1 Rate Case Remand Decision

R94-1 Rate Case and Reconsideration Decisions

R97- I Rate Case Reconsideration Decisions

MC95-1 Classification Reform Decision

MC96-1 Experimental Small Parcel Automation Discount Case MC96-2 Nonprofit Reclassification Decision

MC96-3 Special Services Classification Reform Decision

MC97-3 Bound Printed Matter Weight Limitation Case Decision MC974 Bulk Parcel Return and Forwarding Case Decision

MC97-5 Provisional Packaging Services Case Decision

C96-1 Decision on Complaint of the Coalition Against Unfair USPS Competition

Congressional Testimony:*

February 10, 1994, Confirmation Hearing, Before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee.

May 24, 1994, Oversight Hearings on the U.S. Postal Service, Before the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee

March 2, 1995, General Oversight of the U.S. Postal Service, Before the Postal Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight.

March 13, 1996, General Oversight of the U.S. Postal Service, Before the Postal Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight.

July 10, 1996, Testimony on H.R.3 717, Before the Postal Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight


*Authored in whole or part. **Authored in part

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