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Home > News>Pelosi Statement on San Francisco’s 38th Annual LBGT Pride Celebration

Pelosi Statement on San Francisco’s 38th Annual LBGT Pride Celebration

Monday, June 23, 2008

Contact:Brendan Daly/Nadeam Elshami, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today in recognition of San Francisco’s 38th LGBT Pride Celebration:

“In this year’s Pride Month, we have much to celebrate. The California Supreme Court’s historic decision recognizes that our state constitution provides for equal treatment for all of California’s citizens and families. Once again, California is leading the way for the nation. I take great pride in this significant milestone, and am full of joy for the many loving couples who are formalizing their unions across our great state. I encourage California citizens to respect the Court’s decision and join me in strongly opposing any ballot measure that would write discrimination into our state constitution.

“In a Democratic Congress, unlike previous Congresses, malicious measures intended to divide the American people or to undermine the rights of the LGBT community are off the table. As Speaker, I will continue to work to end discrimination; that includes repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ ending discrimination against same-sex couples in federal immigration laws, and ensuring that fully-inclusive Hate Crimes Prevention and Employment Non-Discrimination Acts become law.

“Because San Francisco has suffered so greatly because of HIV/AIDS, it has also shaped the way we respond to this disease as a community, a nation, and a world.

“Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA), the Ryan White Care Act and ending discrimination against people with AIDS were inspired by the community-based work of San Franciscans, and today these initiatives provide health care and support for hundreds of thousands of Americans. Fighting HIV/AIDS has been a priority for me since my first day in Congress, and will always be at the forefront of my work here.

“San Francisco is blessed with a large and vibrant LGBT community and a strong history of advocacy for equal rights for all. We are indeed a community that is, as the theme for this year’s Pride Celebration says, ‘United by pride, bound for equality.’ This is a source of optimism for our city, and a result of the respect we have for each other. Let us continue to recognize the beauty of our city’s diversity and commit ourselves to ensuring equality in our laws.”

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