[Federal Register: December 20, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 245)]
[Page 65679-65680]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

                                                Federal Register

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[[Page 65679]]


Office of the Secretary

[Docket No. 01-082-1]

Declaration of Emergency Because of Infectious Salmon Anemia

    Infectious salmon anemia (ISA) is a foreign animal disease of 
Atlantic salmon caused by an orthomyxovirus. While this virus appears 
to only cause disease in Atlantic salmon, both wild and farmed, sea run 
brown trout, rainbow trout, and other wild fish such as herring may act 
as carriers or reservoirs of the virus. Since its first isolation in 
Norway in 1984, it has also been found in Canada and Scotland. ISA may 
also be called hemorrhagic kidney syndrome (HKS) in Atlantic salmon. 
The first case of ISA in the United States was confirmed on February 
15, 2001. As of June 25, 2001, eight cases have been confirmed in 
    Clinical signs of ISA generally appear within 2 to 4 weeks after 
infection and include lethargy, swelling and hemorrhaging of the 
kidneys and other organs, protruding eyes, pale gills, darkening of the 
posterior gut, and swelling of the spleen. Mortality is highly variable 
and can range from 3 percent to over 50 percent over one production 
cycle, depending on a number of factors.
    Transmission occurs by direct contact, through parts from infected 
fish (mucus, blood, viscera, trimmings, feces), contact with equipment 
contaminated with parts from infected fish, people who handled infected 
fish, and sea lice. Salmon pens within 3 miles of infected farms or 
processing plants handling infected fish without adequate waste 
treatment have up to 13 times greater risk of becoming infected with 
    The State of Maine has taken steps to prevent further spread of 
ISA; however, the State lacks sufficient funding and personnel to 
effectively control this disease, which poses a potentially serious 
threat to animal health and the U.S. economy. Therefore, State 
officials have asked the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 
to assist with epidemiology, surveillance, and indemnification 
programs. Our goal is to control and contain the disease through rapid 
detection and depopulation of salmon that have been infected with or 
exposed to ISA.
    We believe the virus can be controlled and contained within high-
risk zones through surveillance, vaccination, and best management 
practices. Control of ISA requires depopulation of all pens holding 
infected fish, but the risk of loss of stock without indemnification 
makes it less likely that farmers will report outbreaks, and currently, 
farmers are under no obligation to report the occurrence of fish 
disease to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of 
the USDA. Indemnification is necessary to provide an incentive for 
farmers to report diseased fish and to continue testing.
    Vaccination appears to be a potentially effective means of 
controlling ISA. If vaccines now being tested prove to be efficacious, 
restocking affected zones with vaccinated smolts could reduce the 
incidence and spread of ISA. APHIS could be instrumental in vaccine 
development and providing permits for vaccine distribution.
    Successful control of ISA also requires extensive surveillance. 
Current surveillance in the high-risk zones of Maine's Cobscook and 
Passamaquoddy Bays has been limited to once per month because of that 
State's budgetary and personnel considerations. Elsewhere, surveillance 
has been limited to a quarterly basis. To control ISA, it is vital that 
all sites, both high- and low-risk, undergo monthly surveillance.
    Canada has been seriously affected by ISA. Fish farmers in that 
country have lost $70 million (in U.S. dollars) as a result of the 
virus, and Canada's Federal and Provincial governments have contributed 
over $29.5 million (in U.S. dollars) to compensate salmon farmers. As a 
result of a comprehensive ISA program that includes indemnification, 
Canada has reduced the incidence of ISA from 18 infected sites in 1998 
to 4 infected sites in 2001.
    In addition to posing a significant worldwide risk to the economic 
viability and sustainability of salmon aquaculture, ISA poses a 
specific threat to the United States. Salmon production in Maine 
exceeds 36.2 million pounds annually, with a value of $101 million. 
Outbreaks of ISA in Maine have already cost that State's salmonid 
industry approximately $11 million due to the depopulation of infected 
or exposed salmon. This loss is greater when capital expenditures such 
as labor costs and equipment are considered.
    These lost revenues have more significant effects. Resulting 
budgetary effects have compromised efforts by the State of Maine and by 
the salmonid industry to control ISA. Additionally, the devastating 
effects of the virus reach the economies of other States and have 
serious ramifications for international trade. For example, when ISA 
emerged in Maine, Chile and the European Union prohibited the 
importation of trout and salmon eggs from the States of Washington, 
Maine, and Idaho. The resulting trade loss is estimated at $2 million 
for 2001.
    Therefore, in order to address the ISA threat to the U.S. salmonid 
industry, APHIS has determined that additional funds are needed for an 
ISA control program. In addition to the payment of indemnity, these 
funds will be used for program activities such as depopulation and 
disposal, clean-up and disinfection, establishment of surveillance 
programs, epidemiology and diagnostic support, and training for 
producers and veterinarians. These activities will reduce the spread of 
ISA and should save the Federal Government and salmonid industry from 
having to deal with a more costly and widespread problem in the future.
    Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 
September 25, 1981, as amended (7 U.S.C. 147b), I declare that there is 
an emergency that threatens the livestock industry of this country and 
hereby authorize the transfer and use of such funds as may be necessary 
from appropriations or other funds available to the agencies or 
corporations of the United States Department of Agriculture to 
establish an ISA control program in the United States.

[[Page 65680]]

EFFECTIVE DATE: This declaration of emergency shall become effective 
December 13, 2001.

Ann M. Veneman,
Secretary of Agriculture.
[FR Doc. 01-31365 Filed 12-19-01; 8:45 am]