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Pelosi Statement on Cinco De Mayo

Monday, May 5, 2008

Contact:Brendan Daly/Nadeam Elshami, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today in celebration of Cinco de Mayo:

“The holiday of Cinco de Mayo commemorates the victory of the Mexican people over the French army at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. It is a holiday of great patriotism and pride. In America, it is also a celebration of the determination, patriotism and rich contributions that Mexican Americans, and all Hispanics, have made to the United States.

“This year, we particularly acknowledge the contributions Hispanics have made in the United States military —including the more than 170,000 Hispanic soldiers have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. They have courageously answered when called, served with distinction, and defended America with honor. We also recognize our own Congressional Hispanic Caucus Members who have proudly served in our Armed Forces.

“The Hispanic tradition of contributing to our nation continues here in Congress, with 27 Hispanic Members in the House, including many in leadership positions, and three in the Senate. This Cinco de Mayo, we honor the contributions of Hispanics to our nation, our friendship with Mexico, and the sacrifice of our Hispanic men and women in uniform.”

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