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Pelosi Tribute to Del Martin

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Contact:Brendan Daly/Nadeam Elshami, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement in tribute to Del Martin, a longtime lesbian and gay rights pioneer, whose life was celebrated today at a memorial tribute in San Francisco. She and her lifelong partner, Phyllis Lyon, were married in San Francisco in June on the first day same-sex couples could legally marry.

“With the passing of Del Martin, San Francisco has lost an icon, America has lost a great advocate for what is best about our nation, and so many of us have lost a cherished friend.

“No one feels this loss more acutely than Phyllis, Del’s partner in work as in life, and Kendra, their beloved daughter.

“But we rejoice that because of Del and Phyllis’s advocacy, Del left this world with her wife Phyllis by her side. The state of California formally recognized what their 50 years of love and devotion demonstrated: unjust laws cannot deny love between two people.

“I have spoken about Del and Phyllis on several occasions on the floor of the House of Representatives.

“In times when my colleagues and I have debated legislation that seeks to divide our great nation, I have brought to the House floor the example of Del and Phyllis’s deep and abiding love.

“I invoked Del and Phyllis first in 1996 as I spoke in strong opposition to the ill-named Defense of Marriage Act, then again ten years later against the constitutional amendment to prohibit same-sex marriage.

“I told my colleagues about Del and Phyllis’s commitment to each other and how this is a source of strength and inspiration to all who know them, and how much courage it took to love someone in a time when their relationship was not met with respect and understanding. I asked my colleagues to explain how their relationship was a threat to anyone's marriage, and why Del and Phyllis should not be treated equally under the law.

“What a beautiful moment it was this June, when because of Del and Phyllis’s decades of advocacy, the great state of California affirmed marriage equality. As they always have, Del and Phyllis led the way, becoming the first of many gay couples to affirm their commitment.

“Del’s life was characterized by this pioneering spirit. She helped create and shape the modern lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender and feminist movements. Del fought against domestic violence, co-founding the Coalition for Justice for Battered women, La Casa de las Madres and the California Coalition against Domestic Violence.

“In 1995, I was proud to name Del and Phyllis to the White House Conference on Aging where they advocated for LGBT people to be included explicitly in aging policies.

“Del leaves San Francisco many gifts. The example of her pioneering activism; her beautiful daughter, Kendra Mon; and the Lyon-Martin Health Services Clinic. Providing quality care to women and transgender people, it will long stand as a testament to the generous spirits of Del and Phyllis.

“Del left this world filled with gratitude for her lifetime of love and friendship and with great optimism for the future.

“And so, in Del Martin’s name, let us go forward to continue the fight for justice and equality.”

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