

January 1998
  • Thursday, January 29, 1998 - Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations   -  Medicare Fraud Prevention
    "Mr. Smith"  -   Convicted Medicare Fraud Felon

                             John Frazzini  -  Former Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Investigator
                             John Hartwig  -  Deputy Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General
                             Susan Frisco  -  Special Agent,   Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General
                             Cathy Colton  -  Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General
                             H. Donna Dymon, Ph.D.  -  Nurse Consultant
                             Dewey Price  -  Operation Restore Trust, Health Care Financing Administration


February 1998
  • Tuesday, February 10, 1998 - Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations   -  Fraud on the Internet:  Scams Affecting Consumers    Witnesses:    Susan Grant  -  National Fraud Information Center
                             Tatiana Gau  -  America On-Line, Inc.
                             Barry Wise, CPA  -  Victim of Fortuna Alliance Internet pyramid scheme
                             Robert Pitofsky  -  Chairman, Federal Trade Commission


  • Thursday, February 12, 1998 - Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia-- Reforming the Adoption and Foster Care System in the District of Columbia
    Panel I

                              The Honorable Dave Camp  -  United States Congressman

                              Panel II
                              Rochelle Chronister  -  State of Kansas

                              Panel III
                              Ernestine Jones  -  D.C. Children and Family Services
                              Judith Meltzer  -  Center for the Study of Social Policy
                              Thomas Wells  -  Consortium for Child Welfare

                              Panel IV
                              Debora Caruth  -  D.C. Foster Care Parent
                              Ms. Gordon Henry Gosselink -- D.C. Pre-Adopted Child

    [Summary] [Report in PDF Format] [Report in Text Format]

  • Wednesday, February 18, 1998 (Field Hearing, Portland, Maine) - Permanent Subommittee on Investigations  -  Unauthorized Long Distance Switching ("Slamming")-- Part I
    Witnesses:    Susan Deblois

                             Pamela Corrigan
                             Steve Klein
                             Susan Grant  -  NCL
                             Daniel Breton  -  Bell Atlantic
                             Susan Ness  -  Federal Communications Commission


  • Tuesday, February 24, 1998 - The Regulatory Improvement Act of 1998
    Witnesses:    Panel I

                             The Honorable George Voinovich  -  Governor, State of Ohio
                             The Honorable Ben Nelson  -  Governor, State of Nebraska

                             Panel II
                             Dr. Milton Russell  -  Professor Emeritus, University of Tennessee
                             Nancy Donley  -  President, Safe Tables Our Priority
                             Sue Doneth  -  Member, Safe Tables Our Priority
                             Dr. Lester Crawford  -  Georgetown Center for Food and Nutrition Policy
                             Michael Resnick  -  National School Boards Association

                             Panel III
                             Dr. Bruce Alberts  -  President, National Academy of Sciences
                             Warren Belmar, Esquire  -  Chair, American Bar Association Administrative Law Committee
                             Frank Mirer  -  Director, Health and Safety, United Auto Workers
                             Karen Florini  -  Environmental Defense Fund
                             Bob Litan  -  Brookings Institute


  • Thursday, February 26, 1998 - Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services  -  The Merit System Protection Act
    Panel I

                             Lorraine Lewis  -  Office of Personnel Management
                             David Cohen  -  Department of Justice

                             Panel II
                             Robert Tobias  -  President, National Treasury Employees Union
                             Mark Roth  -  Counsel, American Federation of Government Employees

    [Summary] [Report in PDF Format] [Report in Text Format]

March   1998
  • Thursday, March 5, 1998 - Business Meeting


  • Monday, March 9, 1998 - Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia  -  Progress Report on D.C. Public Schools
    Panel I

                             Gloria Jarmon  -  General Accounting Office
                             David Cotton  -  Cotton & Company

                             Panel II
                             Dr. Joyce Ladner  -  D.C. Financial Responsibility and Management Authority
                             General Julius Becton  -  Superintendant, D.C. Public Schools

                             Panel III
                             Taalib-Bin Uqdah  -  Parent of DC students

