[Federal Register: January 16, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 10)]
[Page 3547-3548]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



International Trade Administration

Public Hearing on Establishment of Import Restrictions on Certain 
Steel Products From Ukraine to the United States

AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

EFFECTIVE DATE: January 16, 2001.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For procedural questions concerning 
the public hearing and/or public comments, contact Lesley Stagliano at 
(202) 482-0190. All other questions should be directed to Edward Yang 
at (202) 482-0406.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On June 1, 1990, pursuant to Title IV of the 
Trade Act of 1974 (the Trade Act), the Governments of the United States 
of America and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics entered into the 
Agreement on Trade Relations Between the United States of America and 
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. On May 6, 1992, this agreement 
became effective between the United States of America and Ukraine (the 
1992 Agreement). Article XI of the 1992 Agreement provides that the 
Parties will consult with a view toward finding means of remedying or 
preventing actual or threatened market disruption, and it authorizes 
the Parties to take action, including the imposition of import 
restrictions, to achieve this goal.
    In January 2001, the United States Department of Commerce and the 
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine entered into negotiations and 
consultations pursuant to Article XI of the Agreement on Trade 
Relations Between the United States of America and Ukraine. In these 
negotiations, the Parties are considering whether the conditions of 
Article XI have been met with respect to U.S. imports of certain steel 
products from Ukraine and, if so, what action should be taken.
    Pursuant to Article XI, the United States is considering 
establishing import restrictions on Ukrainian exports to the United 
States of the following 21 steel products:

1. Steel Concrete Reinforcing Bar (Re-Bar)
2. Hot-Rolled Carbon Quality Steel Products
3. Cold-Rolled Carbon Quality Steel Products
4. Hot-Rolled Steel Stainless and Alloy Products
5. Cold-Rolled Stainless, Alloy and Other Carbon Steel Products
6. Galvanized Sheet Products
7. Other Metallic Coated Flat-Rolled Products
8. Rails
9. Electrical Sheet Products
10. Heavy Structural Shapes
11. Hot-Rolled Bars
12. Hot-Rolled Light Shapes
13. Cold-Finished Bars
14. Certain Tin Mill Products Pipe and Tube Products
15. Wire Rod Products
16. Tool Steel
17. Drawn Wire
18. Wheels and Axles
19. Fabricated Structural Shapes
20. Semifinished Steel Products
21. Pig Iron

    Each category of steel would have a separate export limit. In 
addition to the issuance of export licenses by the Ministry of Economy 
of Ukraine, the United States would establish a border enforcement 
mechanism to ensure compliance with the export limits. The border 
mechanism will be in the form of denial of entry for any shipment of 
steel, covered by the categories listed above, which exceeds the limits 
or lacks the required documents.
    Section 125(c) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2135(c)) provides that 
whenever the United States, acting in pursuance of any of its rights or 
obligations under any trade agreement entered into pursuant to the 
Trade Act, modifies any obligation with respect to the trade of any 
foreign country or instrumentality, the President is authorized to 
proclaim increased duties or other import restrictions, to the extent, 
at such times, and for such periods as he deems necessary or 
appropriate, in order to exercise the rights or fulfill the obligations 
of the United States.
    Section 125(f) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2135(f)) requires the 
President to provide the opportunity for interested parties to present 
views at a public hearing prior to taking action pursuant to section 
125(b), (c), or (d) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2135(b), (c), or (d)). 
Such an opportunity is being provided by scheduling such a hearing for 
Wednesday, January 17, 2001, at the United States Department of 
Commerce. If the consultations and negotiations with the Ministry of 
Economy of Ukraine result in a tentative agreement, the Department will 
publish the proposed agreement on its Import Administration website 
(http://ia.ita.doc.gov) no later than 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 
16, 2001, and conduct the hearing on January 17, 2001.
    Notice of Public Hearing: Pursuant to section 125(f) of the Trade 
Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2135(f)), the International Trade Administration 
of the Department of Commerce, has scheduled a public hearing beginning 
at 10 a.m., on January 17, 2001, at Room 1412 of the Herbert C. Hoover 
Building, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th and Constitution Ave., NW, 
Washington, DC.
    Requests to Present Oral Testimony: Parties wishing to testify 
orally at the hearing must provide written notification of their 
intention not later than 5 p.m., January 16, 2001 to Troy H. Cribb, 
Assistant Secretary for Import Administration: In re Public Hearing on 
Establishment of Import Restrictions on Certain Steel Products From 
Ukraine to the United States, Room 1870, Herbert C. Hoover Building, 
U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th and Constitution Ave., NW, 
Washington, DC. The notification should include (1) the name of the 
person presenting the testimony, their address and telephone number; 
(2) the organization or company they are representing, if appropriate; 
(3) a list of issues to be addressed; and (4), if applicable, any 
request for an extension of the time limitation on the oral 
presentation. This notification may be submitted via facsimile to Vicki 
Sullivan at (202) 273-0957. Those parties presenting oral testimony 
must also submit a written brief, in 20 copies, not later than 10 a.m., 
January 18, 2001, to the above-mentioned address.

[[Page 3548]]

Hearing presentations should be limited to no more than five minutes to 
allow for possible questions from the Chairman and the panel. 
Additional time for oral presentations may be granted as time and the 
number of participants permit. Any business proprietary material must 
be clearly marked as such on the cover page (or letter) and succeeding 
pages. Such submissions must be accompanied by a public summary 
    Written Briefs: Those persons not wishing to participate in the 
hearing may submit written comments, in 20 typed copies, not later than 
10 a.m., January 18, 2001, to Troy H. Cribb, Assistant Secretary for 
Import Administration: In re Public Hearing on Establishment of Import 
Restrictions on Certain Steel Products From Ukraine to the United 
States, Room 1870, Herbert C. Hoover Building, U.S. Department of 
Commerce, 14th and Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC. Comments 
should state clearly the position taken and describe with particularity 
the evidence supporting that position. Any business proprietary 
material must be clearly marked as such on the cover page (or letter) 
and succeeding pages. Such submissions must be accompanied by a public 
summary thereof. Public submissions will be available for public 
inspection at the Import Administration Central Records Unit. An 
appointment to review the file may be made by contacting Thomas Harley 
at (202) 482-1248.

    Dated: January 10, 2001.
Troy H. Cribb,
Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
[FR Doc. 01-1247 Filed 1-12-01; 8:45 am]