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Export Import Bank of the United States




News | News Releases | 2003

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DECEMBER 16, 2003

Contact:  Marianna Ohe  (202) 565-3200



WASHINGTON, D.C. -- April H. Foley, of South Salem, New York, was sworn in yesterday afternoon (Monday, December 15) as first vice president of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank).  In that capacity she also will serve as vice chair of the Bank.  Foley has served as a member of Ex-Im Bank's board of directors since April 23, 2003.  On November 21, President Bush nominated Foley to serve as Ex-Im Bank's first vice president for a term expiring January 20, 2005.  She was confirmed by the Senate on December 9.

"April is a first class business executive who has traveled around the world on behalf of Ex-Im Bank and demonstrated a passionate commitment to supporting U.S. exporters and American jobs," said Ex-Im Bank Chairman Philip Merrill. 

"I am proud and honored that President Bush has placed his trust in me," said Foley.  "I am excited to have the opportunity to serve my country and contribute to the implementation of the Bush vision for America through my work at Ex-Im Bank."

Early in her career, Foley served as director of business planning for corporate strategy with PEPSICO, Inc.  She also served as director of strategy for Reader's Digest Association, and as chair of the Alexis de Tocqueville Society for Westchester and Putnam counties in New York.  More recently, she served as a member of the board of directors and president of the United Way of Northern Westchester, NY.

Foley, a native of Avon Lake, OH, is a graduate of Smith College and also received a master in business administration from Harvard University.

Ex-Im Bank is an independent U.S. government agency that helps finance the sale of U.S. exports primarily to emerging markets throughout the world by providing loan guarantees, export credit insurance, and direct loans.  In fiscal year 2003, Ex-Im Bank supported $14.3 billion of U.S. exports worldwide.





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