    [Summary] [Report in PDF Format] [Report in Text Format]

  • Tuesday, March 10, 1998 - Business Meeting


  • Thursday, March 12, 1998 - Managerial Flexibility and Accountability: Reforming the IRS
    Panel I

                             Charles Rossotti  -  Internal Revenue Service

                             Panel II
                             G. Edward DeSeve  -  Office of Management and Budget
                             Carol Okin  -  Office of Personnel Management
                             Michael Brostek  -  General Accounting Office

    [Summary] [Press Release]

  • Wednesday, March 18, 1998 - Oversight of the Implementation of the Vacancies Act
    Panel I

                             The Honorable Robert Byrd  -   United States Senator

                             Panel II
                             Joseph N. Onek  -  Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General, Department of Justice
                             Joan M. Hollenbach  -  Associate General Counsel, General Accounting Office

                             Panel III
                             The Honorable Strom Thurmond  -  United States Senator

                             Panel IV
                             Mr. Morton Rosenberg  -  Specialist in  American Public Law, Congressional Research Service
                             Mr. Paul C. Light  -  Director, Public Policy Program, The Pew Charitable Trusts
                             Mr. Michael Gerhardt  -  Professor of Law, Case Western Reserve University

    [Summary] [Press Release]

  • Wednesday, March 18, 1998 - Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services  -  The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and Nuclear Nonproliferation
    Panel I

                             John Holum  -  Acting Under Secretary of State - Director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

                             Panel II
                             Spurgeon Keeny  -  President, Arms Control Association
                             Dr. Kathleen Bailey  -  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

    [Summary] [Report in PDF Format] [Report in Text Format]

  • Tuesday, March 24, 1998 - Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia  -  A Free Market Approach to Federal Contracting:  Fair Competition Act of 1998 and the Comptetition in Commercial Activities of 1998
    Panel I

                             The Honorable Craig Thomas  -  United States Senator
                             The Honorable John Duncan  -  United States Congressman

                             Panel II
                             G. Edward DeSeve  -  Office of Management and Budget
                             Skip Stitt  -  former Deputy Mayor, City of Indianapolis

                             Panel III
                             Byran Logan  -  CEO, Earth Data International
                             Lawrence Trammell  -  Science Applications International Coorporation
                             Douglas Stevens, Jr.  -  Technology Services Group
                             Dr. Steve Kelman  -  Weatherhead Professor of Public Management, Harvard University
                             Robert Tobias  -  President, The National Employees Union
                             Bobby Harnage  -  President, American Federation of Government Employees
                             Michael Styles  -  National President, Federal Managers Association

    [Summary] [Report in PDF Format] [Report in Text Format]

  • Wednesday March 25, 1998 - The Government Secrecy Act of 1997
    Panel I

                             Edmund Cohen  -   Director, Information Management, Central Intelligence Agency
                             Bill Leonard  -  Director, Security Programs, Department of Defense
                             Bryan Siebert  -  Director,  Office of Declassification, Department of Energy

                             Panel II
                             Steven Garfinkel  -  Director, Information Security Oversight Office, National Archives and Records Administration
                             Jeremy Gunn  -  Executive Director, John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board
                             Steven Aftergood  -  Senior Research Analyst, Federation of  American Scientists

    [Summary] [Press Release]

  • Monday March 30, 1998 - Nominations hearing of Elaine Kaplan to be the Special Counsel in the Office of Special Counsel and Ruth Y. Goldway to be Commissioner of the Postal Rate Commission

    [Summary] [Press Release]

April   1998
  • Wednesday, April 1, 1998 - Nomination of  Melvin Wright to be Judge of the D.C. Superior Court.


