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Pelosi Celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Contact:Brendan Daly/Nadeam Elshami, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today in celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, which begins today:

“As May begins, we again celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, recognizing the contributions, reflecting upon the history, and embracing the diverse cultures of Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) across the nation.

“The theme for this year’s Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, ‘Building Today for Tomorrow,’ is fitting because what we do today will affect our nation tomorrow. I am proud to represent the 8th district of California, home to a diverse AAPI constituency that knows what it takes to build a better tomorrow.

“Building a foundation for tomorrow requires a vibrant and strong economy. And with our economy in the midst of a slowdown, the AAPI community and their small business leaders have a crucial role to play in our efforts to create new jobs and strengthen the middle class. AAPI small businesses are growing rapidly, representing a wide range of industries across our country. Democrats recognize that more needs to be done to improve services to minority-owned businesses and are committed to ensuring that the American dream is accessible to all.

“As this Congress continues to honor our veterans who have sacrificed their lives and families for the freedoms our nation is built upon, we are reminded of the Filipino World War II veterans who proudly wore our nation’s uniform on the battle field. For many years have been fighting bravely for the recognition they deserve, and this month, as we should every day, we honor their sacrifice.

“While the month of May is dedicated to celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islanders, we must extend the recognition of their accomplishments to the entire year and beyond. And as we build today for a brighter tomorrow, the relentless spirit and resolve of the AAPI community will be at the forefront of these efforts.”

To visit Speaker Pelosi’s Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Web site, click here.

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