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This is what I walk into every night when I get home, thanks to my downstairs neighbors, my Xmas nightmare:
Youtube is taking forever to process my video, it's barely a couple mins long. Is it this bad for everyone?
Right. Done with work for the day. Off to buy some calzone, and head on home. Twitterscope: down.
@gerryc I'm always thinking of the children. They are delicious, though, much like pork, need to be cooked thoroughly to remove germs.
@Joenid No problem dear. Big ol' calzone for dinner tonight: check! ;)
@Joenid That I am. Want me to pick up a couple for us tonight? :D
@Jrah Wow, *old*-school QC. :) Good to know he's been carrying that around for a while. Though he's a bit more contented now. :)
@petevalle Yeah, been soloing some of the Classic instances for the achievements, but it's getting boring. Time for some new scenery. :D
@petevalle Yeah, mine too.. I need to get him to Outland, start fucking shit up out there. :D
@RandyNBL Rock on.. Been a fan of both since the early days. :) You do know a good chunk of the cast have their own Twitter accounts, right?
Marten speaks the hidden words of my soul in today's Questionable Content.
Back in Cataño. Left Bayamordor client dazed and confused, escpaed before they even knew what hit them.
@edythemighty This one had swimming fishies that gobbled up 200+MB of RAM.. Not including the *FREE* ShopHelper (tm) that came w/ it. :P
Love the stunned disbelief on client's face when I show how animated desktop BG they D/L'd was slowing down their PC, not a 'virus'. Idiots.
@RallyGrrrl Oh, they'll get charged. For 'emergency' calls like this, my clock starts running the moment the phone rings with their call.
They'll get service right now, oh yes they will. Service with an extra helping of surliness and a big heaping side-order of FUCK YOU.
Bayamordor client has decided to be extra-annoying today. Forcing me to leave another client's work half-done to attend to their whining.
@Jrah Yup. Luckily it's not a terribly large debt, under $500. I think we'll just forgive them that debt, they seem to have bigger problems.

Following Mystery Girl rstevens Joel Johnson Gabriel Pagan José Venegas Rafa Sam Chupp JC-209 Gerry C Ricardo Jose Izquierdo Raúl Colón-Scarano Rafael Torres Christiana Ellis afreytes Kimi Natalie Luis GyG Jim Gustafson Evo Terra Scott Sigler Dani Cutler P.G. Holyfield Derek Colanduno Soccergirl Wil Wheaton Héctor hurricanes Jennifer Torres The_PHP_Jedi Lore Sjöberg Luis Herrero Farpoint Media Live
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