[Federal Register: August 27, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 166)]
[Page 45001]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

                                                Federal Register

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[[Page 45001]]


Commodity Credit Corporation

Bioenergy Program

AGENCY: Commodity Credit Corporation, USDA.

ACTION: Notice of request for comments.


SUMMARY: The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) hereby gives notice 
that it is accepting comments regarding the expansion of commodities 
producers may use to produce bioenergy under the Bioenergy Program 

DATES: Comments on this notice must be received on or before September 
26, 2001 to be assured of consideration.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James Goff, 202-720-5396; e-mail 
James_Goff@wdc.fsa.usda.gov; or mailing address: Warehouse and 
Inventory Division, FSA, United States Department of Agriculture, STOP 
0553, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-0553.



    Consistent with Executive Order 13134, Developing and Promoting 
Biobased Products and Bioenergy, CCC announced the implementation of 
the Bioenergy Program and published regulations in the Federal Register 
on November 13, 2000. The Program provides for incentive payments to 
bioenergy producers who increase their purchases of eligible 
commodities as compared to the previous fiscal year purchases and 
convert that commodity into increased commercial fuel grade ethanol and 
biodiesel production as compared to previous fiscal year ethanol and 
biodiesel production. The Program defines ``eligible commodity'' as 
barley, corn, grain sorghum, oats, rice, wheat, soybeans, sunflower 
seed, canola, crambe, rapeseed, safflower, sesame seed, flaxseed, 
mustard seed, and cellulosic crops, such as switchgrass and short 
rotation trees, grown on farms, for the purpose of producing ethanol 
and/or biodiesel or any other commodity or commodity by-product as 
determined and announced by CCC used in ethanol and biodiesel 
production which is produced in the United States and its 
territories.'' For fiscal year 2001, CCC announced the above listed 
commodities as eligible for Program payments.


    The purpose of this notice is to request comments on expanding the 
commodities CCC will announce as eligible for Program payments for 
fiscal year 2002.
    The CCC Charter Act authorizes CCC to conduct various activities to 
stabilize, support, and protect farm income and prices. Section 5(e) of 
the CCC Charter Act provides that CCC is authorized to increase the 
domestic consumption of agricultural commodities by expanding or aiding 
in the expansion of domestic markets or by developing or aiding in the 
development of new and additional markets, marketing facilities, and 
uses for such commodities. The purpose of this Program is to increase 
the domestic consumption of agricultural commodities by encouraging 
increases in the production of ethanol and biodiesel.
    Public comments (submitted to the address above) are requested 
generally, and specifically on the following topics:
    (1) What additional agricultural commodity, if any, should be 
eligible for payment under the Program and why?
    (2) How can the recommended commodity be considered as an 
agricultural commodity first used in the production of ethanol or 
biodiesel? The Program is designed to encourage new primary uses of the 
commodity rather than provide new markets for by-products of 
agricultural commodities.
    (3) What market prices are already established for the recommended 
commodity? If none, how could CCC establish prices for the recommended 
    (4) What is the applicable gallon conversion factor, as defined in 
7 CFR 1424.3, for each recommended commodity?
    (5) What agricultural markets will be impacted, and how, by 
including the recommended commodity in this Program?
    (6) What is the expected impact to consumption and production 
levels of the recommended commodity by adding it to this Program?

    Signed in Washington, DC, on June 28, 2001.
James R. Little,
Acting Executive Vice President, Commodity Credit Corporation.
[FR Doc. 01-20904 Filed 8-22-01; 3:44 pm]