Interagency OPSEC Support Staff
Associates Program
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9/11 Firefighters

Emergency Rescue Personnel

The Associates Program assists law enforcement, emergency management, fire and rescue, military, and other missions of the federal government with developing an organizational OPSEC program.

The Associates Program is

  • three to five days long;
  • limited to 10 participants in any week; and,
  • designed to help participants develop the materials and skills they need to meet their OPSEC Program goals.
Candidates will:
  • work with IOSS personnel and invited experts to tailor their individual programs; and,
  • work at their own speed, so time spent at the IOSS facility is only as long as needed.
The IOSS Program Development Team will:
  • provide mentorship, training, and support; and,
  • provide continuing assistance as needed upon completion of the on-site program.


Soldiers in Afghanistan

Discussion session with program participants


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