  • Wednesday, April 1, 1998 - Crashing into the Millennium Federal Agency Year 2000 Conversion Efforts
    The Honorable John A. Koskinen   -  Assistant to the President, Chair, President's Council on the Year 2000 Conversion

                           The Honorable Kevin L. Thurm  -  Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services, Dept. of Health and Human Services                        The Honorable Mortimer L. Downey  -  Deputy Secretary of Transportation, Department of Transportation


  • Wednesday, April 1, 1998 - Business Meeting


  • Wednesday, April 22, 1998 - Nominations of G. Edward DeSeve to be Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget, and Deidre Lee to be Administrator for the Office of Management & Budget

    [Summary] [Press Release]

  • Thursday, April 23, 1998 - Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations  -  The Exploding Problem of Telephone Slamming in America Witnesses:  Eljay Bowron  -   General Accounting Office
                          William Kennard  -  Chairman, Federal Communications Commission


May  1998
  • Tuesday, May 5, 1998 - Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia   -   D.C. Student Opportunity Act
    Witnesses:  Wesley Walker-Bey  -   D.C. Parent

                           Virginia Walden  -  D.C. Parent

    [Summary] [Report in PDF Format] [Report in Text Format]

  • Wednesday, May  13, 1998 -  Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services   -   S. 1710, the Retirement Coverage Error Correction Act of 1998
    Witnesses:  Panel I
                           William Flynn  -  Office of Personnel Management
                           Roger Mehle  -  FRTIB

                           Panel II
                           Dallas Salisbury  -  President, Employee Benefit Research Institute
                           Daniel Geisler  -  President, American Foreign Service Association

    [Summary] [Report in PDF Format] [Report in Text Format]

  • Thursday, May 14, 1998 - Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations  -  Safety of Food Imports
    Witnesses:  Robert Robertson  -   General Accounting Office
                           Reggie Jang  -  Former Food and Drug Administration Safety Inspectors
                           Dr. Mary Ellen Camire  -  University of Maine


  • Thursday, May 14, 1998 - Business Meeting


  • Monday, May 18, 1998 - Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia   -   Role of Faith-Based Charities in D.C.
    Panel I

                          The Honorable Dan Coats  -  United States Senator

                          Panel II
                          Edward Eyring, M.D., Ph.D.  -  President, Gospel Rescue
                          Hannah Hawkins  -  Founder, Children of Mine
                          Reverend Jim Till  -  Executive Director, Strategies to Elevate People
                          Amy Johnson  -  Director, Neighborhood Learning Center

                          Panel III
                          April Lassiter  -  President, The Initiative for Children
                          Joe Loconte  -  Deputy Director Policy Review:  The Journal of American Citizenship

    [Summary] [Report in PDF Format] [Report in Text Format]

  • Tuesday, May 19, 1998 - Weak Computer Security in Government:  Is the Public at Risk
    Witnesses:    Peter G. Neumann  - Principal Scientist, Computer Science Laboratory, SRI International
                             Brian Oblivion  -  L0pht Heavy Industries
                             Kingpin  -  L0pht Heavy Industries
                             Mudge  -  L0pht Heavy Industries
                             Space Rogue  -  L0pht Heavy Industries
                             Stefan Von Neumann  -  L0pht Heavy Industries
                             Tan  -  L0pht Heavy Industries
                             Weld Pond  -  L0pht Heavy Industries

    [Summary] [Press Release]

  • Wednesday, May  21, 1998 - Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services  -  Benefits of Commercial Space Launch for Foreign ICBM Programs
       Dr. William Graham   -  President, National Security Research, Inc.

                            John Pike  -  Director, Space Policy Project, Federation of American Scientists
                            Dr. William Schneider, Jr.  -  Hudson Institute[


June 1998
  • Tuesday, June 2, 1998 - Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services  -  S. 2082, the International Postal Services Act of 1998
    Witnesses:   William Henderson   -  Postmaster General, U.S. Postal Service
                            Einar Dyhrkopp  -  Vice Chairman of the Board, U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors
                            Christopher McCormick  -  Senior Vice President, Advertising and Direct Marketing, L.L. Bean, Inc.
                            Fred Smith  -  Chairman, Federal Express Corporation
                            James Kelly  -  Chairman and CEO, United Parcel Service


