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April 16, 2008 Supervisory Inspector James Ergas (404) 909-0444
U.S. Marshals Capture Last Suspect in the Home Invasion and Murder of a 66 year Old Man and Assault of 88 Year Old Aunt
Atlanta, GA – At approximately 8:30 a.m., on April 16, 2008, investigators from the U.S. Marshal’s Great Lakes Regional Fugitive Task Force arrested Cordaro Burrell, 18.

Burrell was the last of three suspects to be captured for the home invasion and murder of Herman Upshaw, 66 a partially disabled man Atlanta man and the aggravated assault of an 88 year old woman.

On the afternoon of the 15th, investigators from the U.S. Marshal’s Southeast Regional Fugitive Task Force and the Atlanta Police Department developed information that led them to believe that Burrell had fled to the Chicago, Il area. Based on this information the SERFTF notified the USMS Great Lakes Regional Fugitive Task Force who sent out surveillance teams which developed additional information on Burrell’s flight. On the morning of the 16th, investigators from the USMS GLRFTF narrowed the search to a target house on W 108th Place, Chicago, IL. Investigators developed and operational plan, approached the home where they were forced to make entry into it.

During the search for Burrell, individuals inside of the home became combative with police and at least one subject was arrested for obstruction. Burrell was eventually found hiding in a second story bedroom.

The U.S. Marshal’s Southeast Regional Fugitive Task Force (SERFTF) is a team comprised of law enforcement officers from the United States Marshal, as well as, 27 other local, state and federal agencies. The task force’s objective is to seek out and arrest the regions most violent offenders. Since the inception of the task force in September of 2003, the SERFTF has closed over 11,500 felony warrants. Annually, more fugitives are arrested by U.S. Marshals than all other federal agencies combined.

Additional information about the U.S. Marshals can be found at