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Home > News>Pelosi Names Congressman Jim McGovern Co-Chair of Congressional Human Rights Caucus

Pelosi Names Congressman Jim McGovern Co-Chair of Congressional Human Rights Caucus

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Contact:Brendan Daly/Nadeam Elshami, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced today her support for Congressman Jim McGovern of Massachusetts to be the new Co-Chair of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus. Congressman McGovern joins Congressman Frank Wolf of Virginia as Co-Chair and replaces Congressman Tom Lantos, the co-founder of the Human Rights Caucus, who passed away in February.

“Jim McGovern has long been a leading voice in the Congress and the country for the human rights of people throughout the world,” Speaker Pelosi said. “As Co-Chair of the Human Rights Caucus, Congressman McGovern will bring a passion and energy that will further inspire our efforts bring dignity and freedom to all people. In particular, his expertise on issues relating to global hunger and human rights in Latin America will serve the Congress and the country well. I know he will build on the remarkable work of our former colleague Congressman Tom Lantos, who devoted his life to the fight for social justice.”

Said Congressman McGovern: “I am honored by Speaker Pelosi’s decision, and I am humbled to follow in the footsteps of the great Tom Lantos. I believe if the United States stands for anything, we should stand four-square and out loud for human rights. We must regain our stature as the world’s foremost defender of human rights, and I look forward to working with my friend Frank Wolf and other Members of the Caucus to advance that vital cause. Today I am also reminded of my late boss and mentor Joe Moakley, whose work on behalf of the people of Central America saved countless lives and continues to inspire me.”

“I’m delighted that Speaker Pelosi has appointed Jim McGovern to this important position,” said Howard Berman, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which oversees the Human Rights Caucus. “Jim will bring considerable international credibility to the long-standing work of this caucus, and he is well-suited to continue the legacy of its co-founder, our late colleague Tom Lantos. Bearing Tom’s example in mind, the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Human Rights Caucus will continue to collaborate closely in the defense of human rights.”

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