  • Wednesday, June 3, 1998 - S. 389, the Mandates Information Act
    Witnesses Panel I
                            The Honorable Spencer Abraham  -  United States Senator
                            The Honorable Rob Portman  -  United States Congressman
                            The Honorable Gary Condit  -  United States Congressman

                            Panel II
                            James Blum  -  Deputy Director of the Congressional Budget Office

                            Panel III
                            R. Bruce Josten  -  Executive Vice President of Governmental Affairs U.S. Chamber of Commerce
                            Mary Ann Cricchio  - National Restaurant Association
                            Sharon Buccino  -  Natural Resources Defense Council

    [Summary] [Press Release]

  • Thursday, June 4, 1998 - Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia  -   Commercial Work within the Federal Government
    Witnesses:     Panel I
                              J. Christopher Mihm  -  Acting Associate Director, Federal Management and Workforce Issues, GAO

                              Panel II
                              G. Edward DeSeve  -  Acting Deputy Director - Office of Management and Budget

                               Panel III
                               John Berry  -  Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget, Department of the Interior
                               Scott Gould  -  CFO and Assistant Secretary for Administration, Department of Commerce

    [Summary] [Report in PDF Format] [Report in Text Format]

  • Wednesday, June 17, 1998 - Business Meeting


  • Thursday, June 18, 1998 - Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services  -  Adequacy of Commerce Department Satellite Export Controls
    Witnesses:   William Reinsch  -  Undersecretary for Export Administration, Department of Commerce
                            Jan M. Lodal  -  Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Policy, Department of Defense
                            John D. Holum  -  Acting Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs - State Department
  • Monday, June 22, 1998 - Nomination Hearing of Jacob Lew to be Director of the Office of Management and Budget


  • Wednesday, June 24, 1998 - Cyber Attack:  Is the Nation at Risk?
    Witnesses:   The Honorable George J. Tenet  -  Director, Central Intelligence Agency
                            Lieutenant General Kenneth A. Minihan  -  Director, National Security Agency

    [Summary] [Press Release]

  • Thursday, June 25, 1998 - DTSA's Role in Approving Critical Technology Exports
    Witnesses:   Dr. Peter Leitner  -   Senior Strategic Trade Advisor, Defense Technology Security Administration
                            Mr. Franklin Miller  -  Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction

    [Summary] [Press Release 1] [Press Release 2]

July 1998
  • Wednesday, July 8, 1998 - Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services  -  The Adequacy of Commerce Department Satellite Export Controls - Part II
    Witnesses:  John D. Holum  -   Acting Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs, Department of State
                          William Reinsch  -  Under Secretary for Export Administration, Department of Commerce
                          Frank W. Miller  -  Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary , Department of Defense


  • Thursday, July 9, 1998 - Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations  -  Safety of Food Imports - Part II
    Witnesses: Dr. Stphen M. Ostroff
                          Dr. Barbara L. Herwaldt  -  Centers for Disease Control
                          Dr. Stephanie Smith  -  Investigator, Permanent Subcommittee on Ivestigations
                          Dr. Jeffrey A. Foran  -  Cyclospora Case Patient and Executive Director of the Risk Science Institute


  • Wednesday, July 15, 1998 - Business Meeting


  • Thursday, July 23, 1998 - Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations  -  Cramming:  An Emerging Telephone Billing Fraud
    Witnesses:   Panel I
                            Susan Grant  -  VP, Public Policy, National Consumers League

                            Panel II
                            Lawrence Strickling  -  Deputy Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau, Federal Communications Commission
                            Eileen Harrington  -  Associate Director for Marketing Practices, Bureau of Consumer Protection, FTC
                            Roy Neel  -  President and CEO US Telephone Association


  • Monday, July 27, 1998 - Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia  -   Keeping the Nation's Capital Safe
    Witnesses:   Panel I
                            Charles Ramsey  -  Chief of Police, District of Columbia

                            Panel II
                            James Foreman  -  Coordinator, Orange Hats Patrol
                            Kirsten Oldenburg  -  Editor, Crimemail, Online Crime Newsletter


