[Federal Register: February 12, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 29)]
[Page 9857-9858]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Health Care Financing Administration


Medicare Program; Meeting of the Advisory Panel on Ambulatory 
Payment Classification Groups

AGENCY: Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), HHS.

ACTION: Notice of meeting.


SUMMARY: In accordance with section 10(a) of the Federal Advisory 
Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. 2), this notice announces the first annual 
meeting of the Advisory Panel on Ambulatory Payment Classification 
Groups. The purpose of this panel is to review the ambulatory payment 
classification (APC) groups and provide technical advice to the 
Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (the 
Secretary) and the Administrator of the Health Care Financing 
Administration (the Administrator) concerning the clinical integrity of 
the APC groups and their associated weights. This meeting is taking 
place at this time because the technical advice of the panel will be 
considered as HCFA prepares its annual Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 
that will propose changes to the Outpatient Prospective Payment System 
(OPPS) that will be published in the spring of 2001. The next meeting 
of the panel will be in early calendar year 2002.

DATES: The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 27, Wednesday, 
February 28, and Thursday, March 1, 2001 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. e.s.t.

ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held in Room 800 of the Hubert H. 
Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20201.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul Olenick (410) 786-0282. Please 
refer to the HCFA Advisory Committees

[[Page 9858]]

Information Line (1-877-449-5659 toll free)/(410-786-9379 local), or 
the Internet (http://www.hcfa.gov/fac/apcpage.htm) for additional 
information and updates on committee activities.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Secretary is required by section 
1833(t)(9)(A) of the Social Security Act, as added by section 
201(h)(1)(B) and redesignated by section 202(a)(2) of the Balanced 
Budget Refinement Act of 1999, to consult with an APC advisory panel. 
The panel will meet once annually to review the APC groups and provide 
technical advice to the Secretary and the Administrator of HCFA 
concerning the clinical integrity of the groups and their associated 
weights. The technical advice provided by the panel at its annual 
meeting will be considered as HCFA prepares the annual Notice of 
Proposed Rulemaking that will propose changes to the OPPS for the next 
calendar year.
    The panel consists of 15 representatives of Medicare providers that 
are subject to the OPPS. The members were selected by the Administrator 
of HCFA based upon either self-nominations or nominations submitted by 
providers or organizations.
    The current members of the panel are: Michelle Burke, R.N.; Leslie 
Jane Collins, R.N.; Geneva Craig, R.N.; Lora A. DeWald, M.Ed; Gretchen 
M. Evans, R.N.; Robert E. Henkin, M.D.; Lee H. Hilborne, M.D.; Stephen 
T. House, M.D.; Kathleen P. Kinslow, CRNA, Ed.D; Mike Metro, R.N.; 
Gerald V. Naccarelli, M.D.; Beverly K. Philip, M.D.; Karen L. Rutledge, 
B.S.; William A. Van Decker, M.D.; and Paul E. Wallner, D.O. The panel 
Chairperson is Paul M. Rudolf, M.D., J.D., a HCFA medical officer.
    The agenda will provide for discussion and comment on the following 
     Reconfiguration of APCs, such as splitting of an APC and 
moving CPT codes from one APC to another.
     Removal of specific surgical procedures from the inpatient 
     Specific clinical issues regarding observation care.
     Other technical issues concerning APC structure.
    For more detailed information on the agenda topics see our website 
at  http://www.hcfa.gov/fac/apcpage.htm. We are soliciting comments 
from the public on specific proposed items falling within the agenda 
topics for this meeting of the panel. We will consider proposed items 
for this meeting only if they fall within the agenda topics listed 
above. In order to be considered as a potential agenda topic for this 
meeting, comments must be in writing. We urge commenters to send 
comments as soon as possible. Comments relating to this meeting must be 
received no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20, 2001. Send 
comments to the following address: Health Care Financing 
Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, Attn: Paul J. 
Olenick, Mail Stop C4-01-26, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 
    Comments may also be sent via electronic mail to 
outpatientpps@hcfa.gov. Because of staffing and resource limitations, 
we cannot accept comments by facsimile (FAX) transmission and cannot 
acknowledge or respond individually to comments we receive. Comments 
that are included in the agenda topics will be addressed in the 
proposed rule that will be published in the spring of 2001.
    Comments on agenda topics for future meetings will also be accepted 
at the above addresses.
    The meeting is open to the public, but attendance is limited to the 
space available. Individuals or organizations wishing to make oral 
presentations on the agenda items should submit a copy of the 
presentation and the name, address and telephone number of the proposed 
presenter. In order to be scheduled to speak, this information must be 
received no later than 5 p.m., Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at the above 
address. Alternatively, the information may be sent electronically to 
the email address specified above. Because of staffing and resource 
limitations, we cannot accept this information by facsimile (FAX).
    Presentations are limited to no more than 5 minutes and must be on 
the listed agenda topics only. The number of presentations may be 
limited by the time available.
     In addition to formal presentations, there will be an 
opportunity during the meeting for public comment, limited to one 
minute for each individual or organization. The number of speakers may 
be limited by the time available.
    Individuals requiring sign language interpretation for the hearing 
impaired or other special accommodations should contact Paul Olenick at 
(410) 786-0282 at least 10 days before the meeting.

(Section 1833 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395l) and 
section 10(a) of Pub. L. 92-463 (5 U.S.C. App. 2, section 10(a)); 45 
CFR part 11)

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.773, 
Medicare-Hospital Insurance; and Program No. 93.774, Medicare-
Supplementary Medical Insurance Program)

    Dated: January 30, 2001.
Michael McMullan,
Acting Deputy Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration.
[FR Doc. 01-3122 Filed 2-9-01; 8:45 am]