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To view MedPAC publications, please use the Search Documents tool below.*

Reports: The primary outlet for the Commission’s recommendations consists of two reports, published in March and June of each year. The Commission also publishes additional reports on a variety of subjects.

Data Book: A yearly chart book that provides statistics for a range of Medicare topics.

Congressional testimony: MedPAC testimony before the Congress on Medicare issues.

Contractor reports: Reports produced for the Commission by outside authors.

Comment letters: The Commission submits formal comments on regulations issued by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, as well as on reports to the Congress about Medicare payment policy.

Medicare Basics and Payment Basics: Brief overviews of key topics (Medicare Basics) and the individual payment systems (Payment Basics).

*Some documents published before 2003 may not be sorted by Research Area. Please use the Search function (above right) to find them using key words.