  • Wednesday, July 29, 1998 - Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services  -  An Industry View of the Satellite Export Licensing Process
    Witnesses:   C. Michael Armstrong   -  Chairman and CEO, AT&T and Chairman of President's Export Council
                            Steven D. Dorfman  -  Vice Chairman, Hughes Electronics Corporation


  • Thursday, July 30, 1998 - Observations on the Census Dress Rehearsal and Implications for Census 2000
    Witnesses:  J. Christopher Mihm  -   Associate Director - General Government Division, GAO
                           Accompanied by:     Victoria Miller  -  Senior Evaluator GAO
                                                                Bruce Taylor -  Senior Evaluator GAO

    [Summary] [Press Release]

August 1998


September 1998
  • Tuesday, September 1, 1998 - Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services  -  Use of Mass Mail to Defraud Consumers
    Witnesses:   Panel I
                            Honorable Ben Nighthorse Campbell  -  United States Senator

                            Panel II
                            Ken Hunter  -  Chief Inspector, U.S. Postal Inspection Service
                            Honorable Robert Butterworth  -  Attorney General, State of Florida

                            Panel III
                            Richard Barton  -  Senior Vice President, Director Marketing Associates
                            William Arnold, Ph.D.  -  Director, Gerontology, Arizona State University


  • Thursday, September 3, 1998 - Nominations of Patricia Broderick, Neal Kravitz, and Natalia Combs Greene to be Associate Judges of the DC Superior Court (Chaired by Senator Brownback)


  • Wednesday, September 9, 1998 - The Inspector General Act of 1978: Twenty Years Later
    Witnesses:   Panel I
                            June Gibbs Brown  -  HHS Inspector General
                            Susan Gaffney  -  HUD Inspector General

                            Panel II
                            Edward DeSeve  -  Acting Deputy Director, Management of OMB

    [Summary] [Press Release]

  • Thursday, September 10, 1998 - Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations  -  Safety of Food Imports - Part III
    Witnesses:  Panel I
                           Lawrence Dyckman  -  Director, Food and Agriculture Issues, General Accounting Office
                           Richard Hoglund  -  Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Office of Investigations, US Customs

                           Panel II
                           "Mr. Broker"  -  Confidential Informant/Former Customs Broker


  • Wednesday, September 16, 1998 - Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations  -  National Cancer Institute's Management of Radiation Studies
    Witnesses: The Honorable Tom Harkin  -  United States Senator
                          Dr. Owen Hoffman  -  President, Senes Oak Ridge, Inc.
                          Dr. Barry Johnson  -  Assistant Administrator, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, HHS
                          Dr. Bruce Wachholz  -  Chief, Radiation Effects Branch, national Cancer Institute
                          Dr. William F. Raub  -  Deputy Assistant Secretary for Science Policy, HHS
                          Dr. Richard Klausner  -  Director National Cancer Institute


  • Wednesday, September 16, 1998 - Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services  -  GAO Report on High Performance Computers
    Witnesses:  Panel I
                           Harold Johnson  -  Associate Director, International and Trade Issues, GAO

                           Panel II
                           William Reinsch  -  Under Secretary for Export Administration, Department of Commerce


  • Thursday, September 17, 1998 - Nominations of Kenneth Prewitt to be Director of the Census and Robert M. Walker to be the Deputy Director of FEMA.

    [Summary] [Press Release]

  • Wednesday, September 23, 1998 - Information Security - Part III
    Witnesses:   Panel I
                            James Huse  -  Acting Inspector General of SSA
                            SA Ed Ryan  -  SAIC of NYFO, SSAIG

                            Panel II
                            Gene Dodaro  -  GAO
                            Robert F. Dacey  -  GAO
                            Keith Rhodes  -  GAO
                            (All with the Accounting and Information Management Division)

                            Panel III
                            Harold Gracey  -  Acting Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology, VA
                            John Dyer  -  Principal Deputy Commissioner, SSA

    [Summary] [Press Release]

