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Success Stories

A satisfied mom

I just wanted to let someone know how wonderful the CHIP program is. My husband and I had twin sons born 10 weeks too early. They have had several complications due to prematurity. We have been able to have them cared for medically to a perfect "T." At first I wasn't sure that we would fit the CHIP criteria. We did, and then after a few years we needed to be on the subsidized CHIP list. When we had our third son, without even asking, the people doing our paperwork told us that we were eligible for the free CHIP program again.

We are very hands-on parents. It was so comforting to us to know that CHIP allowed us to keep that up. If we would not have had the program, I am not so sure we would have been able to take three boys to the Doctor / Pharmacy for all of those needs, right away.

ALL of the people involved with this program (from the bookwork specialist all the way to the Doctors and Pharmacies) have treated us wonderfully.

Thank you !!!!!!!

An Allegheny County CHIP Mother