  • Thursday, September 24, 1998 - Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations  -  Safety of Food Imports - Part IV
    Witnesses:  Panel I
                           The Honorable Paul Coverdell  -  United States Senator
                           The Honorable Tom Harkin  -  United States Senator
                           The Honorable Edward Kennedy  -  United States Senator
                           The Honorable Barbara Mikulski  -  United States Senator

                            Panel II
                            Raymond Kelly  -  Commissioner, US Customs Service, Treasury
                            Thomas Billy  -  Administrator, Food Safety and Inspection - HHS
                            William Schultz  -  Deputy Commissioner for Policy, FDA, HHS
                            Dr. Sanford Miller  -  NAS


  • Thursday, September 24, 1998 - Business Meeting


  • Friday, September 25, 1998 - Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations  -  Safety of Food Imports - Part V
    Witnesses: Panel I
                          Timothy Hammonds  -  President and CEO of Food Marketing Institute
                          Dr. Stacey Zawel  -  Director, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs, Grocery Manufacturers of America
                          Dane Bernard  -  VP of Food Safety Programs, National Food Processors Association
                          Dr. Nancy Nagle  -  Sr. Advisor for Food Safety, United Fresh Fuit and Vegetable Association

                          Panel II
                          Dr. Richard Levison  -  Associate Executive Director for Programs and Policy, American Public Health Association
                          Dr. Ruth Kava  -  Director of Nutrition, American Council on Science and Health
                          Carol Tucker Foreman  -  Safe Food Coalition
                          Rober Hahn  -  Director, Legal Affairs and Research, Public Voice for Food and Health Policy


October 1998
  • Thursday, October 1, 1998 - Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services  -  Annual Postal Oversight
    Witnesses:  William J. Henderson, Postmaster General, USPS


  • Friday, October 2, 1998 - Nominations of John Sepulveda to be the Deputy Director of OPM and Joseph Swerdzewski to General Counsel at the FLRA (Chaired by Senator Cochran)


  • Tuesday, October 6, 1998 - Nomination Of Sylvia Mathews to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget (Chaired by Senator Cochran)


  • Tuesday, October 6, 1998  -   Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia   - Agency Management of the Implementation of the Coal Act
    WitnessesPanel I
                           The Honorable Thad Cochran  -  United States Senator
                           The Honorable John D. Rockefeller, IV  -  United States Senator
                           The Honorable Kent Conrad  -  United States Senator

                            Panel II
                           Kathy Karpan  -  Director, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Department of the Interior
                           Bill Fant   -   Special Assistant, Office of Tax Policy, Department of the Treasury
                           Marilyn O'Connell  -  Associate Commissioner, Office of Program Benefits Policy, SSA


  • Wednesday, October 7, 1998 - Nominations of Dana Covington and Ed Gleiman to be Commissioners, Postal Rate Commission (Chaired by Senator Cochran) and Nomination of David M. Walker to be Comptroller General (Chaired by Senator Thompson)


  • Wednesday, October 7, 1998 - Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia--  Are Military Adultery Standards Changing:  What are the Implications?
    Witnesses:  Elaine Donnelly  -   President, Center for Military Readiness, Former member of the Defense Advisory Committee
                              on Women in the services (DACOWITS) and the Presidential Commission on Women in the Armed Forces
                           Dr. Daniel R. Heimbach  -  former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower
                           Lietenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis, USA Ret.  -  Director, Military Readiness Project, Family Research Council


  • Friday, October 9, 1998 - Business Meeting


November 1998


December 1998
  • Wednesday, December 9, 1998 (Field Hearing, Chicago, Illinois) - Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations - Medicare Fraud Prevention & Enforcement Efforts
    Witnesses:  Ms. Dorothy Collins - Regional Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration, U.S. Department of Health and
                              Human Services, Chicago, Illinois
                           Mr. James A. Kopf - Director, Criminal Investigations Division, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health
                              and Human Services, Chicago, Illinois
                           Mr. John Grayson - Volunteer, Suburban Area Agency on Aging, Chicago, Illinois